Peak Performance Zone Player Journaling

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The Daily Journal is another tool we use in order to increase our SELF AWARENESS. This tool will
help us to become aware of, our own thinking (head), our own emotions (heart), and our own physical
condition (body) on a daily basis. Through reviewing the information recorded in the Daily Journal
over several days we can begin to see patterns that may impact on our performances and assist us in

The Daily Journal is a record of our daily activities with a focus on how we our thoughts, emotions
and how we feel physically. Specifically, we will record our Sleep and Rest; our Weight, Appetite and
Nutritional intake; our daily schedule of training, practice or game and our school and other
obligations. For each of the Practice, Game, Training and School periods of your day you will further
record your Motivation or Attitude Level before participating and your Energy Level and Hydration
Level while participating in the activity and whether you had Fun participating in the activity. You
will also be asked to reflect on the Thoughts you have before and during the activity and on Objectives
or Performance during the activity. Lastly you will be required to reflect on your SELF TALK and
VISUALIZATIONS of the day and any other comments about how your day proceeded.

It is important for you to keep these journal entries accurate and complete. The information you
gather will go a long way to supporting your achieving your PEAK PERFORMANCE ZONE. To
assist you in interpreting the information collected you will meet regularly with a coach to discuss the
records and identify patterns in your thinking, your emotions, or your physiology and begin to design
methods or strategies for addressing them.

The information gained through keeping and regularly reviewing your Daily Journal will assist you in
identifying areas or conditions where you will need to develop skills to improve!

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