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SPOCLMEXTOL ARADHYA TUTORIALS® _R/GHTS RESERVED UWI - wo Qos, Resource ALLOCATION, VPN, MPLS, ToNNELING , ERLAY NeTwoRK- —~ - oveavieo of Qos — - Tnregsated seavice Qos a = Digeerenctared sewice Qos YY - Resovace ANocavion S$ — Vistval PAivate NeneoA - Mottipaotocel taba SDroing Riess 2% - Overlay Network - [CLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED P FOR EC/ EEE /IT/TC BRANCH SUBJECTS @ ARADHYATUTORIALS. 0 SER This Notes is valid | ’ * only for the duration * i ‘ABC for Java and Testing Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 || Aradnes Blanc Centre for java and testing is 2 iy |} ster concer of Arachya tutor. Wo provid quality industry oriented training for final year ‘students and freshers. We also provide immense job ‘opportunities, We have already placed numerous ‘students into the software industry. To know more, like our Facebook page "ABC For Java and testing’. Aso vii ur webit ‘worw.abeforjava.rg. 9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) "9972731111 (JAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) Overview oF Qos In communication networks, The Qos fon a nenconk Can be provioded using 2 appnoaches i Ge epaniae This Notes is valid ritegna * only for the duration “1 ® differenciared seavice Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 eras Tntegnated sevice provide @es , 10 fsa cra es ye Hx e. single sovace To destination tt is used for providing The @es on, the difPesenciated QoS tan be wet class of application i-€ ghovp of packe A aeqvinements- TINTEGRATED SERVICE e “he imegeated s. akes uses of 9 sewice clasces For = Gvosanteed Sewvice class = Cormmovied load Sevice class “the qv av sevice class can be defined fa those ; tohich’ cannot _Tolesote The dela seas Applica’ certain _level- & Voice én Video Communications fie See ‘Yoad sewice clacs is defined fn hoce “applications “That can ‘Tolerate some delay -f less pe} jnetweokk which provides ‘The Qos, Needs To Know a She about Flow of TaaPRc, required ‘panduvidTh, acceptable delay, acceptable joss Exe YANAGAR) 9972851111 (VUAYANAGAR) 990192144(INDIRANAGAR) boc MENTO ARADHYA TUTORIALS® RIGHTS RESERVED paso BOS “the sovace before it begins “The Thansmiesion, must Ne fiact Specify The aquired Type of Savice such as load seavice o% goaranreed sevice TP an application oh O sSovace is Aequesiin The waranteed service, TT Shovld Specify Te Boer Asay Yr can Tclesore- once The savice provider gets “the infoamadtion abovr The Aelay factor, The ni mvst determine The ne, gaay Sleps oh processes ‘to applied oa paovidint Ne see “The Following ore Tho process Thet is paoviding| Qosin Toregnoted Beavice YY | Rouring | Tape + The “Taaffe, s@oring process is Ra Smocthing er - aeguiating ae) bussty tak Fie certacl is used fox admitting oa AejecTing Feo based given infoamation aboot The Resovace Aesewation oh allocation, is used. foa Aeseaving the bandwidth. Pocket Schedvling is used For setting Time Table fa Te Packet Flows: i This Nowe Is valid i * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 | RBSLIDL (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) 9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 GAYANAGAR) 9973 TRAFFIC SHAPING: The Flow of The packet into The Aovter uill be iaseguior , dve To which The Congestion. Can occuA- “he TatFic shaping algorithm is used To Aegulate The packet Plow, ie Smooth the ‘Taaffic Plow Se That Congestion can be ‘femoved- Toabolent Flow) Regvlaged packets buasty Prow Segoe Trak Bic. TRAFFIC a Contac | YY TroFFic shaping can be ae by either: © teehy packers A J This Notes Is valid @ Token bucket. 2) * only for the duration * So Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 To contac) Thi i Taathic, a ToPhc shaper in The bam oF leary can be placed inbetween The “the ogee censists Of 2 bof ers es ‘Omioin bof-Peq ge @ Goont bot fee ‘The ' bossty PockeTs aaive al The Main boPFez 4 aac quevedl » depending, on The Cop cee “he packet can be ransmitted Along ‘The Tin” omy if Thee is a grant Present in The gront botfer. If The grant is nob paesent , packets Start queving she clgetithm can be Simmasized as foliews: A= is The hate at which packers asive aT moin befPea Avthotized 7 9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 997273111) (JAVANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAVANAGAR) 99019421.44(INDIRANAGAR)- DOCLMENT OF Pockets STast to be queved- Rea: t ARADHYA TUTORIALS® gou7s eeseRvEeD 5 Rate at wohich avthofsization Grant aaaivel ar gong bo-FPex- This Notes is valid woz sige of grant buffer. * only for the duration *{} © Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 |} > the grett axtves aT every 9 Seconds. TE mote Than > packets oe in The moin votes, Then only © packeis oe assigned The , afte, 4 Time. Te no grants eae “hene in seen boffes, +s , TOKEN BuckET TRAFFIC SHAPIN * Tncomis nq, Tokens tee tod 0 ws peog ee ov a : Ea ourgeing- iscaade oe afew OR packers Packets « The Toten bveker algosithm consists of. a bot Pes, Thar accepts fixed Size Tokens generated by Token en&atoa AT @ Constant Adte- The buasty TAaPRc of bunker TusbulenT packers mvst- Plow Though. This buchet + SSSE2144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 GAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIIAVANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) jhe packet goes cer Behan bucket only iP The Token gets alfached To VD. TE boeket is AN coming Tokens axe dis ceded. TP bucker is emply, incoming Packets ase qveved Until svPBcient number of tokens cae made available os, Admission contact is a proces teres oe: “whether To accept of” eject The incoming Flew" packets the decigion is based on The a Factors - Admission CONTROL ee © A= Type oP sewice eq ® Te- Required ak The pockets . using ‘The coshenth Satie aesovaces Can be used fon Providing he’ aD vithour ofteciog the existing TAaPfic, he gront 1S peAmitted Plow 4 Taaffe Ne accepted , otherwise iv meal be Hejected. once 2 Drew is admitted, Tho policing scheme HSU; ensvae That Plow does nor exceed The varse Yok Ts. Te nor some oF The Packets may be discarded. Resource ReseRyATION PRoTocel TRsvPy , Tr is a pactocel That is used foa nesewing The Aequiaed nesovace atlong The path of Thansmission, fox providing Qos- “The sender initially sends a Ts message ihich De4S6A214(MALLESHWARAM) | 9972731111 (GAVANAGAR) OTST (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144 0NDIRANAGAR) Passes Through Coch inteamediate Area before ‘Reaching the *eceives. Tn This “way, The ‘receiver is made awme of The inBamasion abovt The path 4 Aeseivation at each ote - “The message has To be sent Periodicity | So That geseavation 36 mairitained- “The Aovter Con accept oA Aejecr The 7 4eqvest based on available ReRwoRCEAN SY” lohen Thee is a Ink Palose, A \iecetoes Aeceive message on diferent Den. AeEGvorion Resection messages from NS moltiple Aeceiveas ean be meged if “Thera xc) Actay Aeqvisements are similas - TR a teceiver Nn OM, aeceive meszage, Cee Senders, the ane wilh be a Total Aequidement ts of an “a : PACKET Wess os i ay Packet scheduling invclves -managing packers | v To provide Qos associated vith packets. PackeT Scheduling algeaiInm makes vse of packer Aassifie, which ecloscifes The packet based on several Ly in caitenia- gos is provided based on The class “he classification ts based on FoNowing parameters ‘9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (JAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) ob ARADHYA — Sovace } destination EP addaeas = Sovice) destination port Pocket Plow paicaity - Photocel Type - Delay Sensitivity he pocket classifies Pocket Plow Packer claseihier This Notes is valid 4 9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (JAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) bOCLMENT OF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® x/GHTS RESERVED. pars (ba) : ene Higher Priority queves, experience lower delay Than compared “To lowes priority qveves- she lower PMonTY queve is subjected To bondwidh + STaAvaTion. jhe paiority queving is aS Shown below: O 2 in ‘ — priori Gt”? ee age Paionits wn can be Foather divided into QN ; This Notes is valid Pe ONen-paeemptive | only for the duration * 5 -2014 to Dec-2014 ® Preemptive Jan-2014 to Dec: i - nenpreemptive — paionity queving , The paocess of packel Cannot be intesaupred under any JowR priority Condition. Tn pae-emptive psiosity queveing, service of lower priosity packer can be inteadupted. by an incoming higher Paiority — Packe'b-” z :AR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) 9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 997273 LOCCMLNI OF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® R/GHTS RESERVED pee 12.28) Fpin Qveveing ScHEDoleR The farh queveing Algoaithm is shown in The Forowing diag aom- This Notes is valid . aveien * only for the duration * Flowi Jan-2014 to Deo-2014 Packs Pocket Clossi Fez Schedoling a nina Ces Z a Tn “foia ah algorithm, each boFfer on greve will be Bs equal ioe. for Thrammigcion of packeTA ws in a Aovnd Aobin Fon Se if hee aie anh Non -emply queve ¢ shion ‘99 je Dhansmission bondwidth available, The each Bete wm shase & bandwidth of Sn. . jhe clock coot need for Tronemission i6 caccleted as ~ Pnows: ter Qy= arsival vime of packer j? = start time of Transmission OF packet 5. 984562144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 AYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) iy gy = moxc f j-4 29? This Notes is valid 5 a * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 WEIGHTED Fain QVevEING SCHEDULER This is an Imphoved version of fois quevéing Schodoles, The weighted fais queveing seo ae os The. window, Ax sye is based on buPPex nee available OLN “he eevee “This vers of tindao Size wil be gent To The Sender, \ : the Bader Taonamits The packet based on Thex ioindewo Shy. : Tn gate based sescvace alecation, a receiver SheciBeg a ’moximem Fare ee bits|sec) can handle. jhe cendex Taansmity The packet basyd infohmation- Ss4S6RH MALLESHIWARAM) 9972731111 JAYANAGAR) 972851111 (VIAVANAGAR) D>MMaNDIRANAGAR Duy, KIGHTS RESERVED Duce MENTO AI VPN, MPLS, TUNNELING AND OVERLAY NETLOORKS This Notes is valid * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 Virtunt Private NeTwoRK- A viktwal private nho poblic Nj Like inteanet- is a data: njwo Theat makes use of On Janizotions setup a private nho using The public nho as backbone nj. “This atews The 0 janiz atig Connect neql cities. the branch oPRce located at different x A UPN Con be beitt using Comeling protgcel Diagaam RePea class Notes & setting up a VPN gives The: Ser ination. Capabinities of “ha- ving TheiA own nko at SS cost The Following are We benefits of ceating VPN: © The operational ost is Aedvced as public Nho is used X : @ ranch fos at geographical Yecations can be connec The geographical Communication con be exte @® es management can be enhanced ® Enhanced nwo management vith Simplifed ecol area nie. © Twproved phodectivity 4 ecatl YPN one Classified into Q Types © Remote Access VPN site -to- site VPN | ‘9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (JAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGA\ L {R) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) Remote Access VPN? Remote access VPN iS used for Connecting a single usea To LAN of The o: janization, Mowing The vse To access _pxivoite no of The oaganization Pom AC moTe location Fo. paosding “This , The ‘Triteaner sewvice provider seis up a Bd. Using a VPN Sor eaNCS usez will be able To access LAN: Secusing m cose of Remote access wt be provided! ‘so ugh engyption- SD TTennering in Remote accese Sr sez moiniy Point -To- Point Pactocet UPPP, Bee ee fon otheA inteanet paoroceis | Some of The were) associated with PPP axe, Joyer QZ | Foawardin Paotecet TLRFJ used for authen~ | Tication > Pont To eange)Vong Ppactece’. CPpiP] used for eneay prion « TPsee provides seevaity Ree MottiprotocoL LABEL SWITCHING T \Viekes eloss Notes . In Wis she trofhe is grcuped jnio FEC BFexwaxd equivalence dass} based on eatteria- “she Fee ig a greuP of packets Raweaded in The same The fellowing Ys The Giteia using which an Fee can be — Sovace 4 destination LP addsess oA TP nhw addaess. eas in Aomobe This Notes is valid * only for the duration * |L2om2014 to Dec-2024 SS Tin GUALARSHWARAMD OVTITIINLGAYANAGAR) 97285111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 990}521440NDIRANACAR) = Applications. The label: ake used fox 4ouTin jhe labels have only Local significance , There Ae manage- ment of labela ~ nw becomes vay simple - In pcs, Tha pockets Ang number of label can be applied onto The packets Forming a label stock. The label stacking atiows gnovping Lagga Dat of “h. pdtth. label stciTch polhs mito a Single Label, Tunnel “his iS caned as MPLS _Tunne or A MpLs ‘Tunnel is as Shown be) xP a) Bea TP + Qlabels —_— = LR Tn explicte fovting, a single lsR deteaminez The label

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