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6 Determine the relationship between fluid friction coefficient and

Reynolds number
6.1 Aim
To determine the relationship between fluid friction coefficient and Reynolds number for flow of
water through a pipe having a roughened bore

6.2 Introduction
This apparatus is designed to allow the detailed study of the fluid friction head losses which
occur when an incompressible fluid flows through pipes, bends, valves and pipe flow metering
devices. Friction head losses in straight pipes of different sizes can be investigated over a range
of Reynolds numbers from 103 to nearly 105, thereby covering the laminar, transitional and
turbulent flow regimes in smooth pipes. In addition, an artificially roughened pipe is supplied
which, at the higher Reynolds numbers, shows a clear departure from the typical smooth bore
pipe characteristics. Pipe friction is one of the classic laboratory experiments and has always
found a place in the practical teaching of fluid mechanics. The results and underlying principles
are of the greatest importance to engineers in the aeronautical, civil, mechanical, marine,
agricultural and hydraulic fields.

Osborne Reynolds distinguished between laminar and turbulent flow in pipes in his publication
in 1883. Ludwig Prandtl, Thomas Stanton and Paul Blasius later analyzed pipe flow data in the
early part of this century and produced the plot known as the Stanton diagram. John Nikuradse
extended the work to cover the case of rough pipes and one such pipe supplied with this
equipment has been roughened for flow comparison purposes. In addition to the equipment for
the study of losses in straight pipes, a wide range of accessories is available including pipe
fittings and control valves, a venturi tube and an orifice plate assembly.

6.3 Unit Description

6.3.1 Unit Assembly
The test circuits are mounted on Formica laminated backboard strengthened by a deep frame and
carried on tubular stands. There are six pipes arranged to provide facilities for testing the

Smooth bore pipes of various diameters (6mm, 10mm and 17mm) An artificially roughened pipe

1. A 90o bend
2. A 90o elbow
3. A 45o elbow

4. A 45o “Y”
5. A 90o “T”
6. A sudden enlargement
7. A sudden contraction
8. A globe valve
9. An in-line strainer
10. A gate valve
11. A venturi made of Perspex
12. An orifice meter made of Perspex
13. Pitot Static Tube

Short samples of each size test pipe are provided loose so that the students can measure the exact
diameter and determine the nature of the internal finish. The ratio of the diameter of the pipe to
the distance of the pressure tapping from the ends of each pipe has been selected to minimize end
and entry effects. A system of isolating valves in provided whereby the pipe to be tested can be
selected without disconnecting or draining the system. The arrangement allows tests to be
conducted on parallel pipe configurations.

Ported manometer connecting valves ensure rapid bleeding of all interconnecting pipe work.

Each pressure tapping is fitted with an automatic shut off plug. Quit coupling socket attachments
with an adequate quantity of translucent polythene tubing are provided, so that any pair of
pressure tapings can be rapidly connected to one of the two manometers supplied. These are a
mercury manometer and a pressurized water manometer.

6.3.2Unit Description

Figure 6-1: Fluid friction measurements apparatus

1. Sudden Enlargement 9. Scale

2. Smooth Bore Pipes 10. Globe Valve

3. Sudden Contraction 11. Inline Strainer

4. Artificial Roughen Pipe 12. Long Elbow

5. Gate Valve 13. Venturi Meter

6. Water Inlet 14. Orifice Meter

7. Outlet Flow Control Valve 15. Pitot Static Tube

8. Manometer

6.4 Theory
6.4.1 Head Loss due to Friction through Pipes
For a circular pipe flowing full, the head loss due to friction (mH2 O) may be calculated from
the formula:

H=4flu2 /2gd or λLu2 /2gd … (1)


L = length of pipe between tapings (m) = 1 m for all pipes

d = internal diameter of the pipe (m)

u = mean velocity of water through the pipe (m/s)

f = Pipe friction co-efficient

Having established the value of Reynolds number Re for flow in the pipe, the value of f may be
determined from a Moody diagram.

𝑅𝑒 = … . (2)


υ=molecular viscosity


6.5 Procedure
1. Start-up the apparatus according to general procedures.
2. Turn or switch the valves (Outlet or Inlet valve) to obtain flow of water flow to the test
section only.
3. Measure flow rates using the volumetric tank in conjunction with the flow control valve.
4. For small flow rates, use the measuring cylinder in conjunction with flow control valve.
5. Measure head loss between the tapping using the pressurized water manometer as
6. Repeat the testing with different flow rate and obtain readings on test section.
7. Measure the internal diameter of each test pipe sample using a Vernier Caliper.

6.5.1 Test Section

19 mm Roughened Bore Pipe

6.6 Calculation

Flowrate Reynolds Pipe Friction

Pipe Velocity
Volume Time 𝑄 Number Head loss Coefficient
Dia. 4𝑄 𝜌𝑢𝐷
𝑓 = 𝑔𝐷𝐻⁄
V T 𝑢= H
= (𝑚3 D 𝜋𝐷 2 𝑅𝑒 =
(Litre) (Sec) 𝑇 𝜇 (mH2 O)
(m) (𝑚/𝑠𝑒𝑐)

6.7 Observations and Comments


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