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There is / There are

Affirmative form:

There is
There are

Examples: Examples:

There's a car in the street There are two cars in the street
There's a lion in the zoo. There are three lions in the zoo.
There's a boy in the park. There are five boys in the park.

Negative form :

There is not ... There are not...

Isn't aren't

Examples: Examples:
There isn't a ti-eer in the zoo. There arer''t two tigers in the zoo.
There is not a ,eirl in the car. There are not six girls in the car.
There's not a rurtle in the pond.. There are not ten boys in the park.

There is/are existence / location

there isn't/aren't
if we say:

We are telling the other person that«a car IS PARI(ED in the street"

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Yes / No Questions'
rnterrogative form :
Wh - Questions.

Yes / No Questions.

Is there Are there

Examples: Examples:
Is there a pond in the zoo ?
Are there two cars in the street 'l
Yes, there is. Yes, there are.
No, there isn't. No, there aren't.

Wh - Questions.

Where . .. ? What ... ?

Where is there a lion ? What is there in the pond ?

There is a lion in the zoo. There's a turtle in the pond.
Where are there tu,o cars ?
There are two cars in the street. When ... ?

When is there a rock concert 'l

There's a rock concerl on Sundar,

the rule for inversion also applies for
these examples.


There is some / There are some

Affirmative form :

Ther is, some ... There are some. . .


Examples: Examples:

There's some u,ater in the bottle. There are some bottles on the table.
Ther's some r,r'hiskey in the glass.. There are some glasses of whiskey
on the table.

Interrogative form: Yes - No Questions.

Is there alr\' ... Are there any

Examples : Examples:
Is there any salt on the table ? Are there any students at school ?
Is there any u,ine in the bottle ? Are there any people in the park ?


Interrogative form : Wh - Questions.

Where .....?

Where is there sugar ? Where are the cigarettes ?

The sugar is on the table. The cigarettes are on the table.

Negative form:

There isn't afly ... There aren't arry ...

Examples : Examples:
There isn't any water in the pond. There aren't any turtles in the pond.
There isn't any milk in the bottle. There aren't any bottles of milk.
There isn't any bread on the table. There aren't any glasses on the table.

Remember this:

Anv < ii J:,T#ll"Yi ffiTl[T1l'. I ",.

(Interrogative form)
§egative form)
SOmg there's some wine in the bottle. (Affirmative form)
Countable Uncountable
Plural Noun ¡ Sing. Noun Noun

Affirmative some bottles a bottle some

Negative any bottles a bottle anv wine

Interrogative any bottles a bottle any wine


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