8 - 9 კლასი, ტური III, 2012 - 2013 PDF

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ეროვნული სასწავლო ოლიმპიადა

ინგლისურ ენაში

III turi

VIII-IX კლასეbi

Tqven winaSea erovnuli saswavlo olimpiadis mesame turis testi ინგლისურ


gTxovT, yuradRebiT waikiTxoT davalebebis piroba da SeasruloT Sesabamisი


gTxovT, Tqveni pasuxebi gadaitanoT pasuxebis furcelze.

gaiTvaliswineT, rom gaswordeba mxolod pasuxebis furceli.

testis Sesasruleblad geZlevaT 2 saaTi.

gisurvebT warmatebas!

2012-2013 saswavlo weli


You are going to listen to a text about TV addicts. For questions 1-10 choose the best answer
A, B or C.

You now have thirty seconds to look through the task. You will hear the recording twice.

1. Cath does not consider herself a TV addict but she loves watching
A. sports.
B. shows.
C. series.

2. It was in the UK where the

A. first TV set was invented.
B. first broadcast started.
C. special broadcast began.

3. Many years had passed before people were able to

A. see programmes at home.
B. buy a TV set.
C. know the broadcasters.

4. How long did the broadcast last in those early days?

A. Two hours.
B. The whole day.
C. A few hours.

5. The TV people were experimenting with programmes because

A. broadcasting was a difficult task.
B. there were not enough broadcasters.
C. no one knew what should be broadcast.

6. Only 400 families had TV sets in those days because

A. TV sets were expensive.
B. TV sets were not sold everywhere.
C. people were not interested in them.

7. Why did people have strange ideas about television?

A. It was expensive.
B. Few people could watch it.
C. They thought they were watched from it.

8. TV sets in those days had
A. similar design as today.
B. doors on the front.
C. curtains on the screen.

9. What made it possible to watch more channels?

A. Satellite television.
B. Better TV sets.
C. More free time.

10. How many hours a week on average does a person in the UK watch television?
A. 3 hours
B. 13 hours
C. 30 hours


Read the text and fill the gaps with the appropriate words. Insert only ONE word in each gap.

Family of great travellers

Marco Polo was an (0) Italian traveller, merchant and explorer ____________ (1) spent many years in Asia
and was____________ (2) first to introduce Europeans to Central Asia and China. Although the exact time
and place of his ____________ (3) is not known, it is generally accepted that he was ____________ (4) in
Venice in 1254. Marco’s father Niccolò was a merchant and he and his brother Maffeo set ____________ (5)
on a trading voyage to Asia before Marco ____________ (6) born. They ____________(7) several years in
China and were the first Europeans to meet the Emperor of China. The Emperor asked them to
____________ (8) his ambassadors to help him communicate with the Pope*.

While Marco’s father and uncle were travelling and trading in Asia, his mother died and he was raised by an
aunt and uncle ____________ (9) gave him a good education. In 1269, Marco’s father returned to Venice and
met his son for the first ___________(10). In 1271, Marco’s father and uncle set off again on
___________(11) trading voyage to Asia, with the intention of meeting the Chinese Emperor Khublai Khan
again. This time they took with ____________ (12) a seventeen-year-old Marco.

The Polos went by ship to the Mediterranean coast of Turkey ____________(13) then overland the rest of the
trip. They took the southern branch of the Silk Road; along this ____________(14) merchants from China
regularly brought silk ____________(15) Europe. The road runs north of ____________(16) Himalayas, and
across the Gobi desert in Mongolia and the whole journey ____________(17) the Polos nearly four years. In
China ____________ (18) Polos met Khublai Khan once again; the emperor received ____________(19)
warmly in his palace. In the 13th century, Cathay, as China was then called, was an unknown land full of
romance for most Europeans. Marco who had a gift ____________ (20) languages became a civil servant and
a travelling diplomat for Khublai Khan, who sent him on many foreign missions. In____________ (21) way
Marco Polo was able to visit India, Burma, Sri Lanka and many other countries of Asia.

After 17 years the Polos decided it was time to return home. Their journey was mainly by sea and
____________ (22) passed Singapore and Sri Lanka before entering the Persian Gulf*. They arrived in
Venice in 1295 carrying with them many riches and treasures from the East. The Polos had
____________(23) away from home for 24 years and had travelled almost 24,140 kilometres. They arrived in
Venice to find that their city was____________ (24) war with Genoa, and Marco Polo was taken prisoner.

While in____________ (25) Marco Polo dictated a detailed story of his travels to his cellmate. This set of
stories, entitled The Travels of Marco Polo, is a description of the almost unknown Mongol Empire and
depicts the Polos’ journeys through Asia, giving Europeans the first comprehensive look into the Far East,
including China, India and Japan. Many readers thought that the things Marco Polo wrote in his book were
not real – that he had invented____________ (26). But later people realized that ____________ (27)
‘unbelievable’ stories were indeed true. The influence of Marco Polo on geographical exploration was
enormous. After almost two centuries, Marco Polo’s stories inspired Christopher Columbus and influenced
____________ (28) decision to look for a western route to China and Japan.

Marco Polo ____________ (29) the last 30 years of his life as a wealthy and well-known Venetian merchant.
He never left Venice again but ____________ (30) financed other expeditions. In 1300 he got married and he
and his wife had three daughters. He died in 1324 and was buried in the Italian town of San Lorenzo.

*The Pope: romis papi *the Persian Gulf: sparseTis yure


Read the beginning of the story and finish it using your imagination and fantasy.

Write between 150-180 words. Write your answer on the answer sheet.

When Nick came home mother told him that a postman had brought a box for him. The box was

quite big. Nick opened the box and_________________________________________________________
































ეროვნული სასწავლო ოლიმპიადა
ინგლისურ ენაში

III turi

X- XII კლასეbi

Tqven winaSea erovnuli saswavlo olimpiadis mesame turis testi ინგლისურU


gTxovT, yuradRebiT waikiTxoT davalebebis piroba da SeasruloT Sesabamisი


gTxovT, Tqveni pasuxebi gadaitanoT pasuxebis furcelze.

gaiTvaliswineT, rom gaswordeba mxolod pasuxebis furceli.

testis Sesasruleblad geZlevaT 2 saaTi.

gisurvebT warmatebas!

2012-2013 saswavlo weli


You are going to listen to a text about the skies at night. For questions 1-10 choose the best answer
A, B or C.

You now have thirty seconds to look through the task. You will hear the recording twice.

1. Neil does not see stars from his place because

A. he has other things to do.
B. he is not interested in stars.
C. he lives near the centre of the city.

2. The best places to watch stars are

A. deserts and mountain tops.
B. parks.
C. parks and forests.

3. From particular places in the world one can clearly observe

A. stars only.
B. thousands of stars and some planets.
C. some planets only.

4. What does the word ‘satellite’ mean?

A. Only objects made by men.
B. Natural objects only.
C. Both man-made and natural objects.

5. How does Callum feel about a special status that the sky above the UK has?
A. Callum feels happy.
B. Callum feels surprised.
C. Callum feels indifferent.

6. Light monitors showed that Exmoor National Park was one of the darkest places
A. in Europe.
B. in London.
C. in the UK .

7. Why is it against the law to switch on the lights in the Sky Reserve?

A. Street lights could scare the animals.

B. Street lights cause light pollution.
C. Street lights use a lot of electricity.

8. When it is dark in a city one can see
A. 200 stars.
B. 2,500 stars.
C. millions of stars.

9. Would Neil like to go and visit a Dark Sky Reserve?

A. He has no idea.
B. He wouldn’t.
C. He thinks he would.

10. How many moons does Jupiter have?

A. One.
B. Twelve.
C. Sixty-four.


Read the text and fill the gaps with the appropriate words. Insert only ONE word in each gap.

Creative genius

The computer industry has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human
being.’ These words and (0) many others flooded the Internet space when the world learnt ____________ (1)
the death of Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs was ____________ (2) American businessman and a co-founder of Apple Incorporation, one of
the oldest computer companies in the ____________ (3). He was well-known ____________ (4) his
contribution to the development of the personal computing industry which started in the late 1970s. Although
Jobs never graduated from university, he was the person ____________ (5) created one of the first
commercially successful personal computers. Steve Jobs emphasized the importance of design and
understood the role ____________ (6) aesthetics play in the computer business, and he contributed greatly
____________ (7) the development of computer products which are ____________ (8) functional and

Steve Jobs was ____________ (9) in San Francisco on February 24, 1955. His biological father came
____________ (10) Syria, but he was adopted and raised by an American family. Steve grew _________ (11)
in the apricot orchards of the state of California, an area which later ____________ (12) known as Silicon
Valley and ____________ (13) today represents the centre of the American computer industry. Steve was a
student at Cupertino High School but he often attended after-school lectures at the Hewlett-Packard Company
and was soon ____________ (14) a job there. In 1976, along ____________ (15) Steve Wozniak, an
electronics hacker with ____________ (16) he had been friends for several years, and with funding from the
multimillionaire A.C.Markkula, Jobs founded Apple Incorporation. On January 24, 1984, Steve Jobs
introduced the Macintosh computer to an audience of Apple’s shareholders ____________ (17) their annual

Steve Jobs stayed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Apple Inc. ____________ (18) his death in 2011. Apple
Inc. is an organization, ____________ (19) produces its award-winning Macintosh computers. Under his
guidance the company continued to ____________ (20) sales significantly with the introduction of the iMac,
iPhone and other new products. Attractive designs and powerful branding make Apple Inc. extremely

In recent years, the company has introduced several new products. With the introduction of the iPod portable
music player and iTunes digital music software*, the company’s contribution ____________ (21) music
distribution has increased dramatically. Apple is leading the digital* music revolution, having ________ (22)
almost 200 million iPods and over 6 billion songs from its iTunes online store. Steve Jobs also co-founded
Pixar Animation Studios, responsible ____________ (23) creating eight of the most successful and well-
loved animated films _________ (24) all time including, among others, Toy Story and A Bug’s Life. Pixar has
won 20 Academy Awards and its films have earned ____________ (25) than 4 billion dollars. In 2006 Pixar
merged ____________ (26) the Walt Disney Company and Jobs became a member of Disney’s board of

Steve Jobs was a devoted Beatles fan and he once ____________ (27): ‘My model for business is the Beatles.
They ____________ (28) four guys that kept each other’s negative tendencies in check; they balanced each
other. And the total was greater than the parts. Great things in business are not done by ____________ (29)
person, they are done by a team of people.’ Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniac were awarded the National Medal
of Technology from President Ronald Reagan in 1985 and a Jefferson Public Service Award for ‘Greatest
Public Service by an Individual 35 Years or Under’. More recently, in 2007, Steve Jobs was named the most
powerful businessman of the year ____________ (30) Fortune magazine. Steve Job’s death is irreparable loss
for the computer community.

*software: programuli uzrunvelyofa *digital: cifruli


Read the beginning of the story and finish it using your imagination and fantasy.

Write between 150-180 words. Write your answer on the answer sheet.

It was a cold winter evening. I was sitting in front of the fireplace and reading a book on unusual things

and events. Suddenly I heard a strange voice coming from the chimney. ____________________
































ინგლისური ენაში ეროვნული სასწავლო ოლიმპიდის მე-3 ტურის პასუხები

მე-8- მე-9 კლასები

Task 1: 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C

Task 2: 1. who 2. the 3. birth 4. Born 5.off 6. was 7. spent 8. become/be 9 who 10.time

11. another/a 12. them 13. and 14. road 15.to 16. the 17. took 18.the 19. them 20. for
21. this/the 22. they 23. been/stayed 24. at 25.prison/jail 26. them/everything 27. these
/those/his 28. his/the 29. spent 30. he

მე-10- მე-12 კლასები

Task 1: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.B 8. A 9.B 10.C

Task 2: 1. about 2. an 3. world 4. for 5. who 6. which/that/the 7. to 8. both 9. born 10. from
11. up 12. became/was 13. which 14. given/offered 15. with 16. whom 17. at 18. until /till
19. which/that 20. increase 21. to 22. sold 23. for 24. of 25. More 26. with
27. said/noted/mentioned 28. were 29. one/a 30. by

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