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Point of View Notes

The angle or perspective from which a story is told.

First Person POV

 When the narrator is a character in the story.

 Tells the story using first person pronouns – I, me, my.
 We find out only what this character knows, thinks, and witnesses.
 Since the narrator is a character in the story, he/she may not be reliable or trustworthy.

Third Person Objective POV

 The narrator is not a character in the story.

 The narrator is an observer who can only tell what is said and what is done.
 The narrator cannot see into the minds of any of the characters, so we don’t know any
of their thoughts or feelings.

Third Person Limited POV

 The narrator is not a character in the story.

 The narrator tells the story from the POV of one character only (usually the main
 We find out only what this character does, thinks, and witnesses.
 The narrator can see into this character’s mind, but not any of the other characters.

Third Person Omniscient POV

 The narrator is not a character in the story.

 The narrator can see into the minds of all characters in the story and has access to the
thoughts and feelings of everyone.
 They can be in multiple places at the same time.
 Omniscient means all knowing, all seeing: God-like
 This is the most reliable type of narrator.

We don’t focus on this in grade 8, but in case you are wondering…

Second Person POV

 When the narrator refers to the protagonist with the personal pronoun “you”.
 Places you in the shoes of a character within the story
 Not commonly used
Conflict NOtes
Conflict is defined as a struggle or problem between forces. It is the challenge or struggle the
protagonist must face in a story. Without it, we would have no plot.

Conflict can fit into two main categories:

Internal conflict External conflict

A mental or emotional struggle that occurs A problem that happens between two
within one’s self. characters or another outside force.

Types of Conflict
1. Person vs. Person
 A person struggles against another person. This struggle can be physical, but it can also
be a struggle of ideas or emotions.

Example: A child is put into a headlock by a bully on the bus.

2. Person vs. Nature

 A person struggles against forces of nature. This can include forces like storms, struggles
against animals, and struggles against physical ailments, like disease.

Example: A child in a wheelchair struggles with the inability to walk after an accident.

3. Person vs. Society

 A person struggles against the society in which he or she lives. It is usually a fight against
social traditions, rules, or laws.

Example: Simon is not served ice cream in his town because they don’t provide services
for “little people.”

4. Person vs. Self

 A person struggles with something within his or her own mind, usually having to do with
a choice between right and wrong, or overcoming mixed emotions or feelings.

Example: A student must decide whether to cheat on a test or not.

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