Questions in Surveying

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Are these Good Survey Questions?

1. Did you enjoy our amazing new

product offering?

2. Do you go to the park when you’re

stressed at work?

3. When choosing between software, what

do you look for?

4. Do you think our sales team was not

unhelpful, or were they helpful?

5. How much would you spend on a

water bottle?
Are these Good Survey Questions?
1. Did you enjoy our amazing new 1. Was there anything else we can add to
product offering? make our product better? ________

2. Do you go to the park when you’re 2. How would a stroll to a park on a

stressed at work? scale of 1 to 10? _________

3. When choosing between software, what 3. Give one software feature you usually
do you look for? look for? _____________

4. Do you think our sales team was not 4. How would you rate our sales team
unhelpful, or were they helpful? on a scale of 1 to 10? ______

5. How much would you spend on a 5. How much would you be willing to
water bottle? pay for a water bottle? _________
How to write good (and
effective) survey questions:
the DOs and DON’Ts

DO focus your questions DON’T ask leading questions.

on the customer.

DO be polite and concise. DON’T ask loaded questions.

DO consider the foot-in- DON’T ask double-barreled

the-door principle. questions.

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