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Course: BA Business Studies

Module: Personal and Professional Development

Task 2: Reflective report

Student Name:

Student ID:


Employability skills:........................................................................................................................3

Study Skills:.....................................................................................................................................3

Reflective learning:..........................................................................................................................4



List of Figure:
Figure 1: Gibbs’ reflective cycle.....................................................................................................4

A person cannot get his or her desire job if he or she only possess academic knowledge because
academic givers him or knowledge and concept about the job but does not give him the skills
that require for getting the job because skills are key to get a job and become successful in the
job. The natures of skills are different from one job to another job. Every employee regardless of
what stage he or she is in his career must need to focus on achieving employable skills in order
to become successful and reaching top-position in life (Adair and Thomas, 2015). In this
reflective report, I am going to address some reflective skills which are required for every job to
become successful such as communication, team work, problem solving, knowledge of ICT and
self-management. Then I am going to discuss Gibbs Reflective loop, to illustrate my
commitment to my skills growth through the academic and university modules.

Employability skills:
These are skills that an employee requires to function. Such skills ultimately represent an
organization's acceptability or desirability. These professional credentials are often referred to as
career development. The employability skills include soft competencies, professional credentials
and transferable competencies that enable workers to work successfully in any working
environment (Wain, 2017). These abilities improve the attractiveness of an employee and their
ability. Examples of Employability skills include: Time management, communication (both oral
and writing), team work, problem solving skills and analytical skills. The benefits include: Well
collaborating with others, Reliability and trustworthiness among people.

Study Skills:
The study competencies refer to academic skills or techniques students gain in their academic
classes, modules and activities. These competences promote the way new content is organized
and acquired, data is retained and evaluations are managed. The adoption of these strategies lets
students to successfully and reliably face different challenges. A good use of study skills will
help a student obtain the greatest possible outcome. Studying skills provide each student with
acute confidence in their abilities to understand, preserve and remember knowledge.

Reflective learning:
There was a reflection on the achievements made by our modules or on the academic learning for
foreseen competences, employer capability and academic skills. I will be continuing this
discussion with the Gibbs Reflective Cycle. A model that aims to analyze the perceptions and
take appropriate steps to strengthen differences for improved growth is the reflection period of
Gibbs. It advises people to focus regularly on perceptions they acquired over a given situation or
time. In 1988, Graham Gibbs proposed this concept (Jacobs, 2018). The model acts as a method
for self-reflection. This model has six stages. The following figure represents it:

Figure 1: Gibbs’ reflective cycle

Source: (Wain, 2017)

This is the first phase defining the knowledge gained. In this move I would describe what
benefits I have gained in terms of my university's employable and academic abilities. First of all,
I want to mention that my academic life has enriched me so much. The everyday classes and
some additional courses and modules added a lot to the acquisition of subjects. I have attended
numerous conferences, lectures and cases that our professors approved during my undergraduate
life (Evans, 2015). I have learned from these exercises how to function as a team, how to connect

accurately and formally, which requirements make critical thought more efficient and more
effective, etc. These helped me to practice time management and self-development in particular.
Since each role had a professional and formal character, it trained me to behave. As part of my
preparation, teachers also gave tasks and PPT-based presentations that taught me to use Office
too. I have now already developed outstanding computer knowledge.

I'll now articulate my emotions about my impressions in this phase. From the start, I have been in
a challenging condition since I changed my schooling stream before I went to college. At first
there was such aversion to academic outline, modules and courses. I then obtained great support
from my instructors to cope. I learned to be both a great listener for myself as I had all the
research abilities one by one at that period. Furthermore, I felt too uncertain to undertake a
mission that I had been given. So, I began working for a strong time management quite tactfully.
My sour impression then eventually became my fond emotions (Wright, 2015). In reality,
instructors plan these activities in such a way that everything ends up being learned. I eventually
understood, however that university tasks are so relevant for all and I have proceeded my
improvement of my skills extensively since.

Experiences were critically assessed in this phase. I have completed two educational researches
in my undergraduate life. For these reasons, I had to perform a market survey and collect the
requisite information in more than 20 interviews. These works have profoundly helped me to
develop practical experience and study abilities. Academic learning has also helped me explore
new insights and concepts. In addition, I need to face and connect with so many general people
who helped me get a deeper perspective. It contributed to further developing my experience and
discovery (Krantz, 2013). I've mastered Data science and the correct use of some other software
to accomplish the whole mission that has more improved abilities. I have faced so many issues
with this mission where I have pushed myself to engage in collaboration.

Over practice, I have developed many skills and talents. I have learned ICT skills because in this
era it is the most important thing. However after my school days I have some information about
ICT, so I was able to get it right. These make me quite effectively and efficiently fix every
technological challenge.  I have been motivated by my peers to develop skills, which have also
been good for me. It also helped me figure out how team members would produce best
outcomes. Now I can comfortably manage any time period needed and do tasks perfectly.

I also discovered that I could quickly be embraced with any community or agency by the
advancement of my relational capabilities. During my preparation with my colleagues, I
immediately learned some other skills. Therefore through my squad, I have gained too much
experience, awareness and dispute. I may now negotiate with bosses, friends, diverse
professionals and consumers. I have considered myself so exploratory from the growth of my
perception skills. With this pattern, I can now perform some important analysis, along with the
theoretical association and the use of  computer. I can now tackle all manner of problems by
improving clear thinking skills. The validity of any arguments and theories can be calculated.
With my logical thinking capacity, I can easily defend conclusions, convictions and principles.

Whenever I encounter such situations, I can appear different depending on the situation. During
group projects, I will ensure strong contact with all my colleagues and support everyone to
appreciate and maximize their potential. I can separate and adequately track the job depending
on its abilities and skills (Honts, Prewett, Rahael and Grossenbacher, 2012). If any annoyance
happens, I will convey my frustration and let others express their own. I'll give everybody room
to say anything and decide together in need. The involvement in decision making would
inevitably speed up team members' results. My studying would help me to make it possible, I am
so sure. In addition, I will still keep learning from my errors, which help to maximize with more
passion. I'm going to try to figure out something different and unknown, so I can implement it in
the following. I must continue to apply my friendship and monitoring expertise in order to make
a complete partnership. I can do so if I need to sign up to update these skills. Such classes will
strengthen my skills and increase my faith in the current situation. Therefore I can significantly
incorporate all my requisite skills such as critical thinking, programming knowledge and team

For each graduate and under graduate students Employability and research skills are very
necessary. Evaluation of this competence in university allows students develop a greater view of
their performance and efficacy. Students should understand the use of these skills and take the
appropriate steps to improve them and ensure the best possible future. You can do this with so
many methods and equipment. These qualities are what you need and want a person to live a
perfect and prosperous career.

Adair, J. and Thomas, N., 2015. The Concise Adair On Leadership. 11th ed. London:
Evans, K., 2015. Maintaining Community In The Information Age. 11th ed. Houndmills,
Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Haasler, S., 2013. Employability skills and the notion of ‘self’. International Journal of Training
and Development, 17(3), pp.233-243.
Honts, C., Prewett, M., Rahael, J. and Grossenbacher, M., 2012. The importance of team
processes for different team types. Team Performance Management: An International Journal,
18(5/6), pp.312-327.
Jacobs, S., 2018. Reflective learning,. Social science, 46(5), pp.62-64.
Krantz, M., 2013. Ideas & Research. 13th ed. Cincinnati, Ohio: Writer's Digest Books.
Wain, A., 2017. Learning through reflection. British Journal of Midwifery, 25(10), pp.662-666.
Wright, D., 2015. Creativity and Learning: Creative work and the construction of
learning. Reflective Practice, 15(16), pp.261-273.


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