PixaFlux - 02

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Compose Nodes

The Compose Nodes allows you to blend, mix multiple images, or add a mask to your images.
Resize, Reframe, Flip or freely transform your images in this area. Add perspective in any direction, or
create mosaics and tiles with the Linear Array Node. Add a border to the selected images.

Blend node

Mix node

Mask node

Resize node

Reframe node

Flip node

Transform node

Perspective node

Color Range node

Blend node

Left Toolbar > Compose Nodes > Blend

The Blend node blends two images, background and foreground, into a single output image, using
a blend function, and a mask input image.

Background Foreground Mask Result

Inputs Output

To Blend two images:

1. On the left toolbar choose Compose Nodes > Blend. >

2. Drag the Blend icon into the Node Graph.
3. Connect the first input image to the Bg input socket.
4. Connect the second input image into the Fg input socket.
5. Connect the third input image into the Mask input socket.
6. Set the attributes to control the Blend output.


The background image.


The foreground image.


The mask image.


The composed Image.

Attributes Panel


Sets the blending mode:

high light:
soft light:
grain extract:
grain merge:
darken only:
lighten only:


The opacity of the foreground image in the blend process.


If a background image is not connected to the node, this color is used as background.
If a foreground image is not connected to the node, this color is used as foreground.

Mix node

Left Toolbar > Compose Nodes > Mix

The Mix node mixes all input images into a single output image.

Inputs Img 1 Img 2 Img 3

output mix average output comp over

The Mix Node receives multiple images as input. When an image is connected to the empty
socket, a new empty socket is added to the bottom of the list.

To Mix multiple images:
1. On the left toolbar choose Compose Nodes > Mix. >

2. Drag the Mix icon into the Node Graph.

3. Connect the first input image to the Img input socket.
4. Connect all other images into the new Img input socets.
5. Set the Mix Method attribute.


One or more images.


The composed Image.

Attributes Panel

Sets the mixing method use by the Mix node:

◦ Average: Each input image contributes the same amount to the output image.

◦ comp_over: The input images are compose one on top of the other with an Over blending

◦ addition: All input images are added together.

Maks node

Left Toolbar > Compose Nodes > Mask

The Mask node modifies the transparency of the input image with a monochromatic version of the
Mask Image.
The black areas of the Mask Image are 100% transparent and the white areas are 100% opaque.
Input Img Input Mask Output

To Modify the transparency of an image:

1. On the left toolbar choose Compose Nodes > Mask. >

2. Drag the Mask icon into the Node Graph.

3. Connect the output of an image node into the Img input in the Mask node.
4. Connect the output of an image node into the Mask input in the Mask node.
5. Adjust the attributes of the Mask node to modify the output image.


The Image to which the transparency channel will be modified.


The image that defines the new transparency channel.


The modified image.

Attributes Panel


Sets the mix method.

Mix: Mixes the Input Image transparency with the monochromatic Input Mask Image.
Replace: Replaces the Input Image transparency with the monochromatic Input Mask Image.
Opacity: Multiplies the transparency value.
Color: Defines the color of the output image if the Img input image is not connected. The size and
position is defined by the Mask image.

Resize node

Left Toolbar > Compose Nodes > Resize

The Resize node resizes the input image to the size defined by the attributes width and height.

Input Output

To Resize an image:

1. On the left toolbar choose Compose Nodes > Resize. >

2. Drag the Resize icon into the Node Graph.

3. Connect the output of an image node into the Img input in the Resize node.
4. Adjust the attributes of the Resize node to modify the output image.

The Resize node is a 1:1 Multi Input Output node.


Img – The Image to be resized.


Img – The resized image.

Attributes Panel


The start position (left-bottom corner) of the output image in the Image Viewport.


The end position (right-top corner) of the output image in the Image Viewport.


The size of the output image.

Size Lock

If checked, the output image size keeps the aspect ratio of the input image.

Start End Size Constrain

Keeps one of the three controls as a variable of the other two fixed controllers.


Interpolation mehod used when magnifying or reducing images.


Sets all values to match the input image values.


Allows the user to modify the output image in an interactive way in the Image viewport:

Yellow Frame

Shows the position and size of the input image.

Green Frame

Shows the position and frame of the output image.

Corners: Drag the corners to resize the output image.
Borders: Drag the borders to resize the output image.
Frame: Drag the frame to change the position of the output image.

Reframe node

Left Toolbar > Compose Nodes > Reframe

The Reframe node crops or enlarges the input image.

Input Output

To Reframe an image:

1. On the left toolbar choose Compose Nodes > Reframe. >

2. Drag the Reframe icon into the Node Graph.

3. Connect the output of an image node into the Img input in the Reframe node.
4. Adjust the attributes of the Reframe node to modify the output image.


The Image to be reframed.


The reframed image.

Attributes Panel


The start position (left-bottom corner) of the output image in the Image Viewport.


The end position (right-top corner) of the output image in the Image Viewport.


The size of the output image.

Size Lock

If checked, the output image size keeps the aspect ratio of the input image.

Start End Size Constrain

Keeps one of the three controls as a variable of the other two fixed controllers.


Sets all values to match the input image values.


Allows the user to modify the output image in an interactive way in the Image viewport:

Yellow Frame

Shows the position and size of the input image.

Green Frame

Shows the position and frame of the output image.

Corners: Drag the corners to reframe the output image.
Borders: Drag the borders to reframe the output image.
Frame: Drag the frame to change the position of the output image.
Flip node

Left Toolbar > Compose Nodes > Flip

The Flip node flips the image in the horizontal and/or vertical direction. The position of the image is
not affected by the Flip node.

Input Output
The image has been flipped in the horizontal direction.

To Flip an image:

1. On the left toolbar choose Compose Nodes > Flip. >

2. Drag the Flip icon into the Node Graph.

4. Connect the output of an image node into the Img input in the Fli node.
5. Set the horizontal or vertical attributes to modify the output image.


The Image to be flipped.


The flipped image.

Attributes Panel

Flips the image in the horizontal direction.


Flips the image in the vertical direction.

Transform node

Left Toolbar > Compose Nodes > Transform

The Transform node receives an image as an input and moves, rotates and resizes it based on the
transform attributes.
When the Transform node is Active, the Transform Manipulator is displayed.

Input Output
The image has been rotated and scaled in X and Y.

To Transform an image:

1. On the left toolbar choose Compose Nodes > Transform. >

2. Drag the Transform icon into the Node Graph.

3. Connect the output of an image node into the Img input in the Transform node.
4. Adjust the attributes of the Transform node to transform the output image.
5. In the Image Viewport manipulate the Transform node to transform the output image.


The Image to be moved, rotated and scaled.


The moved, rotated and scaled image.

Attributes Panel

Translate X

Amount of pixels that the image will be translated in X.

Translate Y

Amount of pixels that the image will be translated in Y.


Degrees that the image will be rotated.

Scale X

Scales the image along the X axis.

Scale Y

Scales the image along the Y axis.

Perspective node

Left Toolbar > Compose Nodes > Perspective

The Perspective node modifies the input images, as if it was a billboard in 3D looked from a
different angle. This node allows you to move the corners of the image to change the apparent
perspective of the image.

Input Output

To set the perspective of an image:

1. On the left toolbar choose Compose Nodes > Perspective. >

2. Drag the Perspective icon into the Node Graph.
3. Connect the output of an image node into the Img input in the Perspective node.
4. Adjust the attributes of the Perspective node to change the perspective of the output image.
5. In the Image Viewport manipulate the Perspective gizmo.


The Image to be modified.


The modified image.

Attributes Panel


Modifies the position of the left bottom corner.


Modifies the position of the right bottom corner.


Modifies the position of the left top corner.


Modifies the position of the right top corner.


Allows the user to modify the output image in an interactive way in the Image viewport:

Yellow Frame

Shows the position and size of the input image.

Green Frame

Shows the position and frame of the output image.


Drag the corners to change the perspective of the output image.

Color Range node

Left Toolbar > Compose Nodes > Color Range

The Color Range node allows you to select an specific range of colors in the image.

Input Output – C: #ff0000 T:0.05 F:0.8

To modify an image color range:

1. On the left toolbar choose Compose Nodes > Perspective. >

2. Drag the Color Range icon into the Node Graph.

3. Connect the output of an image node into the Img input in the Color Range node.
4. Adjust the attributes of the Color Range node to change the output image.

The Image to be modified.


The modified image.

Attributes Panel


Color Name


Default #7f7f7f.


Edit the selected range color component on the image. Range [0,1] Default: 0.05


Edit the selected color component on the image. Range [0,1] Default: 0.05

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