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ეროვნული სასწავლო ოლიმპიადა

ინგლისურ ენაში

X-XII კლასი

III ტური

თქვენ წინაშეა ეროვნული სასწავლო ოლიმპიადის მესამე ტურის ტესტი ინგლისურ ენაში.

გთხოვთ ყურადღებით წაიკითხოთ დავალებების პირობა და ამ პირობის შესაბამისად

შეასრულოთ მოცემული დავალებები.

გთხოვთ, იმყოფინოთ ტესტის შესასრულებლად გამოყოფილი ადგილი.

პასუხები გადაიტანეთ პასუხების ფურცელზე

ტესტის შესასრულებლად გეძლევათ 2 საათი.

გისურვებთ წარმატებას!

2013-2014 სასწავლო წელი


You are going to listen to a text about food in Britain. For questions 1-10 choose the best answer
A, B or C.

You now have thirty seconds to look through the task. You will hear the recording twice.

1. Many people think that

A. British food is very bad.
B. British food could be found anywhere.
C. Fish and chips is the only kind of British food.

2. Britain doesn’t have a strong tradition of

A. drinking tea.
B. food and cooking.
C. going to restaurants.

3. Living in London is great because one can

A. try many different kinds of food.
B. enjoy British dishes.
C. find products for Brazilian dishes.

4. Where did the man go on Saturday?

A. He went to a Greek restaurant.
B. He went to a Japanese restaurant.
C. He went to a Thai restaurant.

5. In Manchester you
A. can only eat British food.
B. can try Brazilian food.
C. had better cook yourself.

6. Both of the speakers seldom

A. eat British food.
B. cook at home.
C. go to restaurants.

7. The woman says that her Spanish friend

A. liked British food.
B. lived with a British family.
C. cooked for herself.

8. It’s terrible when you are a guest and you have to
A. eat bad food.
B. take care of somebody.
C. stay home alone.

9. Why does the woman advise the man to watch cookery programmes on TV?
A. To become a good chef.
B. To talk straight to British chefs.
C. To learn something about cooking.

10. On TV cookery programmes they

A. never cook anything.
B. cook British food only.
C. cook all types of food.


Read the text and fill the gaps with the appropriate words. Insert only ONE word in each gap.

American reporter - Ida Tarbell

Ida Tarbell was one of the most (0) successful magazine writers in the United States during the last century.
She wrote important stories at a time ____________ (1) women had few social or political rights. Ida Tarbell
used____________ (2) reporting skills against one of the ____________ (3) powerful companies in the
world. That company was Standard Oil and it was famous all over the world. Ida Tarbell found that Standard
Oil was using illegal methods to hurt or destroy smaller oil companies. She investigated these illegal business
dealings and wrote about ____________ (4). The reports she wrote led to legal cases.

Ida Tarbell ____________ (5) born in Pennsylvania in November, 1857. Her family did not have much
money. When Ida was three____________ (6) old, oil was discovered in the nearby town of Titusville. Her
father entered the oil business. He struggled as ____________ (7) small businessman to compete
____________ (8) the large oil companies.

Ida’s mother had been a school teacher and encouraged Ida in her studies. Most people at ____________ (9)
time thought it was not important for young women to learn anything more ____________ (10) to read and
write. Most people thought educating women was a waste of money. Ida’s parents, however, believed that

education ____________ (11) important - even for women. They sent her to college when she ___________
(12) nineteen.

Those people ____________ (13) knew Ida Tarbell in college say she would wake up at four o’clock in the
morning ____________ (14) study. In 1880, Ida finished college. The____________ (15) year, she got a
teaching job in Clayton, Ohio. They paid her $500 a year. Miss Tarbell learned that she was expected to teach
subjects she knew nothing about. She was able to do so____________ (16) means of reading the school
books before the students did. She had a good job, ____________ (17) she didn’t like it because she
____________ (18) not paid much. So she returned home after one year and started to work____________
(19) a reporter in a small newspaper.

Ida took the job with the newspaper only because she had to____________ (20) money. At first, she worked
only a few hours ____________ (21) week. Later, however, she was working 16 hours a day. She worked
very hard to become a good writer. Miss Tarbell enjoyed working ____________ (22) the newspaper. Soon
she discovered that she was interested ____________ (23) writing long stories, which the newspaper was not
very willing ____________ (24) print. She also wanted to study in France. To earn money while in Paris, she
decided that ____________ (25) would write for American magazines. Ida Tarbell found it difficult to sell
her work to magazines. Yet she continued to write. Several magazines soon learned that she was
____________ (26) serious writer.

A man, Samuel McClure ____________ (27) name, visited Miss Tarbell in Paris. He was the owner of the
magazine named McClure’s. Mr. McClure had read several of her stories and offered ____________ (28) to
work for his magazine. Ida Tarbell immediately understood that this was a very good offer. But she said no
____________ (29) she didn’t want to leave Paris and proposed to write for McClure’s from Paris. Ida
Tarbell wrote many stories for McClure’s. She ____________ (30) this for some time before returning to
the United States. Her writing was very popular. She helped make McClure’s one of the most successful
magazines of those days.


Read the beginning of the story and finish it using your imagination and fantasy.
Write between 150-180 words.

My friend Giorgi is a very smart boy. He has a number of inventions. He was even given the Presidential
award for one of his inventions. This invention



Task 1: 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.C

Task 2: 1.when 2.her/ the 3.most 4.them 5.was 6.years 7. a 8.

with/against 9.that 10.than 11.was 12.became/was/turned
13.who 17.but 18.was 20.earn/make 21.each/a/per 22.for/in
/at 25.she 26.a 28.her 29.because /as/since
30. did/continued

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