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Technical writing

Technical writing is a type of writing where the author is writing about a particular subject that requires
direction, instruction, or explanation. This style of writing has a very different purpose and different
characteristics than other writing styles such as creative writing, academic writing or business writing.

Technical writing is straightforward, easy to understand explanations or instructions dealing with a

particular subject. It is an efficient and clear way of explaining something and how it works.

Some examples of technical writing include:

• Instruction manuals
• Policy manuals
• Process manuals
• User manuals
• Reports of analysis
• Instructions for assembling a product
• A summarization of a long report that highlights and shortens the most important elements

Imaginative writing
The Imaginative Mode. Definition: Creative writing is writing that expresses the writer's thoughts and
feelings in an imaginative, often unique, and poetic way.

It's the "art of making things up" or putting a creative splash on history, as in creative nonfiction. In any
instance, creative writing makes you step out of reality and into a new realm inspired by your own
imagination. With creative writing you're able to express feelings and emotions.

Your imagination starts to flow when you engage in creative writing. The majority of writing, by far, is
creative. With it, you can pretend anything you want and help a potential reader do the same. Different
types of creative writing are found in these writing categories:

• epics
• novels
• poems
• screenplays
• short stories
• songs
• television scripts

Academic writing
Academic writing or scholarly writing is nonfiction writing produced as part of academic work. Writing
that reports on university research, writing produced by university students, and writing in which
scholars analyze culture or propose new theories are all sometimes described as academic writing.
It is the formal writing style used in colleges and universities. It's what students are expected to produce
for classes and what professors and academic researchers use to write scholarly materials. High schools
sometimes require academic writing style in certain classes.

A simple academic writing definition is hard to come by because there are many types and forms of
academic writing, produced for a variety of reasons.

Different types of academic writing include:

• abstract
• annotated bibliography
• academic journal article
• book report
• conference paper
• dissertation
• essay
• explication
• literary criticism
• research paper
• research proposal

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