Application Exercise On MOTIVATION Product: Hajmola: Assignment Submission

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Section-A || Group-2

Assignment submission

Application exercise on MOTIVATION

Product: Hajmola
In partial fulfilment of Course:

Consumer Behaviour

Submitted by:


Debargha Bose – P19007

Maddula N K Srikar – P19050

Subhodip Chakrabarti- P19009

V. Archana Reddy – P19055

Piyush Alankar - P19060

Date of Submission: 19th October 2020

Section-A || Group-2

Murray’s Psychogenic Needs:

The needs associated with the psychogenic nature of humans could be broadly labelled as
Achievement, Exhibition, Affiliation, Power/Dominance, Change, and Order Needs. Hajmola
is a commodity product that is perceived by people as a food item that has tangy flavour and
is usually shared with friends. Change needs represent an inclination of people to do new or
different things. Affiliation needs represent the willingness to establish relationships. So, this
theory is being used to promote Hajmola by stimulating the Change/Affiliation needs of
potential consumers.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:

As per this theory, the biogenic and psychogenic human needs are classified into 5 categories
in the order of significance from lower-level to higher-level needs. Those are namely
Physiological needs, Safety and security needs, Social needs, Ego needs, and Self-
actualization needs. As people are motivated to achieve the lowest level of need that is yet to
be satisfied, and the product Hajmola is meant to serve Safety and security needs or Social
needs, the target customers would be those who are looking forward to following a healthy
lifestyle or establishing/strengthening their relationships.

Strategies for promoting sales of Hajmola product for

both users & Non-users:

For users:
1) Promote as health boosters

Customer journey and needs:

Human beings have been concerned regarding their health and safety since ages. This need
was correctly identified by Maslow and stated in his hierarchy of needs as the second base.
However, since the advent of Industrial Revolution, mankind has been gradually disturbing
the equilibrium. The recent pandemic has brought the humankind in terms with nature and
people have again become more vigilant towards their health and respectable towards the
nature. Indian civilisation boasts of indigenous medicinal treatments like ayurveda, unani,
siddha and homeopathy. Industry reports also establish the move of consumption pattern
towards natural sources.

Dabur as an organisation has been an advocate for nature and has built its household name for
similar reasons. Hajmola has been one brand which has been the forebearer for Dabur and is
perceived as a natural appetizer. It is seen as a preliminary solution for most of the digestive
problems. Corona pandemic is an opportune moment for Dabur to expand its product
offerings. It should rise to the occasion and add immunity boosters in the formulation while
maintaining its tangier taste. This would certainly change both the actual state and desired
state for the consumers. The change in actual state would be driven by increased consumption
owing to its health benefits and desired state is pushed as people visualise themselves to be
happier and healthier in near future. The consequent gap between the actual state and desired
state could be filled by Hajmola’s value proposition of not only taste but also health. 

According to Maslow, this would be categorised as safety and security needs.

Section-A || Group-2

Dabur can put up commercials across print and media channels emphasising the value
proposition of taste and health. This would be complemented with a simultaneous push of the
product through different retail channels and increasing the presence in general and
pharmaceutical stores. Netnography can be used to push advertisements across social media

2) New flavours + Powdered form 

Developing New Flavours: Jeera(cumin) flavour, ginger, mango, khatti mithi(sweet and

Developing New Forms: Powdered Hajmola for all the flavours, existent and newly
introduced ones


Dabur can place Tv/YouTube advertisements for the newly launched flavours. Then
highlighting these flavours in mass merchandise stores near the cash counters. Dabur needs to
promote the new flavours as new and better flavours over the old existing flavours (regular,
Chatpata hing, Anardana, imli, pudina, chatcola, amrud).

Customer Journey:

Customers will be made aware of the product with Tv/YouTube advertisements at home.
Inside mass merchandisers, customers on reaching near the cash counter, positioning new
flavours of Hajmolas will repeat the hammering of the idea of new flavours. Then this will
help in cognitive arousal of needs. Finally, it will result in a transaction by the customer.

Matching the motivation theories of Murray’s psychogenic needs (Change)

User groups who are already customers of Hajmola, they will seek new experiences and try to
avoid the same flavours they have had for so long, as per Murray’s psychogenic needs of
change. Also, their desired state will be heightened with the introduction of the new flavours
thus increasing the gap between desired and actual state. This will in turn increase the
motivation for buying the newly released flavours and forms of Hajmola. 

1) Being social and make relationships stronger + Changing the packaging style

Customer needs & journey:

Non-users of the Hajmola, Dabur, product, generally think it is used for the digestive
disorders and helps in digestion. To build the new consumers, Dabur can promote Hajmola as
a candy/mint to experience the flavour and feel the freshness after having it. Hajmola is such
a product, people like to have/try it when it is taken by the close aide of the group in a
Section-A || Group-2

gathering. There are high chances of increased consumption of Hajmola, when it is portrayed
as a product which can be shared among the peers to make the relationships, bond stronger
and to make the gathering fun and happy.  Tagline can be “Share the happiness”.

Changing the perception of consumers to look as candy/mint can be done by changing the
packaging style/colour and shape of the bottle so that it does not look like a small medicine
pill bottle. Bottle shape can be changed to cuboid (similar to the Tic-Tac). Non-users tend to
buy Hajmola as the freshness mint to share and get involved within the group.

Matching the motivation theories of Murray’s psychogenic and Maslow’s needs:

According to Murray, this strategy suits the need of Affiliation.

Target segment is those who like spending time with friends, family and colleagues and
currently non-users of Hajmola.

Promotional activity: Group of friends enjoying the vacation in a resort and having a fun
chat among themselves in the park. One of the friends in the group is feeling uncomfortable
being able to express his thoughts and align to the group. He can take Hajmola and feel
happiness by sharing with friends which helps him to easily go with friends.

According to Maslow, Hajmola products match with the layer of social needs.

Target segment has met the physiological and safety & security needs of the bottom two
layers of the pyramid. Hajmola products can help in building the affections, and sense of
belonging to the group by meeting the social needs.

2) Partnering with Restaurants and Railways.

Promotional activity:

Dabur should establish partnerships with restaurant chains across the country and with
railway caterers, so that they offer their customers a small pack of Hajmola (along with
mouth fresheners) at the end of their meals. This way, people who are not buyers of Hajmola
will get to try the product and know about its appealing taste, without having to spend their
money on it. Additionally, when this practice goes on for a long period of time, it will create
a perception among people that Hajmola ought to be eaten after every meal. Combining this
with the fact that people already know about the digestive properties of Hajmola, more non-
users would now be in favour of buying and keeping a bottle of Hajmola at their homes, at
least for occasional consumption after meals.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:

The above strategy can be linked to the second level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, i.e.
Safety and Security Needs. It connects with people’s needs to bring a form of order and
routine in their lives and thus maintain good health as a result. When people start to believe
that Hajmola is to be taken after every meal so as to enable good digestion and also freshen
the mouth, then popularity (and thus sales) of Hajmola would increase.

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