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Irregular verbs

Вставьте необходимую форму неправильного глагола (Past Simple/Present Perfect)

в пропущенные места. Там, где возможны 2 варианта, вставьте оба варианта
через «/». Переведите предложения.

1. You …………… (be) up late last night!

2. What …………….. (become) of him? I haven’t seen him in years!

4. They …………… (begin) to eat their breakfast.

5. The dog got very aggressive after he ………………………….. (bite) by a snake.

6. The station master ………………… (blow) his whistle and the train started to move.

7. ……………………………………………….. (ever break) your arm?

8. Her cat ………………………(bring) in a mouse yesterday morning.

10. The beautiful house sadly ………………….. (burn) to the ground.

11. That’s a lovely handbag! Did you buy it at the fake market? I …………….. (buy)
mine there.

12. The boy …………. ……(catch) the frisbee before it reached the ground.

13. …..... your daughter …………….. (choose) the subjects she will study yet?

15. …………. John ……….. (come) to the wedding last week? No, but his brother
…………. (come) instead.

16. I’m glad you like my dress so well. It …………. (cost) me a pretty penny.

18. The tailor …………. (cut) the dress completely wrong, so now it doesn’t fit.

19. In the casino the croupier ……………… (deal) the cards very quickly.

20. The dog ………………. (dig) a hole to hide his bone.

21. What ………… (do) you do? I would ………………………………. (never, have,
do) that.
22. The artistic girl ………………. (draw) a beautiful picture of her mother.

23. The alcoholic guy ……………….. (drink) a bottle of whisky a day.

24. He ……………… (drive) the car into the wall. It was very messy.

25. ………………………………… (have, you, eat, already)? This is a common greeting

in China.

26. Today I feel quite okay. I …………………. (feel) pretty lousy yesterday.

27. Last week my children ……………………. (fight) every day. This week they are
much better.

28. ……………………………. (have, you, find) my keys? You were looking for them,
weren’t you?

29. Last summer we ……………….. (fly) over Switzerland on our way to France. It was
extremely beautiful.

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