Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0211145A1

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US 20040211145A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0211145A1
Montolio (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 28, 2004
(54) TILE-, FLOOR TILE- OR SIMILAR-TYPE (30) Foreign Application Priority Data
Jul. 19, 2001 (ES)...................................... U2OO1O1861
(76) Inventor: Oscar Carnicer Montolio, La Foya -
Alcora (ES) Publication Classification
Correspondence Address: (51) Int. Cl." .............................. E04F 13/00; E04C 3/30
KLAUBER & JACKSON (52) U.S. Cl. ............................................. 52/578; 52/311.1
4th FI.
411 Hackensack Avenue (57) ABSTRACT
Hack O76O1 (US
ackensack, NJ (US) The present ceramic piece, wall tile, floor tile or similar
(21) Appl. No.: 10/757,719 article, refers to a piece (1) of the kind that is arranged
9 contiguously in rows and columns in the form of a grid. The
(22) Filed: Jan. 14, 2004 sides of the piece (1) present certain projections (2) and
depressions (3) which can be slotted together, adapted to the
Related U.S. Application Data corresponding decorative motif, which break the continuity
in the lines of Said grid, making it difficult to distinguish Said
(63) Continuation of application No. PCT/ES02/00361, lines and enabling the possibility of ornamentations in Sets
filed on Jul. 17, 2002. of pieces with a non-grid Structure.
ent Application Publication Oct. 28, 2004 Sheet 1 of 2
US 2004/0211145 A1 Oct. 28, 2004

TILE-, FLOOR TILE- OR SIMILAR-TYPE 0007. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, these
CERAMIC PIECE projections and depressions present a trapezoid shape, with
one projection being included in the centre of one of the
RELATED APPLICATIONS Sides of the piece, another projection in the centre of the
0001. The present application is a Continuation of co opposite Side, a depression in the centre of another side of
pending PCT Application No. PCT/ES02/00361, filed Jul. the piece and a further depression in the centre of the Side
17, 2002, which in turn, claims priority from Spanish opposite to this latter. Nevertheless, in other embodiments,
Application Serial No. 200101861, filed Jul. 19, 2001. the shape of these projections and depressions can vary,
Applicants claim the benefits of 35 U.S.C. S 120 as to the always provided that the characteristics of their being easily
PCT application and priority under 35 U.S.C. S 119 as to said Slotted together and that they adequately break the continu
Spanish application, and the entire disclosures of both ity of the lines of join between the pieces are maintained.
applications are incorporated herein by reference in their 0008. With the configuration that has been described, the
entireties. advantage of the piece of the invention consists of the fact
that it makes possible Some much better aesthetic effects in
OBJECT OF THE INVENTION the corresponding pavements or wall Surfacings.
0002 The present invention refers to a ceramic piece, 0009 Below, in order to facilitate a better understanding
wall tile, floor tile or Similar, improved, the main purpose of of this description and forming an integral part thereof, Some
which consists of providing a novel ceramic piece for paving figures are included in which the object of the invention has
and Surfacing which presents a configuration for which been represented as described by the appended claims by
important improvements can be obtained at the aesthetic way of illustration, and not to be regarded as limiting.
level. This configuration is obtained by means of Some
tongue-and-groove projections and depressions in the sides BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES
of the piece which are adapted to the corresponding deco 0010 FIG. 1 represents a plan view of a ceramic piece
rative motif and which break the continuity of the line of the produced according to the present invention.
grid formed by a plurality of pieces, thus making it difficult
to distinguish those lines and permitting ornamentations 0011 FIG. 2 represents a plan view of various pieces of
which could not be achieved with conventional quadrangu the type referred to in FIG. 1 above, showing their appli
lar pieces. cation to an ornamentation imitating pieces of natural Stone.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0012 FIG.3 represents a plan view of an arrangement of
pieces of the type referred to in FIG. 1 above, showing an
0003) Ceramic pieces, wall tiles, floor tiles or similar are application to a parquet.
known that are arranged contiguously in rows and columns
by way of a grid. These conventional pieces for paving and 0013 FIG. 4 represents a plan view of a plurality of
Surfacing present relative drawbacks in that they leave the pieces of the type referred to in FIG. 1 above, showing an
lines produced when the pieces are laid next to each other application in which the ornamentation imitates a mosaic
very visible, Since they are all completely quadrangular and, with pieces of different geometric shapes.
once they have been laid in position, a kind of grid can be DESCRIPTION OF AN EMBODIMENT OF THE
clearly Seen, corresponding to the areas where the pieces INVENTION
join. Since they are all Straight, these grid lines aesthetically
Spoil the continuity of a decorative motif and lessen the 0014) A description of an example of the invention mak
impact of the ornamentation effect, whether this be geomet ing reference to the numbering adopted in the figures will
ric, or one of imitation of marble shapes, imitation of natural now be made.
Stone or others.
0015 So, the improved ceramic piece of this example of
0004. There are also known some tiles having a non embodiment consists of an essentially quadrangular piece 1
Square contour Such as those shown in the U.S. design of the type of a tile or similar, though with the particular
57111. However, the contour of said tiles is not adapted to feature that its four Sides present respective projections 2
to a corresponding decorative motif, nor enable ornamenta and depressions 3, as can be seen in FIG. 1.
tions in Sets of pieces with a non-grid structure. 0016. In this example, the projections 2 and the depres
DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Sions 3 are trapezoid and are arranged in Such a manner that
one of the projections 2 is in the centre of one of the sides
0005. In order to achieve the objectives and avoid the of piece 1, another projection 2 is on the Side opposite to the
drawbacks Stated in the above paragraphs, the invention previous one, one depression 3 in the centre of another Side
consists of an improved ceramic piece, wall tile, floor tile or of the piece 1, and the remaining Side presents a depression
Similar, of the type that is arranged in contiguous rows and 3 Similar to the previous one. This configuration determines
columns in the manner of a grid. that the various pieces 1 can be easily slotted together, Since
0006. As a novelty, according to the invention, the said the projections 2 correspond perfectly to the depressions 3.
piece presents certain tongued-and-grooved projections and Moreover, when various pieces 1 are laid in rows and
depressions in its Sides adapted to the corresponding deco columns, the corresponding grid lines corresponding to the
rative motif that breaks the continuity in the lines of that joins between pieces become broken up due to the projec
grid, thereby making it difficult to distinguish Said lines and tions 2 and the depressions 3, making it difficult to See them.
enabling the possibility of ornamentations of Sets of pieces 0017 Moreover, if the projections 2 and depressions 3
with a non-grid Structure. are adapted to the ornamentation of the pieces, as can be
US 2004/0211145 A1 Oct. 28, 2004

seen in FIGS. 2, 3 and 4, the decoration provided by the 2. An improved tile-, floor tile- or similar-type ceramic
pieces 1 will have an excellent aesthetic appearance, as can piece, according to claim 1, wherein
be appreciated in the said FIGS. 2, 3 and 4.
Said projections and depressions are provided with a
0.018 So, it may be seen in FIG. 2 an application trapezoidal shape;
representing pieces of natural Stone, giving a Sensation of
irregularity that is impossible to obtain with conventional one projection being included in a central part of one side
quadrangular pieces. of the piece, another projection in the centre of the
opposite Side,
0.019 FIG. 3 shows an application to parquet in which
the Strips of wood Seem to represent a complex arrangement a depression in the centre of another Side of the piece and
with an attractive appearance, and it looks as though Strips a further depression in the centre of the Side opposite to
of very different sizes and shapes have been used when in Said latter Side.
fact just the pieces of this example have been used, all of 3. An improved tile-, floor tile- or similar-type ceramic
them equal. piece, according to claim 1, wherein the ornamentation is
0020. It may be seen in FIG. 4 an application to an natural Stone.
ornamentation which resembles a mosaic in which the 4. An improved tile-, floor tile- or Similar-type ceramic
pieces used are large octagonal pieces, Some Smaller heX piece, according to claim 1, wherein the ornamentation is
agonal pieces and other pentagonal pieces, also Small, when parquet.
in fact only the pieces like those of FIG. 1 have been used, 5. An improved tile-, floor tile- or Similar-type ceramic
all of them equal. piece, according to claim 1, wherein the ornamentation is
1. An improved tile-, floor tile- or Similar-type ceramic mosaic.
piece, of a kind that is arranged contiguously in rows and 6. An improved tile-, floor tile- or Similar-type ceramic
columns forming a grid, piece, according to claim 2, wherein the ornamentation is
natural Stone.
Sides of Said piece being provided with projections and
depressions to be slotted together; 7. An improved tile-, floor tile- or Similar-type ceramic
piece, according to claim 2, wherein the ornamentation is
Said projections and depressions breaking a continuity in parquet.
lines of Said grid, making it difficult to distinguish Said 8. An improved tile-, floor tile- or similar-type ceramic
lines, piece, according to claim 2, wherein the ornamentation is
wherein Said projections and depressions are adapted to a mosaic.
corresponding decorative motif, enable ornamentations
in Sets of pieces with a non-grid Structure.

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