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Este es el Exemplar


Student(s): Daniel Meneses, Daniel Barrientos, Juan Camilo Salazar

Date: February 10th, 2020


The overall goal of our ISC project was to create union between the team members,

Meneses, Barrientos and Salazar with the restaurant called El Cielo. The innovation we

are planning to execute will have a good strategy with the best logistics we can and

addressing the problem of food waste. This project will also make us explore the “real”

world and knowing how everything works in a company, from administration to

marketing and production and apply that to reuse the food that will be wasted.


A. Project Objectives

1. To help people who live each day with hunger and hoping they will win enough

money to get to eat a day.

2. Use El Cielo´s tools and services and take all their successful ways of managing

the restaurant to solve the problem.

3. To involve stakeholders from the company to learn how to target a specific

audience and execute our innovation using data about those most affected by

unfair beauty standards.

4. To help save the food wasted in El Cielo and talk to the manager to find a

sustainable way to reuse or do something with that food.

5. To validate the success by keeping track of the food waste in the company and

how it is being used.

B. Personal Objectives

1. To improve on our weakness in collaboration with long term projects and

community engagement

2. To learn how to use video editing as a tool for effective presentation and proposal


3. To identify and evaluate how the skills needed for the completion of our ISC will

be beneficial in our future careers, as we are both interested in pursuing business



A. Place of Project

We will be working in the restaurant El Cielo located in Cra. 40 ## 10A-22,

Medellín, Antioquia. We will be working with the personnel there and gather data

that could help us gather data about the food waste in El Cielo. We will create a

sustainable system that minimized the food waste on the restaurant, and after

following up the success of the system in El Cielo, then apply it into other

restaurants and companies.

B. Daily Hours of Work

We are going to work at El Cielo for 2 hours a week. The week of May we will work

full time to complete the additional hours. We will go to the different restaurants of

Juan Manuel Barrientos to address the topic of the food and how the packages are


C. Teacher Sponsor

Our teacher sponsor is Hector Londoño. Hector will be the best sponsor to help and

walk with us in the project because of his expertise in the area of technology. He will

guide us in the process of making the app to target our audience and change the

policies of our company. Hector has been involved in doing such work with students

from high school and middle school, helping them develop social changing skills and

sustainable ways to form a project or a proposal.


Our team used the Iceberg Model where people see the problem as the restaurant where

the restaurants and supermarkets which are the intermediaries waste the food. The real

problem that no one really sees is the people that are starving each day. The problem
begins with all the food wasted in the restaurant this has been developed over time in a

lot of restaurants. This culture has advanced to a point where food is being wasted and

people are starving due to this. Also there is a trend that companies use an intermediary

to order food. With the app the intermediary will be eliminated so it will benefit the

economy of the company. Our project seeks to eliminate both of these trends and stop or

minimize the food waste in restaurants and to eliminate the intermediary to benefit the

company in a sustainable economical way.


In this project we are going to work with el Cielo restaurant in Medellin. . The problem that we

are going to target is food waste and modify the method of supply to restaurants and restaurants

by removing in the middleman (supermarkets) in order to put restaurants and agricultural

producers directly in contact. In this way we will achieve the following objectives.
1. Eliminate the intermediary of the restaurant food supply process s benefiting food producers

2. Provide only organic products and free plastic products.

3. Create a cellular application or program where restaurants can order their food directly from

the farmers and at the same time register their amount of potentially usable food that was not

used in the restaurant.

The App

The application will have two functions.

1. Order products directly from producers who use sustainable farming and no plastic waste,

eliminating intermediaries and benefiting them economically.

2. Create a record of the potentially usable food left over at the restaurant and donate it to

people who need it directly

The idea is that everything can be done through this application. connect the people who need it

most, and give them the power to interact with. restaurant chains with which it would otherwise

be impossible to connect.

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