Agree To Do Something Agree That : I Don't Really Approve of Children Wearing Make-Up

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1) be accompanied by - супроводжуватися

The disease is accompanied by sneezing and fever.

2) account for
призвести, бути причиною:
Recent pressure at work may account for his behavior;
Afro-Americans account for 12% of the US population.
Electronic  goods  account for over 30% of our  exports
пояснити, відчитатися:
Can you account for your movements on that day?

3) be acquainted with someone / something – бути знайомим з

She had been  briefly  acquainted with him more than 20  years  earlier.
Are we all  fully  acquainted with the  details  of the  case?

4) advise (somebody) on/about something; advise somebody (on) how/where/what/when –

радити, консультувати
Matthew advises people how to invest their money.
He advises us on tax matters.

5) agree to / on smth.; agree to do something; agree that; agree with sb. – погодитися
They managed to agree on a date for the wedding.
My sister won’t agree to our mother going into a nursing home.
We agreed that elections would be held in May.
If she felt he was right, she would agree with him.
agree a price/plan/strategy etc  - погодити, узгодити
We agreed a new four-year contract.

6) aim – прагнути, націлюватися, орієнтуватися на

YOU aim to do something: I aim to study medicine.
An action is aimed at doing something: Our policies are aimed at encouraging economic growth.
aim for something We’re aiming for a big improvement.
aim at / for – прицілюватися, взяти напрямок
The pilot was aiming for the runway but came down in a nearby field.

7) amount to –складати, прирівнюватися, вартувати

His total income amounted to about £180,000.
The  results  of the  research  don’t  really  amount to much.

8) appeal to звертатися до (кого-н) щодо / стосовно

appeal (to someone) for something: 
They’re appealing to local businesses for sponsorship money.
As the crisis grew worse,local community leaders appealed for unity.
appeal to someone to do something: 
She  appealed  to her former  husband  to  return  their  baby  son.

9) approve (of) – схвалити, одобрити (кого-н., щось)

You’re  leaving  college! Do your  parents  approve?
He seemed to approve of my  choice.
approve of someone doing something: 
I don’t really approve of children wearing make-up.

10) (to be) ashamed of – бути соромно

I regret the incident and am deeply ashamed and embarrassed.
He’s extremely ashamed of his behaviour last night.
ashamed of yourself: 
You ought to be ashamed of yourself, using that kind of language!

11) attached to – прив’язаний до

She found  herself  growing  deeply  attached to the  old  lady.
He’s  sentimentally  attached to the  house.

12) (to be ) aware of

усвідомлювати: They’re aware of the  dangers.
помічати: I became aware of someone  following  me.

13) attack (noun) on – напад, атака на

measures  to  reduce  the  number  of  sexual  attacks  on  young  women
There have been several attacks on foreigners recently.

14) (to be) bad / good at (doing) something – добре / погано уміти/ знати/робити що-н.
I’m really bad at chess.
Bob  is  pretty  good at  fixing  things.
(but: He was very bad to me)

15) (to be) busy with бути зайнятим

Irina and Marcus were busy with  preparations  for their  wedding.
But: (to be) busy doing something
We’re all  busy  preparing  for Christmas.
I was so  busy  worrying  about Julie that I didn’t even  think  about Jake.

16) base on / to be based on – грунтуватися на

Green  politics  are  based  on the  belief  that the  resources  of the  planet  are  finite.
He  bases  his  designs  on Roman  mosaics.
The  film  is  based  on a  true  story.

17) absent from відсутній

He’s been absent from  school  for three  days.

18) according to відповідно до

We should  try  to  play  the  game  according  to the  rules.
go according to plan (=happen in the way that was intended or planned): 
If everything  goes  according  to  plan, they should  finish  by Thursday.

19) accuse sb of обвинувачувати

Her  employers  accused  her of  theft.
Are you  accusing  me of  lying?

20) accustomed to звиклий до

He had become  accustomed  to  living  without  electricity, and  missed  it very  little.

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