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Almarai company began in 1977 when His Highness Prince Sultan bin Muhammad bin Saud

Al Kabeer sensed the opportunity to develop the traditional dairy industry in the Kingdom of
.Saudi Arabia to meet the needs of the local market

Which is expanding rapidly. Several agricultural projects have been launched to fulfill his
vision. Starting with fresh milk and milk processing, the scope of these initiatives soon
expanded to include modern dairy farms and the latest processing plants. In the early 1990s,
Almarai entered a period of restructuring and reinvestment, transforming from a
decentralized structure to a centralized one with the aim of providing products at an
affordable price that would enable consumers from enjoying high quality products. Almarai
continues to invest heavily in high-tech production facilities alongside the recruitment of
.highly skilled and experienced talent

In 2009, we started to expand geographically outside the GCC, with the launch of the
International Dairy and Juice Company, IDJ, as a joint venture with PepsiCo International
Today Almarai provides high quality products to more than 100,000 retail stores in the Gulf
.Cooperation Council, Egypt and Jordan

Almarai is the leading food and beverage production and distribution company in the Middle
East. And the largest vertically integrated dairy company in the world. Since the company
was founded, the “Almarai” brand has become synonymous with quality among consumers
."across the region. Under the slogan "Quality deserve trust

A culture of quality is embedded throughout the company. This culture begins with strategic
decision-making by the board of directors and senior management and extends to the
company's operations in agriculture, manufacturing and distribution, and is an integral part
of developing the professional skills of the company's employees. The company applies strict
.quality control standards in all purchasing transactions

Advertising plan is an essential part of marketing strategy. It helps companies set smaller **
goals as part of a larger marketing strategy. For example, an advertising plan might be
created from a few months to a year, as an overall marketing strategy might aim to capture
a portion of the market within 5 years. The advertising plan defines exactly how and when
the company can reach potential customers through different types of media. This includes
setting advertising goals, defining the target audience, defining a message to that audience,
.and articulating an action plan to achieve those goals

Quality you can trust" is the phrase that is always repeated and is associated with the "
quality of Almarai products because its products consider is the significant function in the
company, Almarai has a unique and successful product in the region starting from the farm,
operations of production to the system of marketing. Almarai has diversity of products such
as dairy, bakery, poultry and juices products with large network of distribution in Saudi
Arabia and GCC states. The customer needs to pay his money in order to obtain value and
this value is available, efficiently and with high quality in Almarai, as the essence of its work
.and its main pillar is quality

‫المنتجات التي تقدمها الشركة‬

Almarai Company offers a wide range of dairy milk, according to desires, needs, purchasing
capabilities and ages, and among its dairy products there is (fresh coffee), including low-fat
and full-fat, and there is (vital milk) that is prepared with milk and bio-milk to enhance the
work of the digestive system, and there is (flavored milk It is made from 100% fresh milk
with added flavors, and there is (Laban Up) which is a diluted milk drink with little salt that
helps support the body with salts, and Almarai Company has been interested in classifying its
products according to the size of the family, income and the purchasing position, there are
different sizes of milk, including Large, middle and small for easy portability and mobility,
.whether in the car or at work, etc


A person always looks for better quality of the product in less money. Hence, Almarai will
produce them better fruit juice and dairy product in less amount of money. It will make the
brand more popular in the competitive market. The economic situation in the company,
fresh dairy products, on top of which are milk and yogurt, remain the main pillar of the
company's business and its success. These products continue to occupy the first position in
the Kingdom's markets, with a market share of 59% and 51% * respectively. In this context,
Almarai's lactose-free milk was introduced. This will enhance the ability of our products to
reach new categories of consumers, especially those with special tastes and requirements.
Almarai yogurt sales have witnessed rapid growth in our main market in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia. Where he achieved good results, the market share of this product has reached
50%. the management will make a market research before they can process with any
decision regarding the product price, they can also provide some offers for the targeted
.customers to buy their product, It will help them to gain market in an aggressive way

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