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MCT/MST Observation Feedback Form (template)

Course Code: EPC 4406

Trainee Name: Fatima Obaid School: Al Tomouh
MCT/MST Name: Mrs. Gillian Date: October 22, 2020
The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee's performance and give feedback
based on the selected teaching competencies.
NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric included in section D of the TP Booklet

Commitment to the Profession F D C B A

During Fatima's observation, this observer can see Fatima's initiative to coordinate her lessons with the MST it
shows in her lesson material. Fatima demonstrates professional behavior as per the Code of Conduct and
school expectations by being punctual and wanting her students' best by developing her teaching materials.
Fatmah showed professionalism responded to my email promptly.
Planning for Learning F D C B A-
Fatima uses the lesson-planning template to design and plan her Math lessons. Fatima still has the
differentiation component missing. When Fatima has questions about how her MST wants her to teach the
lesson, she consults with her MST, Mrs. Gillian. Fatima had a well thought out lesson, and comments are on her
lesson plans. Fatima adapted her materials and aligned them with the MOE teaching online teaching tools. Plus,
she incorporated her MST teaching style, which shows she is developing her craft.

Managing Learning F D C B A
Fatima changed her teaching styles due to her MCT and MST suggestions; she changes her classroom
presentation and materials to have more student interactive activities:
• Fatima read the online class rules to the students. The rules were clear, and it showed examples of
what she expected from the students.
• When asking a question, she gave students wait time, she called upon students equally, and she gave
verbal praise. Make sure to ask if students if they understand your instructions.
• Fatima maintains a significant classroom presence online. The parents felt comfortable in asking
questions and participation
• Fatima uses a range of resources creatively to extend teaching and learning opportunities in her online
• Fatima asked students if they had their ruler; make sure you give students time to draw the number
• Fatima anticipates and applies appropriate strategies to manage student behavior by reminding them
of the rules, and through the lesson, she corrected students to mute their microphone.
• When verbal praising students, make sure you explain why they are doing a great job. (instead of
saying a good job)
• Fatima need to make sure she practices her language

Fatima manages the transition from one topic to another, behavior, and time in her online classroom.
Implementing Learning F D C B A
Fatima changed her teaching styles due to her MCT and MST suggestions; she changed her classroom
presentation and materials to have more student interactive activities that she implemented with students and
the class was engaging. The suggestion is to Fatima still should use an interactive response system. However,
the way Fatima implement her teaching style, students, and her became one; she as a teacher, and the children
were her students.
• Fatima evenly calls upon students such as boy, girl, boy.
• She applies a range of strategies to maintain how to use your wait time when calling upon students.
• Fatima slowly explained the technique for counting on the number line.
• She implemented online learning using her candy by access to prior knowledge. Next time remind them
it is unhealthy food
• Fatima was very comfortable with her lesson, and students understood the lesson and needed to
assess more students to make sure all understood.

Assessment F D C B A
Develop and apply appropriate monitoring strategies during teaching sessions using wh questions, and she
observed and checked by extended questions to her students.
Reflection on Practice F D C B A
Fatima needs to work on her reflection; it needs the following information:
• Identify, apply and reflect on strategies, which will improve lesson delivery
• Demonstrate a growing ability to link theory and practice
• Actively seek feedback and support for teaching sessions
• MST and MCT gave Acton feedback
• Recognize strengths and weaknesses
• Able to reflect on the lesson taught and justification of student learning outcomes
This observer will comment on the reflection due to Fatima is in semester seven, and she needs to write a
reflection with the above elements.

Action Plan:
• Add an interactive response software
• Watch language
• Involve more students in the summary
• Write a reflection; do not just answer questions.

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