15 Days in Photos Proposal

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Twenty Percent Project Topic Proposal

“15 Days in Photos Challenge”

Jacob Dobson

Introduction of Topic: I have always loved to take photos. It did not matter if I was on a trip,
with friends, or at a family dinner; I always had a camera in my hand. Over the years I do
everything from taking family photos to getting content for my mom to advertise her art
business. During the COVID-19 break, I decided I was going to try and improve my skills, learn
more about the cameras I had access to and start using the Adobe Creative Cloud software to
take my skills to the next level. As we returned to school, I took a step back from my
photography because I could not find the time for it, keeping up my marks and curling.
Purpose: My proposal is a challenge to myself to take 1 photo, from start to finish, every day
for 15 days and then post them on a website. This challenge would force me to take make time
for to do one of the things I love and keep working on the skills I developed during the break. It
would also give me the opportunity to learn more things about photography that I did not know
Intended Audience: The main part of this challenge is to force me to make time to work on my
photography. The end results and progress will be available to everyone who wants to see it. It
does not have an intended audience.
Expected Outcomes: At the end of the challenge I expect to have at least 15 photos that have
been taken, edited, and result in a photo I am happy with. I believe that throughout this time I
will learn more about the software and the camera I am using.
Anticipated Roadblocks: Some of the roadblocks, I anticipate I will have to overcome during the
challenge, are lack of drive to get a photo, poor weather conditions and difficulty getting a
result I end up being happy with.
Planned Timeline: The first day of taking photos will be on November 20th and will run for 15
days until December 4th. Each day of the challenge I expect myself to take one photo, edit, and
upload it to the project website.
Needed Resources: All the resources I will need for the project are resources I own. I will be
using my laptop, Canon EOS Rebel T6i and Nikon 5200 for cameras with their respective lenses
and accessories.

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