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Learning outcomes: Students will able to know the reasons of habitats changes.

Theme: habitats changes.

- Describe:

On Monday 9 November 2020, I taught habitats changes. The outcome was students will able to know
the reasons of habitats changes. In the lesson that I did, I was trying achieve my classroom
management, each student answer when I call them to not disturb the other students. “ For the child
who struggles in school, having a good relationship with their teachers is critical to their
success.”[ CITATION GON161 \l 1033 ]. So, my relationship with the students is very good, and I try
to be a sister or parent to the students I teach so that they feel safe and participate during the lesson
and not hesitate. First, the teacher put a link in the chat box about the lesson that they took it before.
It’s a worksheet. 

- Introduction:

During the lesson I used PowerPoint, first, the teacher starts her lesson by saying the 3 main
reasons why habitats change which are, nature, animals, and people. And talk about it in
details. Which is first reason which is nature, is including drought, flood, and fire. Then, she
told them the meaning of drought, flood, and fire with a picture. After that, she told them the
second reason which is animals when beavers build their home. Then, the third reason is,
people, like people cutting down trees.

- Active engagement:

Teacher put a link that has questions about the lesson. After the students finish solving the
questions that in the link, the teacher will solve with the students by choosing the students
randomly. “By having students become a part of the process, they begin to understand the
concept quicker because they are able to explain and communicate the learning concept. It
helps students to become critical thinkers and to be able to express themselves and their
learning.”[ CITATION Cre19 \l 1033 ]

- Formative assessment / closing:

After they finish the activity, teacher display a question for the students “There are 3 main
reasons why habitats change” and gave them 1 minute to think.

- Analyze:

The lesson they took on Monday was related to the previous lesson; in the previous lesson it
about food chain. This lesson was linked to the lesson that they took before. First, the teacher
presented a slide that include the 3 main reasons why habitats change. Then, teacher teach the
students what is the 3 main reasons in details with pictures.

- Appraise:

I achieved my teaching goal classroom management, each student answer when I call them to
not disturb the other students. The students were answering when I chose or called their
name. the other students was quite.

Creekmore, E. (2019, Jan 28). The power of modeling. Retrieved Nov 22, 2020, from

GONZALEZ, R. (2016, Jul 13). The Impact and Importance of Positive Student-Teacher Relationships.
Retrieved Nov 22, 2020, from eltcenters:

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