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Learning outcomes: Students will be able to know that animals are part of a food chain.
Theme: food chain.

- Describe:

On Sunday, 1st October 2020, I taught the food chain. The outcome was” Students will be
able to know that animals are part of a food chain.” In the lesson that I was working on my
time management so I used a timer in each center. My relationship with the students
improved so I got used to the students. First, I asked the students. I first posed a question
about what they had taken in the previous review lesson. According to Am J, motioned that,
“Prior knowledge has long been considered the most important factor influencing learning
and student achievement. The amount and quality of prior knowledge positively influence
both knowledge acquisition and the capacity to apply higher-order cognitive problem-solving
skills.” [ CITATION Pha08 \l 1033 ]

- Introduction:

During the introduction time, I related my teaching to the students’ prior knowledge that I
told them the meaning of camouflage and I put small quiz about camouflage, I gave them 5
minutes to do it. After that, I started to introduce the new lesson which is the food chain
(today we will learn about the food chain). Then I put two questions (general questions)
which is What do animals need to survive? Why do animals need other animals?
Then I present the meaning of the food chain and where can we find the food chain. After
that, I explain to them the predators and prey and gave them an example for each. Then, I
gave them 20 seconds to think about other examples of predators and prey.
After I heard the answers I display the food chain for land and water, I explain each one.

- Active engagement:

I put for them an activity that includes 4 food chains to complete, and as they completed one,
the next one gets more challenging.

In the beginning, I model for them how to do the activity by sharing my screen.
I gave them 15 minutes.

- Formative assessment:

I was reviewing with them by asking them, “most of the food chain starts with what? Sun”
“in the food chain, we have predators and? Prey”

- Closing:
In the end, I put for them a worksheet that they have to do it and they can see their grades.

- Analyze:

The lesson they took today was related to the previous lesson; in the previous lesson it was
about “camouflage”. I began my lesson by presenting a quiz about what the studied last class.

While explaining the lesson, the students were randomly selected. Sometimes if the student
does not know how to solve the equation, I ask students for help. When I was asking the
students, in the beginning, they were answering me immediately.

I think the students responded in the way they did, because they understood the lesson and
because I was choosing the students randomly, so the students were focused on the lesson.
My MCT, asks me to give each student time when I ask them a question to let them think.
Also, I have to do the activity during the lesson to make them understand what they have to

- Appraise:
I think I achieved my teaching goal of time management that I will put a timer in each center
and I finished on time. As we know that, “time management is a very important skill to have.
Teacher can use this in the classroom to optimize learning opportunities for students. Time
management is important because it helps you prioritize your work.”[ CITATION Vok15 \l
1033 ]

- Transform:
In the future, I will model the activities that I do for the students during the lesson to be easier
for them while they do the activity, and I will give each student time to think about the
answer when I choose them before I choose another student. As John McCarthy says, “"Give
students 20 seconds to two minutes....Giving such chunks of time honors the work being
asked of students. Quick responses probably mean that the question did not stretch the
learners’ understanding. After the allotted time, any student can be called on to share their
response.”[ CITATION McC18 \l 1033 ]

McCarthy, J. (2018, Jan 19). Extending the Silence. edutopia. Retrieved Nov 1, 2020, from

Pharm, A. J. (2008, Oct 15). The Relevance of Prior Knowledge in Learning and Instructional Design.
ncbi. Retrieved Nov 1, 2020, from

Voki. (2015, Feb 3). blog.voki. Retrieved Nov 1, 2020, from The Importance of Time Management in

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