Zach Austin - The Stranger in The Photo Is Me 2

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Austin 1

Zach Austin

Professor Williams

English 111

13 October 2020

The Stranger in the Photo is Me

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big

things” (Robert Brault). Robert Brualt’s quote emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the

daily interactions between others, for once a person begins to mature, the previous interactions

will transform into important events that formulate your current personality and characteristics.

During the duration of childhood, children continually interact with adult figures that provide

valuable interactions, establishing your original priorities and ensuring a successful life. Since

the beginning of my childhood, I have matured into a responsible figure with additional

responsibilities and formulated my own beliefs about various subjects. The process of maturing
Austin 2

has developed my decisions to prioritize the importance of athletics, education, and relationships

with others.

When I was six years old, I possessed a naive perspective and limited knowledge about

various subjects in life. I was completely unaware about impending important adult

responsibilities such as the process of selecting a college or the process of paying taxes. I did not

worry about dedicating time for completing homework or reading assignments, and I did not

stress about problems because I could rely on my parents to resolve my current issues. As a naive

child, I constantly relied on assistance from my parents and did not attempt to develop

independence or resolve my own issues.

I was a naive child that had few responsibilities and prioritized participating in enjoyable

hobbies rather than worrying about academic success. I prioritized begging my parents to

purchase the latest Lego set, so I could construct various Lego sets at the dining room table,

enjoying the process of understanding the instructions and observing my current progress. I

allocated my available time to running around the house and the backyard, throwing various toys

with my two dogs, Chuck and Oreo, on pleasant afternoons. Since my parents did not assign

daily chores or tasks, I also had an excessive amount of time to practice various skills and

techniques for my recreational soccer games by kicking into a miniature goal located in our


I envisioned a career as a professional athlete, signing with a premier soccer team and

making my parents proud. I envisioned my dream of eventually becoming a famous and

successful athlete, dominating the opposing competition and eventually receiving the prestigious

honor of starting for the United States’ national soccer team. I believed that I was destined to
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become an iconic international player, so I dedicated my entire available time to practicing

complex soccer skills and analyzing the greatest players’ techniques with hopes of triumph.

Once I began to mature and progress through school, I developed different priorities and

opinions. Different experiences, including lectures from my parents about the importance of

education, contributed to my new beliefs. I understood the importance of excelling in education

and developed a realistic perception of the world that excluded a career as a professional athlete

that dominated opponents. My current life includes new responsibilities, including chores and

assisting my parents. I now occasionally experience symptoms of stress and anxiety due to the

amount of current tasks, but I have developed skills for managing my different responsibilities.

In the current stage of my life, I prioritize the importance of preparing for college

applications and selecting a profession. I dedicate the majority of my available time for

completing various academic assignments and studying for impending assessments, assisting the

process of applying to rigorous colleges. Based on the universities I am currently interested in, I

hope that I am accepted into Duke University. I enjoy spending time each weekend to socialize

with my friends and play sports together. Therefore, due to changes in my current priorities, I

now have less time to practice my preferred sports, basketball and soccer.

As I have matured, my beliefs have advanced and developed. I understand the importance

of continuing relationships with close friends that encourage you to succeed. I also believe that it

is important to establish friendships with others who possess similar beliefs and dreams, for they

will continue to provide encouragement until you succeed. I continue to believe that education

enables civilians to flourish, for it educates people further about important subjects. In addition, I
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believe that selecting a profession or career that you are passionate about is important, for an

enjoyable profession manifests happiness and gratitude.

During the process of maturing, I have experienced several interactions that have directly

correlated to the development of my opinions and prioritizing the importance of education and

relationships with others. As a young child, I directly followed the opinions of my parents

because I viewed them as successful adults that possessed knowledge about all subjects.

However, I now have begun to establish independence by formulating personal opinions based

on my beliefs and previous experiences. The process of maturing also requires children to listen

and understand the lessons adults are attempting to convey, for adults possess knowledge that

enables children to prepare for a future of new responsibilities and important decisions.

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