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Vol.45,No. 1.


tical and


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Joumol of Molhemolicol ond fundomenlol Sciences

Jaonol al Mdlhemalicol ond Furcram€ntol sc'ences welcomes fU reseorch ortices i. ihe ored or
Moihemollcs ond Noiural Sciences from ihe Io owjng subrecl oreosr Chemhiry, Asironomy, BloLogy
Agnculiuro Sclences, Heoih Scie.ces, Blochemistry,Eorth Sclence, Mofhemdiics, Sioiisics, Med:co
Science, ond Physic5,Allho6 are lnviiecllo submii cirices thoi have noi been plb shed previousy o.d
ore noi under consideroiionesewhere.

Sioding from Vo . I , No I , I 961, tu I qrilclespub hhed cre ovol oble online ot htip://journo,ond
ndexed by scopus, ndex copernicls, Goog e Schoror,DoAJ, cetc rED, NewJolr, open J Goie, The
Eeklrcnische ZeilschnftenbibioihekEZB by Unlve6liy Lbrory of Regensburg, EBSCOOpen Sclence
Direcioryond Chemicol Absirdcl SeNice {CAS)


Journo oi Mothemollco ond Fundomenio Scences

' I3 Jolrnol ol Science (2008- 2012)

. ProceedingslTBSoinsdonTekioogl 12003'2007)
. ProceedingsrTB(r96r ,2002)

Edllorlol boord of Joumol of Molhemdllcol dnd F0ndoment6l Sciences

Chlel Edllor BrendonL Ken.edy
hmlnonddr Schoo ofchemistry,
Fqc! ly ol Mothemqlcs L.lnivetr
iy oi Sydney,
ond Noiuro Sclences Ausiroio Kyoio LJnveruiy, Jopqn

ag!snnus Agung Yanc Moo ono syoh

Edlto olBood NugrohoSuisiyoHuiomo
EdySoewono Foc! i} of Mclhemoiics
(ExecuiiveEd ior) ond NoturolScence5 n, Noturo ScienceslIB,
Foc! ly of Moihehotics ndonesiq

lTB,ndonesio HonsDieier Lless Pelroelm Engineenng

Focul, Electrlco
Nev e Fowkes Engneerng ond
Schoolof Mothemo|cs niormotionTechnoogy, Noiurd SclenceslTB,
&Slqiisiics,L.lniv. Unive6ilyoflheFedero Foculiy of Molhemotics
WesiernAlsi.o io Armed ForcesMunich,

Moihemoii5chesLnslliui Rom N. Mohdpotro schoo of LifeSciences

L-rnive6ildtKoble.z- Deporimenloi and TechnologylTB,
Lonclau Mothemallcs
Gemony Unlve6ityol Centrol

P!bicqlion o$nont: DiniSotian Permoidsorl& Yulioh Qoiimdh. Addre$rlI3 Journol Publisher,LPPM TB,
G e d . R e k i o r o Ii T BL t . 5 , l o l d n l d m o n s o 6 4 , B o n d l n g , 4 0 1 1 6n, d o n e s i o , I e l{. 0 2 2 )2 s 0 l 7 s 9e x i . l l s , F d x . :
(022J2504010;emo : iournoL@ ppm,

Distrlbltioni Distrlblted to oiher lniveuiies dnd reseorch insiilulionsior exchonge publcoions, ond to

subscrlpionper issue:Rp 100.000.(domenic)ond $50(ove6eqs).

order rormrorsubsc pilonsho!d be
senllo lhe edlioriooilice.

R e g N o . 6 t l S C L . T P P G Tl S
96 n o . 6 4 b l D K T / K e p / 2 0 r(0N o v 2 0 r 0N o v 2 0 i 3 l
I T3 , A c c r e d l i o i i oN

Publisheclby IIB JouhoJ Pub[sher,The nniiuie tor Reseorchond Commln]ty Serylces,nstitlt Teknoogi
B o n d ! n q{ I B ) .
Journal of Mathematicaland FundamentalSciences
Vol. 45,No. 1, March 2013


Auslander Reiten Quiver ol Nakayama Algebra ti?e D'.nkin

Faisal,Irawati & Intan Muchtadi-Alamsyah

Sebmic Velocity Structures beneath the Guntur Volcano Complex,

W€sl Java,Dedved frcm Simultan€ous Tomographic
Inve$ion and H)?ocenter Relocation 17
Andd Dian Nu$ala, Sri Widiyantoro, Awarl Gunawan &
Ged€ Suantika

Determinint Velocity and Q-factorStructureusinS

Fatlhdrr And ri Dian N u 8rd-ha& Alll1l ad Sya-hpulrd

Behavior for Tilne Invariant Finile Dimensional Discrete Linear

Sisilia Sylviani, Hanri Gaminia & Pudji Astuti

SEM-EDX Analysis oI Lass Sufac€ Allolnt on Aluminum

Noria} Bidin, Mundzir Abdulab Mohd Syafik Shaharin,
YusefAbdulAlwaJi, Dt^ri Gustiono Riban & Moh Yasin

A Noteon StrcngtyLowerSemi-Continuou;Iunctionsand thelnduced

Fuzzy Topological Spacecenerated by Th€m
Apu Kumar Saha& DebasishBhattacharya

g- Inverses of Intenal Valued Fuzzy Makices

Arunachalam R. Meenakshi & Muniasamy Kaliraja

Development o{ an lnversion Method Iol Low Velocity Medium

AJnimat Andri Dian Nu$ala & Anmad Syalputra


Other ]oumal published by Im Jomal Publisltr

lemal ol Engineering ad Tednological S.imc4, Ialmal ol ICI Reearh and Applicatios, Jomar of v6ual Arr imd D6ign

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