Ppmpa Webinar 2020

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Republic ofthe Philippines DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS. ‘CENTRAL OFFICE Mania ‘September 18, 2020, MEMORANDUM a ALL CONCERNED REGIONAL DIRECTORS. ‘ALL CONCERNED DISTRICT ENGINEERS This Department SUBJECT + Seminar/Workshop for Project Procurement Management Plan ‘Application (PPMPA): Pilot Training for Civil Works and ‘Consulting Services Contract - Webinar Inline with the implementation of the Project Procurement Management Pian Agplication (PPMPA) for Ca Works and Consuiting Services Contracts, the Procurement Service (rS) in ‘coordination with the Information Management. Service (IMS) wil conduct the ‘abovementioned subject va webinar. “The said seminarfworkshop alms to tain the selected Regional Ofice (RO) and its District Enginesing Offces (DEO) in the use of the application, after which they wall undergo Pt “Testing in thelr respective fics for three (3) consecutive months. ll comments, suggestions ‘and nor-conforms ofthe application shall be discussed during the Plot Assessment and Prortized before the olout ofthe application ‘The webinar wil be conducted on te following schedule: tie Dat Batch 1 | October 1416, 2020 Serinr/Workshop PPMPA: Plot Training [ For Civ Works and Consuiting Services, | Batch2 | Ocaber 21-23, 2120 contract ~ Batch3 | October 28-30, 2000 ‘tached hereuith are the selected RO and DEO that wil participate Inthe training. Only thirty (G0) participants are allowed per batch tobe assigned by the RO, ensuring the paricpaton fats EO and personnel involve in Cv Works and Consulting Sarvies Contracts. Pease ‘sind the names of your partcpants with thelr email acess at leat five (5) days Deore your scheduled seminar. For your compllance, Nip eiine, ARDELIZA R. MEDENILLA, MNSA, CESO I Undersecretary for Support Services 2 gMENONMSS “1 Cave 3ré DEO ilo 1st DEO | sultan Kurat 2nd DEO | Laguna 1s: DEO ~~} to 2nd DEO ‘Sarangani DEO [aquna 2nd DEO. a ‘Laguna 3rd 0&0 "| oo 4th DEQ —~ —— {quezon ise DEO. Too ity DEO x ‘Quezon 2nd DEO Negros Oceisental st DEO — uezon 3rd DEO Negros Occidental 2nd DEO a ‘Quezon 4th DEO Negros Cctidental 3rd DEO Rizal 1st DEO

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