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Learning outcomes: Students will be able to know some of words that have long i.
Theme: writing about animals.

- Describe:

On Thursday 5 November 2020, I taught habitats changes. The outcome was Students will be able
to know some of words that have long i. In the lesson that I did, I was trying achieve my time
management so I put a timer in each centre. “The relationship between student and teacher
plays a large role in the trajectory of a child's academic success and social development.
Establishing a positive relationship with their teacher helps a student feel more comfortable
and safe in their classroom environments.”[ CITATION GON16 \l 1033 ]. So, my relationship with
the students improved so I got used to the students. First, the teacher presented a slide that include
name and pictures of some animals such as, hippo, monkey, bird, frog, giraffe, crocodile, lion
and bear. Then, the teacher read the name of animals. After that, the teacher chose one
student to pick up an animal to think about this animal, what they eat, and what look like.
Then, the teacher chose students randomly to answer. And the teacher will repeat it until they
do all the students.

- Introduction:

During the lesson I used PowerPoint, first, I presented the lesson objective, “write very short,
simple sentence on familiar topics, to write sentence using capital letters and full stop, to talk about
ones’ favorite animals. And ask 3 students to read the lesson objective”. Then, I presented a picture
of giraffe and I gave the students 20 seconds to think about the giraffe and how the giraffe, frog, and
gruella looks like and write it in the chat box while you thinking. After each animal the teacher gave
the students 20 second to think about it then chose students randomly to answer.

- Active engagement:

The teacher asks the students to open page 58. Then, the teacher presented a sentence with
blank space, the students should talk about animal’s fact such as, name, size, colour, food,
fact. After that, the teacher gave 20 second to think, after that I will asks students to answer.
After finish answering the teacher asks the students to wrote the answer in the book.

- Formative assessment / closing:

After they finish the activity, the teacher will be presented page 58. And gave 1 minute to
think about their favorite animal and wrote about it, then draw the animal. After that, the
teacher chooses 5 students randomly to answer and share their favorite animal with the class.

- Analyze:

The lesson they took on Thursday was related to the previous lesson; in the previous lesson it
about animals’ name and write about animals. This lesson was linked to the lesson that they took
before. First, the teacher presented a slide that include name and pictures of some animals
such as, hippo, monkey, bird, frog, giraffe, crocodile, lion and bear. Then, the teacher read
the name of animals. After that, the teacher chose one student to pick up an animal to think
about this animal, what they eat, and what look like. Then, the teacher chose students
randomly to answer. And the teacher will repeat it until they do all the students.
- Appraise:

I achieved my teaching goal which is time management so I put a timer in each centre.
“Teaching techniques that use timers during classroom lessons embed urgency and may help
move students along to the next lesson ..... which suggests teachers time lessons so they stay
on track.”[ CITATION Ros19 \l 1033 ]

GONZALEZ, R. (2016, Jul 13). The Impact and Importance of Positive Student-Teacher Relationships.
Retrieved Nov 22, 2020, from eltcenters:

Rosa, S. (2019, Aug 12). Timed lessons could be a highly effective teaching technique. Retrieved Nov
22, 2020, from educationdive:

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