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Learning outcomes: Students will able to know some animals’ name and read a story about
Theme: read a story about animals.

- Describe:

On Wednesday 28 October 2020, I taught read a story about animals. The outcome was
Students will able to know some animals’ name and read a story about animals.
In the lesson that I did, I was trying achieve my time management. I put a timer in each
centre in the PowerPoint. My relationship with the students improved so I got used to the
students. First, the teacher put a small quiz for the students about what they studied last class
it’s about animal’s name, the teacher gave the students 5 minutes to do it.

- Introduction:

During the lesson I used PowerPoint, teacher display a short story. The teacher read it first
then I choose some students randomly and each student will read one sentence. Then, the
teacher gave the students 2 minutes to think which animals they can see in the picture.
After that, the teacher ask the students “which animal you can see in the picture?”. Then, they
solve the activities in the book that they let the students to underline this, that, with, and them
in the story by giving the students 1 minute to underline these words. Then, the teacher solves
with them.

- Active engagement:

Teacher asked the students to open page 52, teacher gave the students 15 minutes to solve
activity 3 and 4. Then the teacher solve with the students by choosing the students randomly
to answer.
- Formative assessment / closing:

After finishing the activity, After they finish the activity, the teacher put a worksheet quiz
link and the students will solve it. After they finish, the teacher will ask the students to put the
grade in the chat box.

- Analyze:

The lesson they took on Wednesday was related to the previous lesson; in the previous lesson
it was it’s about animal’s name. This lesson was linked to the lesson that they took before. I
began the lesson by reading the short story then the teacher choose some students randomly
and each student will read one sentence. “By reading to children, you provide them with a
deep understanding about their world and fill their brains with background knowledge. They
then use this acquired background knowledge to make sense of what they see, hear, and read,
which aids their cognitive development.”[ CITATION Col19 \l 1033 ]
Then, the teacher gave the students 2 minutes to think which animals they can see in the
After that, the teacher asks the students “which animal you can see in the picture?”. Then,
they solve the activities in the book that they let the students to underline this, that, with, and
them in the story by giving the students 1 minute to underline these words. Then, the teacher
solves with them.

- Appraise:

I achieved my teaching goal which is time management. I will put a timer in each centre in
the PowerPoint.” When you better manage your time, you’ll be able to take on new
opportunities and grow your business in a sustainable manner.”[ CITATION fre20 \l 1033 ]
(n.d.). Retrieved Nov 22, 2020, from freshbooks:

Collier , E. (2019, May 24). Why is Reading so Important for Children? Retrieved Nov 18, 2020, from

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