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1) 47- Lower Right Molar/ Mandibular Third Molar

26- Upper Left Molar/ Maxillary First Molar
15- Upper Right Premolar/ Maxillary Second Premolar

2) (i) A - Chewing/ biting down on his cheeks

(ii) A - As a result of chewing his cheeks, the body reacts to this trauma by producing keratin
cells, which forms a protective coating on the cheeks. This layer of keratin forms a hard patch
on the cheeks with the aim of protecting the soft tissues in that area. This process is known as

3)(i) Streptococcus mutans. Its spherical or round in shape

(ii) Gram positive.

(iii) Gram staining is the process which separates bacteria into two groups, gram positive and
gram negative bacteria. The procedure includes several steps:
1-fixation of the bacterial cells by heating or using methanol.
2-application of primary stains (crystal violet) staining all cells blue/purple.
3-application of mordat (iodine solution) cells still appear blue/purple.
4-decolorization (extraction of blue dye) by using alcohol or acetone, this distinguishes gram
negative bacteria (appears colourless) and gram positive bacteria (appears blue).
5-application of counter stain (safranin) its red dye stains gram negative bacteria red/pink.

4(i) Lidocaine is used as a local anaesthetic

(ii) Lidocaine stops nerve conduction by blocking the Na+ channels so Na+ cant enter the cell
and thus no action potential can travel to brain to record pain.

(iii) He wanted to wait for the lidocaine to take full effect as there are many different nerves in
the oral cavity. Some are myelinated and some are not be thus the speed of impulse
transmission may differ.

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