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To realize your full potential as a hockey player you have to start training your mind as well as
your body. MENTAL TRAINING is a set of skills you can use throughout your life! You can
learn to master these skills and take your performance to a new, higher level. Utilize the most
powerful resource you own: your mind.

MENTAL TRAINING allows a player to achieve the maximum potential that their physical and
technical training will allow. MENTAL TRAINING helps remove barriers to a player achieving
a peak performance. MENTAL TRAINING can help give you a performance edge!

Demonstrate Character of a Champion
Competitor Switch (Turning it on),
Attitude Control (Goal Setting, Body Projection, Reframing, Team Building, ABCs)
Emotional Control “Right Feelings” (Breathing, Relaxation),
Thought Management “Right Thoughts” (Self Talk, Visualization)
Mental Toughness (Putting it all together: Coping Strategies & Creating Routines)

Mental skills are just like physical skills and technical skills in that you have to work on them
and the more you understand and practice them the better you get; you will get out of it what
you put into it and the more you practice, the better you get!

Develop the mind, heart and spirit of a champion through


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