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Section 2: People in business/Recruitment, selection and training of workers

Exam practice questions. P.121

Question 1

a. What is meant by 'Person specifications'?

List of qualifications, skills, and experience and personal qualities looked for in
successful applicant. [2]

b. State two legal features of a job description.

Cannot discriminate on any of following: gender, race, color, religion, disability,

age. [2]

c. Identify and explain how Glowtech is affected by two legal controls on


Must give all workers contract of employment (1), removes possibility of

misunderstanding about pay, hours of work, holidays, duties, etc. (1); minimum
wage laws (1), Glowtech cannot exploit workers by paying very low wages (1).
(Maximum: 4) [Total: 4]

d. Identify and explain two benefits to Glowtech of induction training.

Workers feel part of business more quickly (1). Settled workers likely to be more
productive (1), increases labour productivity/reduces average costs (1). Workers
given health and safety training (1), reduces risk of accidents (1), production time
not lost due to injury to workers (1) or Glowtech will not have to pay
compensation to injured workers (1). (Maximum: 6) [Total: 6]

e. The human resource manager is undecided about whether to use internal or

external recruitment for filling the supervisory vacancy. Which method
would you recommend? Justify your answer.
Internal recruitment – appointing someone who already works for Glowtech to be new
supervisor (1). Can be source of motivation for existing workers (1). Person appointed
will already understand Glowtech procedures and will require less training than if
they use external recruitment (1), this will be less costly for Glowtech (1). However,
using external recruitment might mean appointing better qualified person (1), they
might bring new ideas that improve the way Glowtech works (1). Appointing
someone from outside will increase training costs and might demotivate existing
workers (1). Answer must choose one of the methods and justify why it is best, e.g. it
is not a very senior position and probably plenty of suitably experienced workers
already employed by Glowtech who could do the job. (Maximum: 6) [Total: 6]

Question 2:

a. What is meant by 'resignation'?

Employee tells employer that they wish to leave employment perhaps because they
have found another job or are retiring. [2]

b. What is meant by the term 'redunduncy'?

Job that worker does is no longer needed. [2]

c. Identify and explain two features of a person specifications?

Qualifications required (1), academic qualifications or professional qualifications that

Bright Sparks is looking for from applicants for manager vacancy (1). Experience (1),
what relevant work experience applicants for manager’s job needs, e.g. must have five
years’ experience in marketing role (1). [Total: 4]

d. Identify and explain two benefits to bright sparks employees of a contract of


Maximum 2 marks for identifying features of contract of employment, e.g.

information about duties, working hours, pay, holidays, etc. Answers might
include contract of employment is legal agreement (1), which removes the risk of
misunderstandings about pay, working hours, etc. (1), prevents workers from
being exploited (1). Contract of employment provides details of a worker’s duties
(1), workers cannot be forced to do work they have not been employed to do (1),
protects workers from unfair dismissal for refusing to do work they have not been
employed to do (1). [Total: 6]

e. The marketing director thinks that costs of training are greater than the
benefits. Do you agree? Justify your answer.

Costs include amount paid to training organisation (1) and output lost while worker
trained (1). Benefits – improved productivity (1), reduces average costs (1); better
quality products (1), reduces waste/customer complaints (1), increases
sales/profits/reputation/brand image (1); workers feel valued, which increases
motivation (1), reduces labour turnover (1), reduces recruitment costs (1).
(Maximum: 5) Disagree with marketing director because benefits identified outweigh
costs, or similar statement (1). [Total: 6]

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