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HermiT is a conformant OWL 2 DL reasoner that uses the direct semantics.

supports all OWL2 DL constructs and the datatypes required by the OWL
2 specification.

HermiT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

HermiT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

Copies of the GNU General Public License and the GNU Lesser General Public
License have been included with this distribution in the file `gpl.txt` and
lgpl-3.0.txt, respectively. An online version is available at

More information about HermiT and additional licensing information is

available at <>, or by contacting Boris Motik or
Ian Horrocks at the Department of Computer Science in the University of Oxford.

HermiT uses the following libraries in unmodified form:

1) dk.brics.automaton, Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Anders Moeller
released under BSD license, see dk.brics.automaton.COPYING and
dk.brics.automaton.README in project/lib or in the Protege
plug-in jar file
2) JAutomata,
released under LGPL 2.1, see jautomata.LICENSE in project/lib or
in the Protege plug-in jar file
3) The OWL API,
released under LGPL 3.0, see owlapi.LICENSE in project/lib or in
the Protege plug-in jar file
4) Apache Axiom,
released under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0, see
axiom-1.2.8.LICENSE in project/lib or in the Protege plug-in jar
5) Apache Commons Logging,
released under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0, see
commons-logging.LICENSE in project/lib or in the Protege
plug-in jar file

The release is organised as follows:

HermiT.jar is a stand-alone version of HermiT that can be used from the command
line or from within other Java programs. It contains all required libraries.
org.semanticweb.HermiT.jar is a plug-in for Protege version 4.1. It can be copied
into the plugins folder of Protege.
project/* is the Java Eclipse project for HermiT. It contains all sources
(folders src, test, examples, and getopt) and libraries (folder lib) incl. sources
and can directly be imported into Eclipse.

HermiT 1.0
- supports all of OWL 2
HermiT 1.1
- supports DL-safe SWRL rules
HermiT 1.2
- contains a novel blocking strategy
- minor bug fixes (nominals and equality statements in the ABox were not handled
correctly in some case)
HermiT 1.2.1
- minor bug fixes (nominals and equality statements in the ABox were still not
handled correctly if the ontology was nondeterministic, custom data ranges were
loaded correctly in some case)
HermiT 1.2.2
- minor bug fixes (complex concept queries didn't work properly in the
presence of role chains and transitivity), added a progress monitor for
that is used by Protege
HermiT 1.2.3
- several bug fixes (getDisjointObjectProperties(...) and
getDisjointDataProperties(...) were not terminating, a null pointer exception in
getDataPropertyValues(), language tags were case sensitive, ontology change
was not removed on dispose), new concept classification algorithm for
non-deterministic ontologies, new object property classification, HermiT will now
always track changes even when not instantiated as an OWLReasoner, Protege
preferences will be taken into account for the next Protege release
HermiT 1.2.4
- some bug fixes (bottomObjectProperty encoding corrected, blocking cache cached
inactive nodes under single blocking, correct INF/-INF parsing for doubles, no
node sets in case the next node in the property hierarchy has only inverses),
improved property instance retrieval, new disjunction ordering strategy, negative
object property assertion encoding no longer requires nominals, command line
outputs full IRIs instead of abbreviated ones with HermiT's prefixes, apply
in non-buffering mode only when needed for a query, data values are stored also
with their lexical form, new data property classification
HermiT 1.2.5
- improved instance handling (class and object property instances, sameAs), new OWL
API 3.1, never officially release, but shipped with Protege's beta test version
for the new OWL API
HermiT 1.3.0
- as the inofficial 1.2.5, fixed a null pointer exception in the instance manager
HermiT 1.3.1
- fixed a bug that caused HermiT to return equivalent properties instead of inverse
properties in the method getInverseObjectProperties, automata for complex roles
are no longer determinised to safe time, extended explanation example to cover
inconsistency explanation, improved disjoint classes code in the materialisation
example, anonymous individuals are no longer allowed in OneOf constructs (OWL 2
DL conformance)
HermiT 1.3.2
- fixed a bug in the classification (in the case of several unsatisfiable classes,
HermiT skipped satisfiability tests for some of them and wrongly considered them
satisfiable), fixed a bug in object property instance retrieval that left out
related individuals if merging has occurred due to number restrictions, made
instance manager work also with unknown individuals (fresh entities), complex
data ranges are no longer simulated via concepts, but have their own
representations to fix a bug with rdfs:Literal
HermiT 1.3.3
- New bug-fix release of the OWL API is used (3.2.1). Added a method to just write
out axioms for the transitively reduced (class/object property/dataproperty)
hierarchy, much faster than pretty printing but no longer a complete ontology
(missing header and declarations) and not nicely ordered and indented. Only
equivalent classes (properties) are ordered in the according axiom. The
command line by default now just writes out the axioms, but pretty printing can
be enforced with the --prettyPrint argument. Command line interface has been
slightly tidied up and extended.
precomputeInferences() now silently ignores unsupported tasks and disjointClasses
and data property assertions are no longer precomputable via the OWLReasoner
interface (disj. classes too slow, data property assertions are anyway only using
the data property hierarchy and sameAs individuals). Disj. classes can still be
precomputed when using HermiT's native interface (Reasoner).
Fixed a bug that sometimes made sameAs computation hang.
HermiT 1.3.4
- New OWL API is used (3.2.2). Incremental loading and unloading of simple ABoxes
(only assertions without complex classes). Fixed an error in the equals method
of DateTime (no more unsafe casts), and an error for retrieving direct types of
HermiT 1.3.5
- Improved object property classification. Fixed a bug in the detection of clashes
involving InternalDatatype objects, and a bug in the instance manager.
HermiT 1.3.6
- Improved performance of the instance manager for reading off property instances
by avoiding double loops. Refactored the clausification of SWRL rules. Fixed a
in instance manager to properly flush the additional ontology. Fixed a bug in the
implementation of the rdf:PlainLiteral datatype. Fixed a bug in the flush()
to check whether the changes were relevant to the import closure of the root
Fixed a problem with absolute IRIs that had <> around the string as officially
which, however, causes problems in OWL API. Fixed a bug with property chain
HermiT 1.3.7
- New OWL API is used (3.4.3). Added new statistics methods in the counting
Changed the Prefixes class so that it uses the terminology from the OWL 2
Added a new library to fix the error in
Protege for
malformed XML literals. Improved the handling of owl:topObjectProperty when
additional axioms (e.g., for entailment checking). Fixed a bug in incremental
updates with fresh names. Fixed a bug with core blocking. Fixed a HasKey
bug for negated classes. Fixed a bug in the instance retrieval process and a NPE
when retirving same individuals for an individual that does not exist in the
Fixed a bug in the Protege plugin that is caused by a change to the Protege
Fixed some warnings in Java 1.7.
HermiT 1.3.8
- Fixed a bug where we ignored declared classes/properties after an incremental
Fixed array index out of bound error for empty property chains.

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