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Learning outcomes: Students will need to be similar with animal’s name.

Theme: habitats.

- Describe:

On Sunday 25 October 2020, I taught habitats. The outcome was Students will need to be
similar with animal’s name.
In the lesson that I did, I was trying to manage my timer so I used a timer for each centre to
finish on time and do all centres. My relationship with the students improved so I got used to
the students. First, teacher displayed pictures of (desert, ocean, artic) and asked the students
about the name of these places, teacher was choosing the students randomly.

- Introduction:

During the lesson I used PowerPoint, teacher display a slide that include the vocabulary with
picture and the meaning. Habitat: a place where plants and animals live Predator: an animal
that hunts other animals for food. Drought: a long period of time with little or no rain. Fossil:
what is left of a living thing from the past.
Teacher display (desert) and ask the students about the name of this picture and which animal
can live there.
Then display (Arctic) and ask the students about the name of this picture and which animal
can live there.

- Active engagement:

Teacher asked the students to open the link that she put it in the chat box, it includes 18
questions about animal habitats.
- Formative assessment / closing:

After finishing the activity, the teacher gave the students 10 minutes to think about an animal
that you like and write about it. Then, the teacher displays an exit ticket that include,

Question: which animal that you like? ________

Where this animal live? ________

Why? _________

When students present their answers for the entire class, it improves their confidence, also as
British Council motioned, “Presentations are a great way to have students practise all
language systems areas (vocabulary, grammar, discourse and phonology) and skills
(speaking, reading, writing and listening). They also build confidence, and presenting is a
skill that most people will need in the world of work.” [ CITATION Stu20 \l 1033 ]

- Analyze:

The lesson they took on Sunday was related to the previous lesson; in the previous lesson it
was about “Places to Live”. This lesson was linked to the lesson that they took before. I began
my lesson by presenting Habitat: a place where plants and animals live Predator: an animal
that hunts other animals for food. Drought: a long period of time with little or no rain. Fossil:
what is left of a living thing from the past.
Teacher display (desert) and ask the students about the name of this picture and which animal
can live there.
Then display (Arctic) and ask the students about the name of this picture and which animal
can live there.
I think the students responded in the way they did, because the lesson was easy and because I
was choosing the students randomly. It was easy for the student because they know how they

In the future, after finishing the activity I will solve with the students to check.

- Appraise:
I achieved my teaching goal of time management, I put a timer and I finished on time. “ Time
management is important because it helps you prioritize your work. After you have your list
of daily tasks down, you need to figure out what you should do first. Those that are important
should be the first ones you should tackle.”[ CITATION Vok152 \l 1033 ]


Student presentations. (n.d.). Retrieved Nov 18, 2020, from teachingenglish:

Voki. (2015, Feb 3). The Importance of Time Management in Class. Retrieved Nov 18, 2020, from

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