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Colegio Distrital Darío Echandía

Formación de ciudadanos en valores y técnica comercial

Guía Primer periodo, Grado Undécimo/ Área de Humanidades: inglés

Profesor: Edwin Javier Ortiz Ovalle

Modal verb: Should/Shouldn’t

Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with should be/shouldn’t be.

1. The lap top ________on the desk. It ___________on the bed.

2. The blue Jeans__________on the bed. They _________in the wardrobe.
3. The sneakers________on the armchair. They ________in the wardrobe.
4. The teddy bear ______on the chair. It ______be on the bed.
5. The pieces of paper_________on the desk. They_________on the floor.
6. The pen _______on the bed. It _________on the desk.
7. The book__________on the desk. It __________under the office chair.
8. The office chair________next to the desk.
9. The school bag _______ under the desk.

Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with Should/shouldn’t

1. She has flu. She ________stay at home.

2. He has backache. He__________carry heavy things.
3. She has a headache. She __________take painkiller.
4. Steve has stomachache. He ___________drink lemon and mint tea.
5. Daisy has dirty hands. She ________wash her hands.
6. She has measles. She ___________go to school.
7. Matt is fat. He __________eat junk food.
8. Alice has cold. She _______have a rest.
9. Caroline has sore throat. She__________go to school.
10. He has a cough. He __________drink cold drinks.

Modal (auxiliary) verb MUST

1. Must is used for strong obligations. It is personal, because it shows the speaker's opinion
or will. I must clean my teeth. I want to be healthy. You must go there. And do it right
now! 2. Must expresses strong recommendation. You must see it. It's the best film I've
ever seen. 3. We use must to express certainty of the speaker. They must be at school by
now. It's already 9 o'clock. 4. The opposite of must is need not. Mum, must I wash up? -
No, you needn't. I've already done it.

a. You must be on time.

b. You must listen to the teacher.
c. You mustn’t use your phone in class.
d. You mustn’t run in the corridors. e. You must do your homework.

You must pay attention at school. True False

b. You must be quiet in the library. True False

c. You mustn’t wear trainers when you do sport. True False

d. You must shout at the museum. True False

e. You mustn’t run across the road. True False

f. You must look after your pets. True False

g. You mustn’t keep your bedroom tidy. True False

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