Startup - 2

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Is a technology company with less than 100 people . Is a newly created company that markets
products and / or services through the intensive use of information and communication
technologies (ICTs)

2. E-commerce

A system for buying and selling products and services that uses the Internet as the main
medium of exchange.

3. Bankrolled: more common meaning is financial resources available for a project.

4. Entrepreneurial founders:

IS especially those in the early stages of their ventures, typically act in an opportunity driven
manner about tap into resource provider networks and exchange ideas.

5. Capitalize:

Is to record a cost or expense on the balance sheet for the purposes of delaying full
recognition of the expense

6. Risk and reward: In the financial world, risk means uncertainty and the possibility of loss.
The reward is the return on an investment.

7. Innovation:

The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or for
which customers will pay. Is good at an economical cost and must satisfy a specificneed.

8. High demand:

The quantity of goods and services that are purchased by consumers on a large scale and at
different prices, in a specific time

9. Exponential gains: it is applied to a magnitude, when its variation in time is proportional to

its value, which means that it grows faster and faster over time

10. Customers: is any person or organization who might have interest in buying, or has bought,
products or services from a company.

11. Freelance: is the person who does an economic activity, not subject to an employment

12. Grocery stores: is a retail shop that primarily sells food, either fresh or preserved.

13. Competitors: Any person or entity which is a rival against another. In business, a company
in the same industry or a similar industry which offers a similar product or service.
14. competitive manner :

is the ability of a country to participate in international markets successfully and at the same
time, raise the standard of living of its citizens.

15. cost-effective:

It is a form of economic analysis that compares economic costs with the results of two or more
courses of action

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