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Fill in the gaps with the missing words.

1. To reveal the reason of her allergy, we (the doctors) have to _rule _ all the potentially allergic
products out (phrasal verb) (exclude) ration (рацион)

2. They say that cow burps and farts account for 16% of all _greenhouse gas emissions______.
3. A huge amount of the earth’s resources go to raise livestock for meal. L_ _ _ st _ _ _

4. To prevent permanent damage, the average world citizen should reduce meat consumption for 75%.

5. Students, you should act out this dialogue and then swap the roles.

6. Перед тем, как подписать контракт, необходимо прийти к общему соглашению по всем
Before signing a contract, it’s necessary to come to an agreement at all the points.
7. Джон пробыл в пустыне Сахара 3 дня без еды и воды, прежде чем его нашла команда
спасателей. John had spent 3 days in the Sahara Desert before the rescue team found him. (before he
was found by the rescue team)

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