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English II

Module #6 Simple Past: Irregular Verbs, Weather,Seasons

I. Datos Generales
Nombre de la Asignatura: English II Código: INE 205
Unidades valorativas: 3 Duración del Modulo: 10 días

I. Specific Objectives:
- Identify the seasons of the year.
-Distinguish between regular and irregular verbs.
-Recognize the patterns in the past of irregular verbs.
-Learn weather expressions, telephone verbals, and travel verbs.
-Write sentences using simple past tense of regular verbs.
-Use prepositions of time to express time.
-Identify the months and ordinal numbers vocabulary.
-Use simple past form of verb to be in sentence construction.

II. Goals to achieve:

-Starting and ending a phone call.
-Buying a ticket.

III. Activities and Assignments

Exercise 1

Complete the answers.

A: Were you hungry?

B: Yes, I .............WAS....... a little bit hungry.

A: Was your sister at school?

English II

B: No, she ...........WAS.... at school.

A: Were your parents at work?

B: Yes, my mum ............WAS............ at work. But my dad ..........WASN´T.............. at work. He

was ill.

A: Was Peter your friend? And Bill?

B: Peter and Bill .........WERE......... my best friends.

A: I think the first story was quite interesting and the second story was great.

B: Really? No, the stories .............WEREN´T.......... very interesting.

A: Was I often ill when I was a child?

B: Not really. You ........WERE........ much healthier than your brother.

A: Were Susan and Marion good at sport?

B: Well, Susan .....WAS...... quite good at athletics, but Marion .........WASN´T........... good at
any sport.

Exercise 2

Jumbled sentences - make past simple questions.

Example: you | clean | room | the Did you clean the room?

Bill | arrive | on time ...............DID BILL ARRIVE ON TIME................................ ?

not | know | you |it .......................DIDN´T YOU KNOW IT.................... ?

at | be | Marion | the | party ...............WILL MARION BE AT THE PARTY........................... ?

you | why | leave | early | so ..............WHY DID YOU LEAVE SO EARLY...................... ?

they | in | be | office | their .............WERE THEY IN THEIR OFFICE...................... ?

think | what | he | our | of | house ...........WHAT HE THINKS, HE IS DOING IN OUR

HOUSE............................... ? trip | like | the | Mr. and Mrs. Gregson ...................DID YOU LIKE
THE TRIP OF MR. AND MRS GREGSON................................. ?
English II

you | how | do | that ..............HOW DID YOU DO THAT....................... ?

they | not | address | their |tell |you ........ARE THEY NOT GOING TO TELL YOU THE
ADRESS....................... ?

there | how | Joe | get ......HOW DID JOE GET THERE........................ ?

Exercise 3 Simple Past Tense Exercise: change the verbs in brackets to the
simple past. Be careful with spellings.

1) They all (go) _WENT__ shopping

2) I never (imagine) __IMAGINED__ I would see you here.

3) We (book) _BOUGHT__ two tickets for the show.

4) He (collect) _COLLECTED__ his children from school.

5) Were you (frighten) __FRIGHTENED_ of the dark when you were young?

6) Who (eat) _ATE_ my chocolate?

7) I (feel)__FELT__ so tired that I went straight to bed.

8) We (grow) _GREW__ this tree from a seed.

9) She (lose) __LOST_ her way home.

10) He thought I (steal) ___STOLD___his umbrella.

Exercise 4

Paste a picture about an event from your past.It can be a celebration or an special meeting.
Describe what happened by writing 10 questions and 10 answers using the past tense.

1.What were we doing?

We celebrate Christmas at work.

English II

2. how was the celebration?

It was really nice to share with co workers.

3. how many people go to the celebration.?

They went 9 people including me.

4. did you eat a lot of food?

Yes, in fact I ate almost everything

5. was it raining?

No, it wasn´t raining. It was cloudy

6. during what month did you celebrate the Christmas party at your work?

We celebrated in the twelfth month, December.

7. did you go walking?

I went in car to the party.

8. did you dance in the party?

Yes, I did danced with my co worker, who is actually my girlfriend now.

9. where was the party?

The party was at my work auditory.

10. how many year you had at that celebration.?

I was 21 years old.

IV. Bibliography

Textbook: Personal Best A1B, Editorial Richmond, 1st Edition.

Workbook: Personal Best A1B, Editorial Richmond, 1st Edition.
English II

English and Spanish dictionary

English Lab – Richmond
English Central Website-

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