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Instant Alcohol Hand Sanitizer - Water

Free Gel - 70% Alcohol

What is hand sanitizer and does it keep your hands germ-

The hand sanitizer plays an important role in today’s unhealthy

atmosphere, it have become a hot commodity in the face of COVID-19. . It
is also one of the best personal hygiene practices. Washing your hands
firstly with soap & water and then sanitizing your hands with best hand
sanitizer brands make you healthier. Even when there is no soap and water
such as in traveling, camping, in schools, colleges, and in public
transportation services; you may keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer with
you for your personal hygiene. Also, it must be used in hospitals after
surgery or any other activity.

To get the maximum benefit from hand sanitizers, the Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that people use a
product that contains at least 60% alcohol, cover all surfaces of their
hands with the product, and rub them together until dry.

Alcohol is a very effective disinfectant that is also safe to put on your

skin. Alcohol’s job is to break up the outer coatings of bacteria and viruses.
But rubbing high concentrations of alcohol on your skin is not pleasant. The
alcohol can quickly dry out your skin because it will also disrupt the
protective layer of oils on your skin. That’s why hand sanitizers contain a
moisturizer to counteract this drying. But alcohol-free products aren’t
recommended by the CDC for fighting the novel coronavirus, because it
isn’t yet clear that it can be used successfully against bacteria and viruses.

Hand hygiene is of utmost importance as it may be contaminated

easily from direct contact with airborne microorganism droplets from
coughs and sneezes. Particularly in situations like pandemic outbreak, it is
crucial to interrupt the transmission chain of the virus by the practice of
proper hand sanitization. It can be achieved with contact isolation and strict
infection control tool like maintaining good hand hygiene in hospital settings
and in public. The success of the hand sanitization solely depends on the
use of effective hand disinfecting agents formulated in various types and
forms such as alcohol-based hand sanitizer, being widely used in hospital
settings. To date, most of the effective hand sanitizer products are alcohol-
based formulations containing 62%–95% of alcohol as it can denature the
proteins of microbes and the ability to inactivate viruses. 

The emergence of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease-2019)

pandemic has risen to be a significant global public health concern and led
to extensive use of hand disinfectants given its contagious nature. COVID-
19 is an infectious disease caused by the severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus, which can persist and remain infectious on surfaces
for up to 9 days. Hence, it is crucial to interrupt the transmission chain of
the virus through contact isolation and strict infection control tools.
Following face masks, appropriate hand hygiene is of utmost importance as
hands may be contaminated from direct contact with patients’ respiratory
droplets from coughs and sneezes or indirect contact via surfaces, which
may then facilitate the transmission and spreading of the disease.

Given the dangers imposed by this disease, the Centre for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), the United States has promoted and
encouraged hand hygiene through use of hand sanitizer. Hand
disinfectants are commercially available in various types and forms such as
anti-microbial soaps, water-based or alcohol-based hand sanitizers, most
often used in hospital settings. The World Health Organisation (WHO)
recommends alcohol-based hand sanitizer (ABHS) in line with the proven
advantages of their rapid action and a broad spectrum of microbicidal
activity offering protection against bacteria and viruses.


This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. One of the foremost
benefits of hand sanitizer is just that: It sanitizes. These products were
designed to kill germs, and they get the job done. When used properly,
hand sanitizers can eliminate 99.9% of the germs on your hands. The CDC
recommends washing your hands any time you’re around food (preparing it
or eating it), animals, garbage, and more. When you find yourself in these
situations, hand sanitizer is the perfect one!

Last time we checked, you can’t take a sink on the go. In those
situations where you need to wash your hands, there isn’t always going to
be soap and water available. You can slip a small bottle of hand sanitizer in
your glove compartment, a purse, or even your pocket for situations where
you might want to wash your hands but either can’t find a sink or waiting for
one is inconvenient (think long lines or far away restrooms). It’s perfect for
when you’re grabbing a snack at a sporting event or have just left a public
space, like the grocery store.


At the office, in the classroom, or in any space with lots of foot traffic,
germs spread quickly. And even if you’re not getting ready to eat or taking
out the garbage, other people’s germs can affect you (especially in close
quarters). That’s why having hand sanitizer available is ideal for group
settings. Teachers, students, and office workers can kill germs periodically
throughout the day without having to leave their classroom or desk, and
gym-goers can use a squirt of hand sanitizer before hopping on the next
workout machine.


Especially during flu season, minimizing your exposure to other
people’s germs is crucial for your health. When you take a moment to
sanitize your hands a few times throughout the day, you reduce your
chances of getting sick. Even a quick trip to a friend’s house or the store
can expose you to germs that could cause a cold, the flu, or other illnesses,
so keeping your hands as clean as possible is important.


This might be one of the most surprising benefits of hand sanitizer.
Hand sanitizers contain moisturizer that soften your skin, giving you nicer-
looking and smoother hands. You’ll definitely notice a difference in how
moisturized your skin feels and looks.
There are many benefits of hand sanitizer, from fighting germs efficiently to
fighting them conveniently (and even improving your skin). Without a doubt,
using this germ-fighting product regularly throughout the day will boost your
cleanliness and your health no matter where life takes you.

 Credit card size fits right in pocket for on-the-go hand cleaning
 Push-top spray dispenser holds 70% ethyl alcohol-based, citrus-
scented sanitizer
 Effective at eliminating over 99.9% of germs and bacteria
 16.9 oz of lightly scented hand sanitizer
 Meets FDA requirements

How well do hand sanitizers work? Are they only good for so long?

Handwashing Vs. Hand Sanitizer

There's a healthy amount of debate on the effectiveness of hand sanitizer

compared to washing your hands. It all boils down to the occasion and how
much time you have for the process.
This chart gives you a full breakdown on handwashing vs. hand sanitizer.
Hand Sanitizer

Properly washing takes up to 60 seconds.

Requires at least 60% alcohol content to be most effective.

Properly sanitizing takes up to 30 seconds.

The most important thing is that you're keeping your hands clean, whether
you go all out and sing the ABC's while using a quick squirt of sanitizer.
This is especially true before eating, after using the restroom, and while
traveling on public transportation.

How to Use Hand Sanitizer Properly

It might seem fairly obvious, but you could be using your hand sanitizer
completely wrong. If you want to apply it properly, be sure to:
 Read the label.
 Make sure your hands aren't greasy or dirty.
 Apply the sanitizer to the palm of one hand.
 Rub for at least 10 seconds around both hands and in between the
 Let dry for 15 to 30 seconds.

These tips are recommended by not only scientists, but also the experts at
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Follow their advice to
ensure your hands are as germ-free as possible!
No doubt about it, hand sanitizer is extremely useful. It even makes for a
great giveaway at trade shows or fundraisers.

Sanitizer is only so powerful, and with so many germs out there, you want
to be sure to have the best defenses possible.

Hand sanitizers are a common item on our desktops, in our bags, as well

as grocery stores, gyms and other facilities we all frequent. Hand sanitizers
combat the bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens that threaten our health
every day.

But that still leaves many questions. Which hand sanitizer works the best?
Which hand sanitizer is the most effective one to use? Is hand sanitizer
with alcohol better than alcohol-free hand sanitizer?

If you haven’t already made this germ-fighter a staple on your shopping list,
you may want to do so after learning about the benefits of hand sanitizer.

Four steps:
1. Make sure all organic matter is removed from hands.
All visible organic matter (for example: dirt) must be removed from
hands prior to applying waterless hand sanitizer.
2. Apply a dime sized amount of waterless hand sanitizer to the palm of
one hand.
3. Rub hands together covering all surfaces of hands and fingers.
4. Rub until waterless hand sanitizer is absorbed.

Benefits of waterless hand sanitizer:

o require less time than hand washing
o act quickly to kill microorganisms on hands
o are more accessible than sinks
o reduce bacterial counts on hands
o do not promote antimicrobial resistance
o are less irritating to skin than soap and water
o can even improve condition of skin

How they work?

Hand sanitizers were developed for use after washing hands or for those
times when soap and water are not available. They are gels that contain
alcohol in order to kill the germs present on the skin. The alcohol works
immediately and effectively in order to kill bacteria and most viruses.
Alcohol can be very drying to the skin, so most brands of sanitizers also
contain a moisturizer to minimize skin dryness and irritation.

• Hand sanitizers are convenient, portable, easy to use and not time

• Several studies have concluded that the risk of spreading gastrointestinal

(stomach) and respiratory infection is decreased among families who use
hand sanitizers.

• Commercially prepared hand sanitizers contain ingredients that help

prevent skin dryness. Using these products can result in less skin dryness
and irritation than hand-washing.

• Studies show that adding hand sanitizers to classrooms can reduce

student absenteeism due to illness by 20 per cent. What's more, many kids
think instant hand sanitizers are fun to use.
Hand Sanitizer: All You Need To Know About This Water-less Disinfectant

When the entire world is fighting against the lethal coronavirus, both CDC
and WHO guides us that the only way to combat this infection is by
practicing good hand hygiene habits.

Then again, a solution of 70% alcohol, that is, rubbing alcohol, is far more
effective antiseptic than 100 % alcohol.

Advantages Of Hand Sanitizer

Sanitation: The foremost benefit of hand sanitizer is that it disinfects hands

and is effective in eliminating at least 99% of germs.

Portability: In situations of unavailability of water, these disinfectants are

saviours while on the go since being available in pocket-sized bottles they
can be carried anywhere and everywhere.

Soothing And Moisturising: This might sound surprising, but a variety of

sanitizers nowadays contain additives like aloe vera gel, essential oils that
are actually good for the skin and moisturise and hydrate the skin

Duration: Sanitizers are less time consuming since they act quickly on the
hands to kill the pathogens.

Reduces Diseases: Being able to kill a wide range of germs, it prevents

different types of gastrointestinal troubles and other infections due to
bacteria and viruses.

Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer

 Alcohol-based hand sanitizer which contains 60-65% alcohol is
always best when compared with other types. It kills 99.9% germs.
 More the percentage of alcohol more the germs will be killed. And
leave hands feeling clean & refreshed with the fragrance of its flavor.
 Many healthcare centers have shown that hand sanitizer containing a
higher concentration of alcohol are more effective than those having
lower alcohol concentration or non-alcoholic one. And of such types
are a real germ killer.
 Pocket-sized alcohol-based hand sanitizers are reliable and easy
carry everywhere. Hence, this type of sanitizer is always preferred for
traveling purpose.
 Furthermore, FDA also has shown that alcohol-based hand sanitizer
reduces much flu like contagious diseases and infections.
 It works on the phenomenon of friction. An alcohol-based hand
sanitizer contains a high percentage of alcohol which has a very low
boiling point. So, as you rub it on your palm, in between your fingers,
warmness is generated due to friction. The warmness evaporates the
alcohol and other particles, which takes germ particles with them.
 It must be used as in directed way- Firstly take a coin-sized drop of
hand sanitizer on your palm. Spread it all over your inside and
outside of your palm. Rub your palm together until they become dry.
If hands are becoming dry means alcohol is killing germs.
 Some alcohol-based hand sanitizers can cause dryness of skin. In
such cases, you can use alcohol-based hand sanitizer with
moisturizers. As such type of sanitizers is also available in the
 Clean & safe hand sanitizer is an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with
moisturizers & vitamin E. It is one of the best hand sanitizer brands.
Alcohol keep hands germ free & moisturizer, vitamin E makes skin
saturated keeping away skin dryness.

Clean & Safe Hand sanitizer

 Alcohol-based hand sanitizer contains 65% alcohol, isopropanol. Also
contain some natural ingredients like tea & Aloe Vera, & some
denaturalized alcohol. Both alcohol & isopropanol kill the germs and
bacteria. Aloe Vera acts as an anti-infecting agent and for the
moisturizing purpose. Tea act against viruses, the thickening agent is
also used is propylene glycol.
 The common question arises when & how to use hand sanitizer.
When hands are more greasy or dirty then firstly hands should get
washed off with soap & water.
 Then apply dime-sized hand sanitizer to the palm of one hand. Then
rub your hands together thoroughly. Also rub around your fingers,
fingertips, & nails until your hands become dry.
 A good hand hygiene practice plays an important role in reducing
contagious diseases like cold & flu. Using hand sanitizers is one of
the beneficial hand hygiene practices. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers
are having fragrance & are refreshing.
 These are the best hand sanitizer brands.

It is most widely used in hospitals, offices, and many other health care
centers because of its effectiveness.

If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Why? Many studies have found that sanitizers with an alcohol

concentration between 60–95% are more effective at killing germs than
those with a lower alcohol concentration or non-alcohol-based hand
sanitizers. Hand sanitizers without 60-95% alcohol 1) may not work equally
well for many types of germs; and 2) merely reduce the growth of germs
rather than kill them outright.

When using hand sanitizer, apply the product to the palm of one hand (read
the label to learn the correct amount) and rub the product all over the
surfaces of your hands until your hands are dry.

Why? The steps for hand sanitizer use are based on a simplified procedure
recommended by CDC 21. Instructing people to cover all surfaces of both
hands with hand sanitizer has been found to provide similar disinfection
effectiveness as providing detailed steps for rubbing-in hand sanitizer 22.

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