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ეროვნული სასწავლო ოლიმპიადა

inglisur ენაში
VIII-IX კლასი

II turi

Tqven winaSea erovnuli saswavlo olimpiadis meore turis testi

inglisur enaSi.

gTxovT, yuradRebiT waikiTxoT davalebebis piroba da am pirobis

Sesabamisad SeasruloT mocemuli davalebebi.

gTxovT, Tqveni pasuxebi gadaitanoT pasuxebis furcelze.

gaiTvaliswineT, rom gaswordeba mxolod pasuxebis furceli.

testis Sesasruleblad geZlevaT 1 saaTi da 30 wuTi.

gisurvebT warmatebas!

2012-2013 saswavlo weli

Read the sentences and circle the right choice. Write the answers in the answer sheet.

1. The time of the flight …… announced an hour ago.

A. was being B. was C. has D. had

2. I ……my friends since my birthday party.

A. didn’t meet B. don’t met C. haven’t met D. won’t meet

3. If you had your money in savings account, you …… ten per cent interest.
A. will get B. would get C. got D. have got

4. When I saw them, they ……football on the new football pitch.

A. played B. were playing C. was playing D. would play

5. My brother…… a professional footballer since 2000.

A. was B. had been C. will be D. has been

6. A lion escaped from the zoo yesterday but it …… a few hours later.
A. will be caught B. were caught C. was caught D. caught

7. Bob hasn’t found his keys yet, he can’t remember where he …… them.
A. had left B. left C. will leave D. leaves

8. I …… to the baseball match tonight; my team are playing.

A. am going B. go C. have gone D. went

9. Jane would like …… in an office, but unfortunately she is bad at typing.

A. works B. work C. working D. to work

10. I …… my English exam at 10 o’clock tomorrow.

A. will be having B. will have had C. was having D. have had

11. Look at that boy! He is chasing the cat so fast, he…… down.
A. fall B. is going to fall C. has fallen D. fell

12. We’ve decided to visit our grandparents at Easter, so we are …… our holiday.
A. looking after B. looking up to C. looking at D. looking forward to

13. We are going to take our friend to the airport to see her …..
A. through B. into C. off D. out

14. You ought to ……your jumper. It’s cold outside.

A. put up B. put away C. put out D. put on

15. The rare birds …… by special laws.

A. protect B. are protected C. protected D. was protected.

16. He didn’t know the words and had to …… the definitions in the dictionary.
A. look up B. look about C. look around D. look through

17. I missed the train because my taxi …… of petrol on the way to the station.
A. ran after B. ran out C. ran off D. ran away

18. The Coca-Cola corporation was …… in 1888.

A. set to B. set out C. set up D. set off

19. The director suggested we could …… our discussion after lunch.

A. carry away B. carry forward C. carry on D. carry about

20. Tom and Steve are good friends. They …… each other for ten years.
A. have known B. have been knowing C. known D. knew


Read the text and fill the gaps (1-10) with the words given below. Use each word only once.
Four words are extra.

Mark the corresponding letter (A-N) on the answer sheet. Do not copy the words from the
text on the answer sheet.

and (A) of (F) to (K)

among (B) on (G) when (L)
around (C) that (H) where (M)
from (D) such (I) which (N)
in (E) the (J)

Two drinks that changed the world

According to legend, 5 000 years ago the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung, ordered everyone in
China to boil water……….. (1) avoid disease. One day, he was going to drink some water, when
some leaves fell………… (2) a tree into it. Shen Nung tried the brown liquid……….. (3) found
it extremely refreshing. And so,……… (4) was the start of tea.

By the 9th century AD, tea had spread to Japan-the place……... (5) it became very popular,
especially…..….. (6) Buddhist monks. In the 17th century, ‘tea mania’ arrived in Europe and
then in America. Nowadays, tea is a common drink in many countries. China, India and Kenya
are the largest tea producers and the Japanese still take part in the rather long and complicated
tea ceremony.

According to another legend around 800 BC, a farmer in the mountains………. (7) Ethiopia
noticed his goats eating some bright red berries and then running …….... (8) happily. He tasted
them and immediately felt less tired. Soon, Ethiopian monks were using the berries in a drink to
keep themselves awake during nightly prayers.

Later……….. (9) drink spread to Arabia and was taken to Turkey and finally to Europe. In the
17th century, coffee was a very popular drink for Europeans. At one time, there were three
thousand coffee houses ………. (10) London. Now, four hundred billion cups of coffee are
drunk every day.


Read the text and fill the gaps (1-10) with the words given below. Use each word only once.
Four words are extra.

Mark the corresponding letter (A-N) on the answer sheet. Do not copy the words from the
text on the answer sheet.

amazed (A) keen (F) taken (K)

around (B) knowledge (G) transfer (L)

become (C) location (H) unhappy (M)

development (D) require (I) ways (N)

heavy (E) started (J)

The history of skateboard

Skateboarding is both an action sport and a form of transportation. Today, there are about 20
million skateboarders ………… (1) the world. It has………… (2) about thirty years for this
leisure activity to ………… (3) so popular. There were actually a few ‘home-made’ skateboards
in the 1960s, but it wasn’t until 1970 that things really………… (4) to happen, in the Pacific
Ocean Park, Los Angeles, California.

No one really knows who made the first skateboard. One group of people called the ’Z-boys’
was responsible for the………… (5) of skateboarding. The ’Z-boys’ were (6) …………surfers
and decided to………… (7) their skills to dry land. In the early 1970s there was very little rain in
California and many people had to leave their swimming pools empty. Those smooth, concrete
spaces were excellent skateboarding ………… (8) for the ’Z-boys’ who soon became famous
locally for using the skateboard in new and exciting………… (9). People were ………… (10) at
what the ’Z-boys’ could do and immediately wanted to try skateboarding for themselves.


Read the beginning of the sentences (1-10) and match an appropriate ending (A-L) to each
of them. Two endings are extra. Write your answers in the answer sheet.

1. My job involves a lot of traveling, A. so the roads will be crowded with traffic.
2. All our sales staff are trained B. you’ll spoil your appetite.
3. He made a good impression at the interview C. unless they have other plans.
4. It’s a holiday weekend D. so I’m away from home for weeks.
5. Passengers are reminded that E. to talk to difficult customers.
6. I stopped someone in the street F. so they offered him a job straightaway.
7. If you hadn’t acted so quickly G. so they want to interview him again.
8. Don’t eat snacks between meals, H. to ask for directions.
9. If putting salt in my tea is your idea I. there could have been a serious accident.
10. They can come with us J. then I don’t envy you.
K. then I don’t find it very funny.
L. smoking is not permitted on the aircraft.


Match questions (1-10) to the appropriate answers (A-L). Two answers are extra. Write
your answers in the answer sheet.

1. Is there anything to eat?

2. This restaurant looks quite nice, shall we go in?
3. What is your new teacher like?
4. I met Linda’s parents yesterday.
5. Do you have anything for a headache, please?
6. What was the weather like when you were on holiday?
7. Where is your friend from?
8. How long has she been in London?
9. Have you got any milk?
10. What time does the bus leave for the airport?

A. Sure, that’s a good idea!

B. I’m afraid I don’t.
C. For four days.
D. Yes, there’s some in the fridge.
E. Four days ago.
F. I don’t know, every half hour probably.
G. There is some sandwich over there.
H. What do they like?
I. Oh, what are they like?
J. She is very good, we learn a lot.
K. Very nice.
L. Germany.

ეროვნული სასწავლო ოლიმპიადა
inglisur ენაში

X-XII კლასი

II turi

Tqven winaSea erovnuli saswavlo olimpiadis meore turis testi

inglisur enaSi.

gTxovT, yuradRebiT waikiTxoT davalebebis piroba da am pirobis

Sesabamisad SeasruloT mocemuli davalebebi.

gTxovT, Tqveni pasuxebi gadaitanoT pasuxebis furcelze.

gaiTvaliswineT, rom gaswordeba mxolod pasuxebis furceli.

testis Sesasruleblad geZlevaT 1 saaTi da 30 wuTi.

gisurvebT warmatebas!

2012-2013 saswavlo weli


Read the sentences and circle the right choice. Write the answers in the answer sheet.

1. We ………. in the same house for twelve years before we decided to move.
A. have been living B. have lived C. had been living D. lived

2. My cat needs……. three times a day.

A. having fed B. to be fed C. feed D. to feed

3. By this time tomorrow you …….. informed about this case.

A. will have been B. should be C. will be D. have been

4. We have run …….. coffee. I will go to the supermarket.

A. across B. into C. off D. out of

5. When we arrived at the airport my friends …….. .

A. had already left B. have already left C. have been leaving D. was leaving

6. I don’t know how long Ted…….. on this project, but it seems like weeks.
A. had been working B. is working C. was working D. has been working

7. She regrets ……. so much money on her new shoes. They are too tight.
A. spending B. will spend C. spend D. have spent

8. With the help of a new teacher Dato ……. a very good student.
A. has been becoming B. have become C. is becoming D. going to become

9. My favourite author’s new book came………. last month.

A. out B. on C. for D. up

10. I……… my friend tonight, so I’ll tell him about the news.
A. see B. am seeing C. will see D. seen

11. Gio turned…….. half an hour late for the meeting.

A. down B. up C. on D. out

12. The teacher went …….. my homework to check for mistakes.
A. through B. after C. on D. round

13. There’s a great need ……. extra water in the countries where there is very little rain.
A. on B. about C. for D. off

14. If Dave didn’t work so much, he …….. get so tired.

A. hadn’t B. wouldn’t C. hasn’t D. won’t

15. He is thought…….. the best pianist of all times.

A. be B. being C. have been D. to be

16. I bought her some medicine in case she……..any.

A. wouldn’t have B. didn’t have C. hadn’t D. doesn’t have

17. Ernest Hemingway ……… the Nobel Prize for his writing.
A. was awarded B. was awarding C. awarded D. award

18. I am penniless. My purse ……. on the train.

A. were stolen B. had been stolen C. has stolen D. has been stolen

19. The maid seems………for hours. The house looks spotless.

A. to have cleaned B. to be cleaning C. cleaned D. to have been cleaning

20. On their anniversary tomorrow, Nina and George ……… for 25 years.
A. will be married B. will have been married C. will marry D. have been married

21. We are waiting for his first book …….. in the States.
A. to publish B. publishing C. to be published D. publish

22. I don’t remember ……. in this hotel before.

A. to stay B. stay C. staying D. to staying

23. Nobody knew where Mum …….. the front door key.
A. had put B. is putting C. has put D. had been put


Read the text and fill the gaps (1-12) with the words given below. Use each word only once.
Four words are extra.

Mark the corresponding letter (A-P) on the answer sheet. Do not copy the words from the
text on the answer sheet.

a (A) how (G) to (M)

and (B) if (H) when (N)
that (C) into (I) who (O)
because (D) out (J) which (P)
between (E) or (K)
from (F) the (L)


We all know that rainbows occur………. (1) it is raining and it is sunny at the same time. These
weather conditions can cause white light to split ……… (2) its full spectrum of coloured light.
There are seven colours in the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo………. (3)

But how is exactly a rainbow formed? Interestingly, the location of the rainbow totally depends
on the position of the person ………. (4) can see it, and on the position of the sun relative
………. (5) that person. If the sun is shining toward your eyes, you will never see a rainbow. The
sun needs to be behind you ………. (6) you will never be able to see a rainbow and the sun at the
same time. What happens is this: light from the sun enters the raindrops, and because
the amount of the rain water is different ………. (7) the amount of the air, the sunlight bends
slightly. When the light bends, it splits into several different coloured lights ………. (8) different
colours of light change directions at slightly different angles.

When we see this reflected light,………. (9) reason that we see each colour separately is that
they bend back out of the raindrop at slightly different angles, so we see all red light at an angle
of 42 degrees between us and the sun and the other colours at angles ………. (10) 40 and 42
degrees. So that’s the science! But there are legends and myths surrounding rainbows as well.
One legend says ………. (11) there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It is impossible to
find the end of a rainbow, though, so this gold will always be………. (12) of our reach!


Read the text and fill the gaps (1-12) with the words given below. Use each word only once.
Four words are extra.

Mark the corresponding letter (A-P) on the answer sheet. Do not copy the words from the
text on the answer sheet.

amazing (A) display (G) local (M)

annual (B) entertainments (H) products (N)
brought (C) festival (I) tradition (O)
culturally (D) friends (J) whole (P)
cuisine (E) next (K)
compete (F) judge (L)

The Lambeth Country Show.

Where in London can you watch fantastic live music, buy homemade cakes and milk a cow all
on the same day? It’s at the Lambeth Country Show. It is an…..……..… (1) mixture between a
traditional country show, and an urban music …..……..… (2). Lambeth, in South London, is a
…..……..… (3) mixed and highly populated area, but during the Lambeth Country Show the
…..……..… (4) place feels just like a large village, where you can meet up with friends, have a
picnic, listen to live music, try …..……..… (5) foods and drinks which are anything from
Caribbean cuisine to Mexican tacos and also try all the traditional English foods and drinks that
are …..……..… (6) in by farmers from around the South of England.

In English villages, the festival is usually an …..……..… (7) event where local people can
…..……..… (8) their fresh vegetables, jam, cakes and other things. Usually, the products on
display are judged by a panel of local people and the best vegetables, fruit, pickles and other
…..……..… (9) are awarded prizes. There are also traditional country …..……..… (10) such as
sheep dog displays, horse riding, flower and vegetable competitions, a tug-of-war, where two
teams of people …..……..… (11) to see who can pull the rope the hardest. So the Lambeth
Country show is like a village festival on a London scale. It is no exaggeration to say that this
show is the highlight of Britain’s social calendar. If you are in London…..…..…. (12) year at the
time of the Lambeth Country Show, come along!


Read the dialogue and fill in the spaces (1-5) with the sentences given (A-H). There are
three extra sentences. Write your answers in the answer sheet.

- Hi Nina. What are you doing walking on the beach? Shouldn’t you be at school?
- Oh, I’ve left school. I’m going to college next month. …………… (1).
- Really? Well, you know I’ve worked as a chef for the last three years and I work at the
Grand Hotel now. In fact I’m head chef there, so you need to talk to me if you want to
know what the job is really like.
- ……………… (2). I’d like to work in a hotel like the Grand. I’m sure it’s really exciting
and you get to meet all kinds of rich and famous people.
- Actually no. Chefs have to spend their time in the kitchen. Rich and famous don’t go there.
- But you get lots of time off, don’t you? ……………… (3).
- Yes, but it’s my day off today. I needn’t think about the hotel kitchen today.
- Well, normally then, what’s it like? You don’t have to work all day, do you?
- I have a break in the afternoon but I need to get up early. …………… (4). Then I have to
stay until all the food is cooked and served in the morning. It’s late by then.
- ……………… (5). How many days off do you get?
- At least here I have two days off every week. Listen I must go now. You must come to the
hotel one day, I can show you the kitchen and you can see what we do.

A. Mmm, sounds like hard work.

B. I have to start work at 6.30 in the morning.
C. Look, you’re walking on the beach now at lunchtime like me.
D. I’m looking forward to my holidays.
E. I’m hoping to train to be a chef.
F. I’m going to take a week off.
G. Well, what is it really like then?
H. Oh, I’m going to have a rest.


Read the text. Then read the sentences (1-8) which follow and circle the right choice (A-D).
Write your answers in the answer sheet.

The swinging sixties

Fifty years ago, on 5th October 1962, four young men from the Northern English city of
Liverpool released their first single, and Britain changed forever. They recorded the song “Love
Me Do”, in Abbey Road recording studio in London and the song went straight into the charts.

Britain at the beginning of the 1960s was a slightly depressing grey place, still trying to recover
from the effects of World War II, which had only finished a decade and a half earlier. The
Swinging Sixties had started and for a while Britain became the fashion and music centre of the
world. The Beatles went on to become the most famous group in the world and had lots of hit
records, but split up in 1970. McCartney and Ringo Star, still play music. Paul McCartney
performed a favourite Beatles song “Hey Jude” at the opening ceremony of the London 2012

Bands like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Kinks and The Who became famous all over
the world. Their long hair, laid back attitude, and their apparent disrespect for authority and
tradition shocked and worried many of the older generation, but the younger people loved this
new sense of freedom. The generation gap was perhaps wider than it had ever been before.

But the 1960s wasn’t just about pop music - the world was changing fast in lots of ways. In the
USA the civil rights movement kept moving faster as the black American minority demanded
equal rights. In October 1962 while protests and rioting were taking place, James Meredith, the
first black student to attend the all white University of Mississippi, was escorted on to the
university campus by US marshals. It was a real historic moment.

The 60s was also the age of the car. New motorways were opening up all over the country and in
the beginning, there were no speed limits. More people tasted the freedom of the car and
thousands of them abandoned old-fashioned train travel. Famously Dr. Beeching, the chairman
of British Railways responded by cutting off large parts of the railway network.

It’s all a long time ago now but some people still argue whether the changes that came in the
1960s were good or bad. But one thing is certainly true - Britain became a freer and more
tolerant place, and surely that must be good! The 1960s changed attitudes. Britain became a
more liberal and less restricted society. People at all social levels had more money to spend and
more time to enjoy it. The 1960s ended on a note of optimism for a better, fairer and brighter

1. The text is about

A. London.
B. London Olympics.
C. changes in the 1960s.
D. the Beatles.

2. In 1962 the Beatles recorded the song called

A. “Hey Jude”.
B. “The Abbey Road”.
C. “The Who”.
D. “Love Me Do”.

3. In the first half of 1960s Britain

A. had already become the fashion and music centre.
B. was starting to become the fashion and music centre.
C. had already become the centre of protests.
D. was starting to become the centre of education.

4. The generation gap was wider between generations because

A. the young behaved in a different way.
B. the old generation had more freedom.
C. of the longer hairstyle only.
D. of the young’s attitude towards friends.

5. In the USA James Meredith was the first black student who
A. was accepted at all white university.
B. was taking part in riots.
C. was accompanied to a demonstration.
D. was very popular.

6. A fascinating moment in the history was

A. protesting in the streets.
B taking a black student to the university campus by the authorities.
C. singing at the London Olympics.
D. cutting big parts of the railway network.

7. Which one is not mentioned in the text?

A. Building new motorways.
B. Having no speed limit.
C. Railway development.
D. Axing parts of the railway network.

8. The changes in the 1960s in Britain were good because

A. the Beatles became very popular.
B. Britain became the best country in the world.
C. Britain gained more freedom in many ways.
D. cars became very popular.

keys/ 2012/13 10/12dudu

Task 1: 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5. A 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.B 12.A
13.C 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.D 20.B 21.C 22.C 23.A

Task2: 1.N/ when 2. I/into 3. B/and 4. O/who 5.M/ to 6. K/or

7.F/ from 8.D/ because 9.L/the 10 E/between 11.C/that 12. J/out
A / a ..P/ which, .H/if, G /how--- extras

Task 3: 1. A(amazing) 2. I(festival) 3. D(culturally) 4. P/ (whole) 5. M (local)

6. C/ brought 7. B/annual 8.G/display 9.N/products 10. H/entertaintments
11. F/compete 12. K/next O, J, L,E ---- extras

Task4: 1.E 2. G 3.C 4.B 5.A

Task 5: 1.C. 2. D 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.C

O olimpiadis meore turis pasuxebi inglisur enaSi



Task 1: 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.C 14. D
15. B 16. A 17. B 18.C 19.C 20. A
Task 2: 1. K 2. D 3. A 4. H 5. M 6. B 7. F 8.C 9.J 10. E
Task 3: 1.B 2.K 3.C 4.J 5.D 6.F 7.L 8.H 9.N 10.A
Task 4: 1.D 2.E 3.F 4.A 5.L 6.H 7.I 8.B 9.K 10.C
Task 5: 1. G 2. A 3. J 4. I 5. B 6.K 7. L 8. C 9. D 10. F.

GRADE 10-12

Task 1: 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5. A 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.B
15.D 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.D 20.B 21.C 22.C 23.A
Task2: 1.N 2. I 3. B 4. O 5.M 6. K 7.F 8.D 9.L 10. E 11.C 12. J
Task 3: 1. A 2. I 3. D 4. P 5. M 6. C 7. B 8.G 9.N 10. H 11. F 12. K
Task4: 1.E 2. G 3.C 4.B 5.A
Task 5: 1.C 2. D 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.C

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