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The Bhoksa

-Vanshita Jhawar.
● The Bhoksa or Buska are a tribal people who live in the foothills of the
Himalayas in north central India.
● The word Bhoksa comes from the word for mountain goat or an edible
● Most Bhoksa are employed in agriculture. They also raise sheep for
meat and wool.
● Goats provide milk, meat and hides. Bhoksa men have some knowledge
of reading and writing,whereas most women not do.
● Some Bhoksa men the Bhoksa are classified as a Scheduled Caste making
them eligible for special consideration for pubic jobs and college
● The primary language of the Bhoksa is their Buksa language.
Their Lives and Beliefs:
● The modern world is slowly coming to the Bhoksa.
● Most of them still live in rural villages like their ancestors did. A chief
along with his council of elders make legal and major economic
decisions for the village.
● Some young Bhoksa are leaving the traditional way of life and moving
to cities for better economic and educational opportunities.
● The Bhoksa are Hindus heavily influenced by folk religion.
● Their main god is Shankar, another name for Shiva, the destroyer god.
● The Bhoksa cremate their dead.
● The main yearly holidays of the Bhoksa people are Holi, the festival of
colors, Diwali, the festival of lights and Navratri, the celebration of
Their Needs:
● They need help in educating their young people, especially their girls.
● They need the benefits of modern medical care.
● Agricultural experts could help them increase the crop yield of their
● The Bhoksa do not have the Bible in their language, .

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