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Prepositions of Place In/ On / At

We use in:

• when we talk about an enclosed space that is surrounded on all sides. There were six people in
the room. He's got a gun in his hand!

• with buildings and areas surrounded by walls, etc. He lives in a big house. There's a lake in the

• with larger areas like cities, states, countries, continents. They live in the USA, in Texas.

• with words that describe the relative position of something. in the corner of the square He sat in
the middle of the room. Manchester is in the north of England.

• with words like hospital, church, school. He's in hospital. They got married in church.

• with newspapers and magazines. I read it in the Daily Mail.

We use on:

• when we talk about a horizontal or vertical surface. The book's on the table. The picture's on the

• with any kind of line. on the border between the LISA and Canada on the road to Paris

• with machines, / heard it on the radio. She was on TV. Your mother's on the phone.

• with right, left. I sat on the left and she sat on the right. We use at

• when we talk about a particular point. at the bus surf, at the bottom of the hill

• with a building when we're talking about what normally happens there, and not the building
itself: She works at the chemist's. He's at the bank getting some money.

• with social activities. We met at a party. I see him every week at the football match.

• in the expressions at home. at work. at school. He's at school. She's at work.

• with addresses if we give the house number: I live at 6, Freeland Road.

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