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TABLE 7-2 Selected Cytokines, Characteristics, Current and Potential Therapeutic Applications 0 Kidney (pertubuiar Bone marrow entrod Simulates proeraton of Anemia of chronic renal dsease(n presiahss, intestialco)| progenitors GRE enti pragentors and dias dependent, and chronic anemia and CFU) ‘prevents apopass of ations) out Treatment of anemia in cancer patents on chemotherapy ‘Autologous predation blod collecton ‘Anemia in HW infection to permit use of “ido (AZT) Post utlogous hematopoietic stem cal transplant GOSF Endothelial ces Teutophil precursors Simulates granuocyle Chemotherapy induced neutropenia Pracenta Fivoblsts colonies Stem cel mebiizaton Monocytes Leukemic myoblasts Diferentiaton of progenitors Peripheral bloodbone marrow transplantation Macrophages toward neuropil ineage Congenital neutropenia ‘Stimulation of neutrophil Iciopatic neutropenia maturation yclicnetropenia GMCS —‘Teels ‘Bone marrow Promotes antigen (Chemoterapyindoednextopenia Macrophages ‘rogeitor calls presentation Stem cel mabitzaton Endothefal ces Dende cls T cel homeostasis Peripheral bood/bane marrow transplantation Fvoblasts Macrophages Hematopoietic call rom —_Leckemia teatment Mast cls NAT els factor 12 4" Tcels Tels Cell rowtivactvaton of Metastatic melanoma ilaeaiie: hee Tet eat ‘eund neilieanioeen, Pee aoe Bit tial alata and CFU-E) aa er reverts apoptosis ot i i a a al patents) Treatment of anemia in cancor patents on ‘chemotherapy ‘Autologous predanation bood colton ‘Anemia in HW infection to permit use of ‘zidovudine (AZT) Post autologous hematopoietic stem call transplant GOSF —__ Endothaia cols ‘Neutrophil precursors Stimulates granuocyte Chemotherapy induced neutropenia Placenta Ftrobasts colonies Stem cel mization Monocytes Lexkemic myelolasts iteretiaton of progenitors. Peripheral boad/bone marrow tanspantation Macrophages: toward neutrophil ineage Congenital neutropenia ‘timation of neutrophil pathic neutropenia maturation jai neutropenia GCE Teals Bone marrow Promotes antigen Chemotherepy-nduced nedopenia Macrophages progenitor oes presentation Stem cel mobizaten Endotielil oes Dena ces cal nomeostass Peripheral blood/bone marrow vansolantation Fbroblasts Macrophages Hematopoietic ell growth Leukemia treatment Mast cls NAT cals factor tz (DAT calls Tels (all roviivactvation of Metastatic melanoma Nk cals NK cots (co4* and C08 Renal call carcinoma Beals Beals Tolls Non- Hodkin lymphoma Moncytes Suppress Ta fesponses Asta, Mediator of immune TABLE 7-2 Selected Cytokines, Characteristics, Current and Potential Therapeutic Applications—cont'd i Teas Teele Costimslaton with other Stilton of platelet production bu not tolerable ‘Macrophages Beis oytotines doses Fiorobasts Liver Call growthvactvation of | Melanoma Tells and B cells Renal cel carcinoma Megakarycyte maturation IL-6 ibitors may be promising Neural difrentiaton Acute phase reactant 0 ‘Oba, Tha T cals Tels Inhibits cytckine production Target Imphoknes in prevention of B cal (008° T cals Macrophages Inhibits macrophages lymphoma and Epstein-Barr vis ‘Monocytes Iymphomageness ‘Macrophages Human immunodefiency virus infection 2 ‘Macrophages Tells Teal, Thi diferentiaion ——Abergy treatment ‘Aja or infectious cisease therapy Asthma Possible role for use in vaccines 5 ‘elated OD T cals CD4" Toals (O4"7008*T cal Nelenoma 08" Tals ‘rliteraton Rheumatoid artis NK cals (CDBY/NK cal cytotoxicity Adoptive cal therapy Generation of atigen-specticT cals Fla Dendrite als Macroohages ‘Antal ‘Adjent treatment fr stage Wl meanoma NK cols NK cals Enhances MHC expression Hematologic malignancies: Kaposi sarcoma, hay ‘cute phase reactant 0 (D4, THOT cals Tolls Inhibits cytokine production Target hphoknes in prevention of B ca ona" Tees Macrophages Innis macrophages lymphoma and Epstein-Barr virus Monceytes Iymphomagenesis Macrophages. Human immunedeicieny veus infection Te Macrophages Tolls Tal, Thi dferentation Allergy veatment Adjuvant or infectious disease therapy Astima Possible ole for use in vaccines ve ‘alvated OD4™ Tools ODA Tools (D4 7008° T call Milano 008" T cals praliteraton Rheumatoid artis NK cells COB*MIK cel cytotodcty —_Adogtive cel therapy Generation of antigen-specific T cals va Dende cals Mecroohages ‘Aathiral ‘Adjuvant treatment fr stage Vl melanoma NK cals NK cals Enhances NHC expression Hematologic malignancies: Kaposi sarcoma, hay Tealls call eukemia, and chronic myelogenous Beels leukemia Macrophages Fibroblasts Endothelial cols Ostooblasts BRU, Busting iter CSU, exon ming wien FO, eon, G-CSF, randoce eon-stiulaing fio, GCS, granlaceearophage ‘alon-stnuating ator ran imureelicerey us FN ron nee; MAC rer titocarpatbyeorplx; AK rail ile, AKT ratural ile os; Tht Thepe ype T; Th, Thebes ype 2; rag reinioy Teas. Adapted om Le Sand MarolnK:Oelenes in cancer mmundheepy, cancer 39856-2083, O11; Kuraoce Gage 68 Hematopte Groth Factors In Bat RO, Kite DM, Ploce RE, et al esters HolondFre Cancer Mode, Se, Haron ON, 2000, 8C Decker, and (ue ,SrbaenrF Cisne apy An MY Aca Sc 1056 16-2, 2005; and Gaza M Macural ,ruguraC Uso! asada man ayrapoktin ous he satin of uremia. Bos, 1097 38:1248-4267) ae . Figure 8-4 A, Pronormoblast (ubrblast), bone martow (Wright stain, x1000).B, Electron micrograph of pronormoblast (x 15,575). (B trom Rodak BF Carr JH: Cinical hematology atlas, ed 4, St.Louis, 2073, Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc) a bh Ors SS Figure 8-5 A, Basophilic normoblast(prorubricte), bone marrow (Wright stain, x1000). B, Electron micrograph of basophilic normoblast (15,575). {B from Rodak BF, Carr JH: Clinical hematology atlas, ed 4, St. Louis, 2013, Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc) Figure 8-6 A, Poyctromatc normebast (ubcy), bone narow (gt san, x100), B, Elan micrograph of pohcvomatc normals «15.575 (B trom Rodak BF, Carr JH: nical hematology atts, ed 4 St. Louis, 2013, Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) a a 8° igure 8-7 A, Orthochromic normoblast (metarubricyte), bone marrow (Wright stain, x1000). B, Electron micrograph of orthochromic norm < 20,125). (B from Rodak BF, Carr JH: Clinical hematology atlas, ed 4, St. Louis, 2013, Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) A Figure 8-8 A, Polychromatic erythrocyte (shift reticulocyte) peripheral blood (Wright stain, x 1000). B, Scanning electron micrograph of polychromatic erythrocyte (5000). (B from Rodak BF, Carr JH: Clinical hematology atlas, ed 4, St. Louis, 2013, Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) & Figure 8-9 Reticulocytes at arrows, peripheral blood (new methylene blue stain, X 1000). Lestainatk

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