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Software Engineering

Class Diagrams

B. Wakim

 Object Oriented Modeling

 Class Diagrams
 Field declaration
 Method declaration
 OO relationships

 Generalization
 Association
 Cardinality

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Object Oriented Modeling
Interpretation in the Real Interpretation in the
World Model

An object is a thing that can be An object has an identity, a

distinctly identified. state, and a behavior.

A class represents a set of objects with

A class characterizes the
similar characteristics and behavior. This
Class structure of states and behaviors
objects are called the instances of the
that are shared by all instances.

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 Each of object has a unique identity.
 The state of an object is composed of a set of fields
(data fields), or attributes.
 Each field has a name, a type, and a value.
 Behaviors are defined by methods.
 Each method has a name, a type, and a value.
 Each method may or may not return a value.
 Methods that do not modify the state of the object are
called accessors.
 Methods that modify the state of the object are called

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 A class defines a template for creating or instantiating its instances
or objects.
 A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same
attributes, operations, relationships, and semantics. A class defines --
 the names and types of all fields

 the names, types, implementations of all methods

 The values of the fields are not defined or fixed in the class
 Each instance of the class has its own state.
 Different instances of the class may have different states.
 The implementations of methods are defined in the class definition
and fixed for a given object.

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Class Diagrams

“Class diagrams show

generic descriptions of
possible systems, and object
diagrams show particular
instantiations of systems
and their behaviour.”

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Class diagram

 Better name: “Static structure diagram”

 A class diagram depicts classes and their interrelationships:
 Inheritance -- extension and implementation
 Association -- aggregation and compostion
 Dependency
 Used for describing structure and behavior in the use cases
 Provide a conceptual model of the system in terms of entities
and their relationships
 Used for requirement capture, end-user interaction
 Detailed class diagrams are used for developers

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UML Notation for Classes
The top compartment shows the
class name.
field1 The middle compartment contains
… the declarations of the fields of the
fieldn class.
The bottom compartment contains

the declarations of the methods
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Class diagram

- Customer_Name
- Balance Attributes

+addFunds( ) Operations
+withDraw( )
+transfer( )

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Class diagram
 Each class is represented by a rectangle subdivided into three
 Name
 Attributes
 Operations

 Modifiers are used to indicate visibility of attributes and

 ‘+’ is used to denote Public visibility (everyone)
 ‘#’ is used to denote Protected visibility (friends and derived)
 ‘-’ is used to denote Private visibility (no one)

 By default, attributes are hidden and operations are visible.

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Field Declaration
 The name of the field is required in the field declaration.
 Field declaration may include:
 Visibility or accessibility defines the scope:
 ‘+’ is used to denote Public visibility  the feature is accessible to any
 ‘#’ is used to denote Protected visibility  the feature is accessible to
the class itself, all the classes in the same package, and all its
 ‘-’ is used to denote Private visibility  the feature is only accessible
within the class itself.
 ‘~’ is used to denote Package visibility  the feature is accessible to
the class itself and all classes in the same package.
 A attribute can be derived: calculated : it will be represented by /

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Field Declaration

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Visibility syntax in Java and UML
Visibility Java Syntax UML Syntax

public public +

protected protected #

package ~

private private -

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Fields Examples

Java Syntax UML Syntax

Date birthday Birthday:Date

Public int duration = 100 +duration:int = 100

Private Student students[0..MAX_Size] -students[0..MAX_Size]:Student

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Method Declaration
 The name of the method is required in the method
 Method declaration may include:

[Visibility][Type]Name([Parameter, ...])
[Visibility]Name([Parameter, ...])[:Type]
 Each parameter of a method can be specified by --
Type Name

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Java Syntax UML Syntax

void move(int dx, int dy) ~move(int dx, int dy)

public int getSize() +int getSize()

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Different Levels of Specifying

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Attributes and Methods – Class level
 Underlined in the class
 Class Attribute  common value to all instances of that class
 Class method  operation on the class itself (creating new
instance for example).

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Message Passing or
Method Invocation

 Objects communicate with one another through message

 A message represent a command sent to an object --
 A message consists of the receiving object, the method to be
invoked and the arguments to method.
Recipient p1
p1.move(10,20) Method move()
Arguments (10,20)
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OO Relationships

 There are two kinds of Relationships

 Generalization (parent-child relationship)
 Association (student enrolls in course)

 Associations can be further classified as

 Aggregation
 Composition

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OO Relationships: Generalization

Supertype Example: Customer

Regular Loyalty
Customer Customer

Subtype1 Subtype2
-Inheritance is a required feature of object orientation
-Generalization expresses a parent/child relationship among related classes.
-Used for abstracting details in several layers

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 Define a relationship among classes and

 Inheritance model -- the is-a(n)

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Inheritance : Example

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Class Diagram: Inheritance

Quantité { Classe de base
classe mère


PrixTTC ()
PrixTransport ()
Retirer ()
Ajouter ()

Électroménager ArticleDeLuxe Vêtement

Taille { Classes filles
classes dérivées
ValiderGarantie PrixTTC ()

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Class Diagram: Inheritance
Expression des contraintes et des discriminants :

{non disjointes} ou {inclusif}
Motorisation Milieu

Véhicule à moteur Véhicule à Voile Véhicule terrestre Véhicule marin

Contraintes prédéfinies :
{disjoint} : une instance de sous-classe ne peut être instance d ’une autre sous-classe
{overlapping} : une instance peut appartenir à plusieurs sous-classes
{complete} : l ’arbre d ’héritage est exhaustif
{incomplete} : d ’autres sous-classes peuvent être ajoutées à l ’arbre des sous-classes
Discriminant : Le discriminant sert à préciser le critère de classification utilisé
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Relations in Java

 class Contrat { Client

bénéficiaire; ... }

• Class ClientProfessionnel
extends Client { ... }

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Abstract Classes
 Not allowed to have objects.
 Used only for inheritance
 Described common attributes and behavior for other classes.
 Class without an instance.
 Undefined operations in Italic
 Class name in Italic or use the stereotype « abstract »
 Operation defined in the different sub-classes (specific to these sub-classes).

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Abstract Class Hierarchy Diagram
Vehicle {abstract}
drives *

drive () {abstract}

Car Boat

drive () drive ()

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Abstract Class Hierarchy Diagram

* Figure {abstract}

# position: Pos

draw () {abstract}

Group Polygon

draw () draw ()

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Java Implementation
Abstract public class Figure {
abstract public void draw();
protected Pos position; }
public class Group extends Figure {
public void draw () {
for (int i= 0; i < consist_of.size(); i++) {
consist_of[i].draw(); }
private FigureVector figures; /* FigureVector is a specialized class of the standard Vector
class that implements a dynamic array.
FigureVector adds hard type checking */
public class Polygon extends Figure {
public void draw () {
// draw polygon code

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OO Relationships: Association

 Represent relationship between instances of classes

 Student enrolls in a course
 Courses have students
 Courses have exams
 Etc.

 Association has two ends

 Role names (e.g. enrolls)
 Multiplicity (e.g. One course can have many students)
 Navigability (unidirectional, bidirectional)

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OO Relationships: Association

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 Association represents binary

relationship between classes
* enroll *
Student Course
advisee * *



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Association: Multiplicity and Roles
1 *
University Person

0..1 *
employer teacher

Multiplicity Role
Symbol Meaning
1 One and only one Role
0..1 Zero or one “A given university groups many people;
M..N From M to N (natural language)
some act as students, others as teachers.
A given student belongs to a single
* From zero to any positive integer university; a given teacher may or may not
0..* From zero to any positive integer be working for the university at a particular
1..* From one to any positive integer time.”

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Class Diagram : Cardinality

classe Exactement 1 instance

* Plusieurs (0 ou plus)

0..1 Optionnel (0 ou 1)

1..* 1 ou plus

1-3, 5 Cas particuliers


* {ordered}
classe Avec ordonnancement

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Components of Class Diagrams
 Multiplicities
 How many of

 Labels to indicate
how reference is

 Role and
Association classes

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Class diagram

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Class Diagram: Association direction

If the association is oriented, means class A can access class B , but B cannot access A.

By default, an association is bi-directional (a simple line).

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Class Diagram: Association
Un seul fabriquant (qui est une entreprise) crée un ensemble produits de type articles de luxe

1 Fabrique *
Entreprise ArticleDeLuxe
fabricant produit fabriqué
Nom : Chaîne Référence : Entier
AdresseSiège: Chaîne Désignation : Chaîne
AdresseUsine: Chaîne PrixHT : Réel
Quantité : Entier

Plusieurs revendeurs (boutiques de luxe) peuvent vendre des articles de luxe

* Vend *
Boutique de luxe ArticleDeLuxe
revendeur produit diffusé

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Use Case

Class Diagram


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