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Learning outcomes: Students will able to read the long vowel E sound.

Theme: long E, vowel sound.

- Describe:

On Thursday 15 October 2020, I taught long E, vowel sound. The outcome was Students will
able to read the long vowel E sound.
In the lesson that I did, I was trying to manage my timer so I used a timer for each centre to
finish on time and do all centres. My relationship with the students improved so I got used to
the students. First, teacher display a picture that with o vowel (snow – bone – rose – go –
blow – coat – hole – robe) and ask the students to read the word and spell it.

- Introduction:

During the lesson I used PowerPoint, teacher display a slide that shows (tree – leaf – she –
thief – key – fairy) with pictures and the different sound of e. then the teacher display (ee)
words with pictures, (ea) words with pictures, (ie) words with pictures, and (ey) words with
After that, teacher gave the students 2 minutes to think about other words that have (ee, ea, ie,
ey). Then, the teacher chooses 4 students to answer.”After posing a question, a wait time of
between three and five seconds can encourage students to give more considered answers. This kind
of wait time is called Wait Time 1. This gives students a chance to recall information, leading to
better answers.”[ CITATION The18 \l 1033 ]
- Active engagement:

Teacher asked the students to open the link that she put it in the chat box, it includes 18
questions about long e vowel sound.

- Formative assessment / closing:

teacher display 2 pictures and give the students 2 minutes to think (tree – key)

then, the teacher chose 2 students to answer and say the spelling for each word. “Ehri for the
Scientific Study of Reading found that spelling instruction improves reading ability, as it
builds a learner’s knowledge of the alphabetic system as it is used in reading.” [ CITATION
The201 \l 1033 ] After that, the teacher gave the students small quiz.

- Analyze:

The lesson they took on Thursday was related to the previous lesson; in the previous lesson it
was about “o vowel”. This lesson was linked to the lesson that they took before. I began my
lesson by presenting (tree – leaf – she – thief – key – fairy) with pictures and the different
sound of e. then the teacher display (ee) words with pictures, (ea) words with pictures, (ie)
words with pictures, and (ey) words with pictures. “The use of pictures make the ocabulary
material is more meaningful, o help the students memorize the word easily and to represent
the real object or the thing. The used of picture also a fantastic educational tool and makes
learning more fun than usually.”[ CITATION ELS13 \l 1033 ]
While explaining the lesson, the students were randomly selected. Sometimes if the student
does not know how to solve the equation, I ask students for help, so many students volunteer,
but I choose one student.
I think the students responded in the way they did, because the lesson was easy and because I
was choosing the students randomly. It was easy for the student because they know how they

In the future, after finishing the activity I will solve with the students to check.

- Appraise:

I achieved my teaching goal of time management, I put a timer and I finished on time.

ELSY, Y. (2012-2013). TEACHING VOCABULARY BY USING PICTURE TO THE. media, 12. Retrieved Nov
18, 2020

The Importance of "Wait Time" in the Technology-Based Classroom. (2018, Feb 21). Retrieved Nov
18, 2020, from schoology:

The importance of spelling. (n.d.). Retrieved Nov 18, 2020, from 3plearning:

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