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318 Super Common Korean Verbs

하다   To do 세우다 to stand up, to erect

있다   To be 향하다 to face, to look out on
~지 않다    To not be, to not do 믿다 to believe
보다 To try 낳다 to give birth
가다  To go 열리다 to be open(ed); to be unlocked
말하다  Speak 나서다 to come out, to come forth
오다 To come 흐르다 to flow, to stream
알다  To know 넘다 to cross or go across
받다 Receive 움직이다 to move, stir
나오다 Come out 알려지다 to become known
살다  To live 주장하다 to assert,to maintain
못하다  to be impossible 모으다 to gather, to get together
생각하다 To think 살펴보다 to watch closely
모르다 To not know 풀다 to solve a problem; to untie, to loosen; to melt into
만들다 To make 끌다 to pull
먹다 To eat 바라다 to wish, hope
가지다 To have or take or hold 나타내다 to show, to display
나다 To be born 담다 to put in a bottle or container
시작하다 To start,begin 모이다 to meet, to assemble
만나다 Meet 던지다 to throw
내다 to produce something 벌이다 to plan to start a job/project; to play a table game
쓰다 To write 강조하다 to place emphasis upon
쓰다 to take (medicine) 맡다 to take charge of
앉다 To sit down 요구하다 to demand, to claim, to request
찾다 to seek, to look for 즐기다 to enjoy oneself, to take pleasure or delight
나가다 To go out 변하다 to change
사다  To buy, purchase 맞추다 to adjust, adapt
잡다 to seize,catch 막다 to stop, to obstruct
서다 to stand 버리다 to throw away
읽다 to read 붙이다 to be stuck or affixed on something
일어나다 to rise, get up, to wake up (contextually) 마치다 to finish, complete
넣다 to put in, set in 빠지다 to fall into
부르다 to call 표현하다 to express, to make known by saying
죽다 to die 붙다 to stick (something to something else), to adhere to
내리다 to descend; to get off/out (a bus/a car) 발생하다 to originate, to come from
생기다 to arise,occur,happen 어쩌다 by chance, accident
사용하다 to use, to use for a specific purpose 옮기다 to move, to transfer, to communicate
타다 to ride; to get on/in (a bus, a car) 바뀌다 to be changed
보내다 to send 자라다 to grow up (커지다 = to become big)
다니다 to go to and from a place 받아들이다 to accept as one`s own, to accept money or objects
열다 to open 꺼내다 to get out or draw out
묻다 to ask 전하다 to transmit,convey
웃다 to laugh, smile 정하다 to set, to determine
입다 to wear, to put on (a shirt, pants) 늘어나다 to grow longer
마시다 to drink 발견하다 to discover
치다  to attack, assault 마련하다 to plan, to arrange
끝나다 to draw to a close or to end 발표하다 to announce
오르다 to go up, ascend 사라지다 to disappear
놀다 to play, amuse oneself 시키다 to make (something do something)
바꾸다 to change, exchange 기르다 to educate or train or cultivate; to grow long hair
좋아하다 to like; to be fond of 조사하다 to examine, to investigate

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318 Super Common Korean Verbs
그리다 to draw (a picture) 줄이다 to reduce, to decrease
배우다 to learn 달라지다 to change, to become different
이해하다 to understand 원하다 to want
이야기하다 to talk (to tell a story) 확인하다 to confirm or check, to corroborate
자다 to sleep 펴다 to spread out, unfold
걷다 to walk (걸어 가다) 노력하다 to try hard, to strive
시작되다 to begin, to start 지나가다 to pass, to elapse
~지 말다 to cease 키우다 to raise, to bring up, to rear
설명하다 to explain 눕다 to lie down
놀라다 to be surprised 발전하다 to develop, to grow
울다 to cry, weep 어울리다 to be becoming, to suit (look good on)
지내다 to pass, spend time 알리다 to inform, to tell about, to make known
팔다 to sell 빼다 to pull out, to extract
일하다 to work 느껴지다 to feel (passive of 느끼다)
올라가다 to go up, to ascend 찾아오다 to go meet somebody
태어나다 to be born; to see the light of day 결정하다 to decide
가르치다 to teach 없어지다 to lose, get lost
걸다 to hang up or suspend 미치다 to reach
얘기하다 to tell a story 참다 to bear, to endure
잃다 to lose; to miss; to be deprived 남기다 to leave behind
사랑하다 to love 내놓다 to put out, to take out
공부하다 to study 만들다 to make, create
닦다 to wipe clean, polish 계속되다 to continue
내려오다 to come down 벌다 to earn (money); to invite, to bring onto oneself
안다 to hold, embrace, hug 썰다 to chip, mince, dice
잊다 to forget 이기다 to win
씻다 to wash, to cleanse 찾아보다 to go meet somebody
쉬다 to relax, take a break 취하다 to adopt, to assume; to take, to have
싸우다 to fight 구하다 to buy or purchase; to look for, seek, or want
내려가다 to go down 포함하다 to include, to contain
가져오다 to bring; to get 해결하다 to fix a problem, to solve a question
대답하다 to answer, reply 계속하다 to continue
벗다 to take off, remove (an article of clothing) 그치다 to stop or cease or halt
준비하다 to prepare 높이다 to raise, to elevate; to make an amount bigger
결혼하다 to get married 자르다 to cut, to chop
계시다 to stay or be located (honorific form of 있다) 데리다 to be accompanied by
찍다 to stamp; to take a picture 쳐다보다 to look up at
피우다 to smoke 정리하다 to adjust
불다 to blow (e.g. the wind blows) 죽이다 to kill
도착하다 to arrive 빠지다 to indulge in; be addicted to
적다 to write/jot down 흔들다 to shake, to sway
말씀하시다 to speak (formal) 뽑다 (동사) Pull out, draw
소개하다 to introduce, to present 진행되다 to have progressed, to be advanced
끝내다 to end; to put an end to; to finish 기록하다 to record and write down
물어보다 to ask 다가오다 to approach
쓰다 to wear (something on your head, i.e. A hat) 개발하다 to develop or exploit; to open up to development
다녀오다 to drop in for a short visit (and then come back) 관련되다 to be connected or related to
닫다 to close 기대하다 to expect; to look forward to
걸어가다 to go on foot or walk 흘리다 to spill, to shed (tears,blood)
출발하다 to depart; to shove off; to start on a trip 빌리다 to borrow
졸업하다 to graduate 놓이다 to be put on;to become peaceful

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318 Super Common Korean Verbs
도와주다 to help 생각되다 to come to think
날다 to fly 선택하다 to choose
춤 추다 to dance 심다 to plant, sow (a tree, a seed)
켜다 to turn on (i.e. A light); to light 견디다 to endure or bear
깎다 to cut or trim 막히다 to be stopped up or blocked
걱정하다 to worry or be anxious 뿌리다 to sprinkle, to scatter
끄다 to turn off (i.e. A light); to put out or extinguish 가리키다 to point to or indicate
잃어버리다 to lose 모시다 to attend on
싫어하다 to dislike; to be reluctant (to do) 불리다 to be called
약속하다 to promise 차리다 to make ready, to prepare
신다 to put on or wear (something on your feet, i.e. shoes) 의미하다 to mean, to signify
크다 to be big, large 잘되다 to turn out well
지우다 to erase 쌓이다 to be piled up
잊어버리다 to forget 쥐다 to hold, to seize
노래하다 to sing 끓이다 to boil
걸어오다 to come on foot or walk 멈추다 to stop
인사하다 to greet; to say hello 사용되다 to be used; to be employed
전화하다 to call on the phone; to make a phone call 찾아가다 to go to a place to meet somebody
잠자다 to fall asleep 늘다 to increase, gain
축하하다 to congratulate; to celebrate 닿다 to reach, to get to
운동하다 to do exercise 속하다 to belong to; be affiliated with
청소하다to clean 제공하다 to offer
감사하다 to thank 젖다 to be wet, soaked
초대하다 to invite 관련하다 to be related to or connected to
연습하다 to practice; to exercise (a skill) 밀다 to push, to shove
식사하다 to eat a meal 고려하다 to regard or respect
여행하다 to travel 올라오다 to come up
잡수시다 to eat or drink (formal) 챙기다 to gather, collect, assemble your stuff;
질문하다 to ask a person a question 고르다 to choose or select
운전하다 to drive 바르다 to spread, to apply
선물하다 to give a gift 벌어지다 to get serious, to enlarge
요리하다 to cook (food) 포기하다 to give up, to abandon
실례하다 to be impolite 다하다 to finish, go through, be exhausted, run out of
기다리다 to wait 비교하다 to compare
위하다 to do for the sake of 커지다 to become bigger
통하다 to run, lead; flow; go through ; because, as a result of 맡기다 to entrust somebody with something
보이다 to be visible 싣다 to load, to take (passengers)
지나다 for time to pass, elapse, go on 쌓다 to pile up
의하다 to be due to, owing to 잘못되다 to turn out wrong
나타나다 to come out, to appear 맞다 to be struck, to be beaten
보여 주다 to show, to let see 누르다 to press or push down
갖다 to get; to hold 잘못하다 to make a mistake
느끼다 to feel 피다 o bloom ( a flower ~)
밝히다 to light up 기억하다 to recall or remember
짓다 to make, build; to form a line (a group) 물다 to bite, put in the mouth
남다 to remain, to be left over 생각나다 to remember (recall a thought)
관하다 to refer to or be about 싸다 to wrap in, bundle
나누다 to divide or split; to share 헤어지다 to part from (a company), break up with
이용하다 to use, to make use of 깨다 to wake up from sleep
이르다 to reach, arrive, get at 만지다 to touch
이루다 to accomplish, to complete 깨지다 to become broken

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318 Super Common Korean Verbs
얻다 to get, to obtain 상상하다 to imagine
이루어지다 to get accomplished, to get achieved 계산하다 to calculate
맞다 to be right or correct; to match, to be fitting for 부탁하다 to ask a favor of someone
걸리다 to be hung up or suspended 꿈꾸다  to dream or have a dream
지키다 to protect, maintain 수입하다 to import
바라보다 to look at, to watch ; to look forward to, to hope for 주문하다 to order, to request

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