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October 30th 2020

WTF is the WEF?

(The greater Reset)

As a citizen of earth, a witness to humanity, an advocate of common

sense, and a truth-seeking libertarian, I am compelled to query the
sum of human intelligence and rational psychology, as we approach a
defining crossroads in our existence.

The human species potential is much greater than its apparent desire
to fulfil it. Despite our progress throughout history, and ability to
overcome the challenges that we have been presented with, we are
flawed in ways that have allowed our evolution to be corrupted. We
have survived natural disasters, as well as man-made tragedies, often
at the sacrifice of our ecosystem and our own kind. We are not here to
conquer the planet or each other, but simply to co-exist with it, and
one another. If we recognise this, and act mindfully in favour of such an
uncomplicated purpose, our species will continue to evolve, presenting
us with the opportunity to realise our greater collective, and individual

Unfortunately, there are some among us, whose intentions have also
been corrupted, ironically exposing the same human flaws that they
use to manipulate, and seek to gain advantage over others with. Fear
and greed seem to be our most vulnerable states of mind, and we
have been brainwashed over many years, allowing these weaknesses
to be abused by these few people, whose misguided agenda for
global authoritarian and fascist control of the world’s population, has
stalled our evolution, and pillaged our planet.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. These self -elected oligarchs who’s

power; seeded only in ill-gotten excessive wealth; have projected us
all on a destructive course, leaving us with few choices, and in need of
a “great reset”. These Zionist few have manipulated our history, and our
opportunities for betterment, to exclusively maintain their wealth and
status of power. And will continue to do so at the expense of humanity
and our planet. This does not represent sustainable leadership required,
of an intelligent species, neither a planet in decay. It merely illustrates
their capacity for ego, lies, and greed. Their fear is held in the ability of
mankind to unite in opposition to this agenda, and act in the interests of
all, rather than in the interests of a few. Through wealth inequality and
the strategy of divide and conquer, they have created the illusion that
wealth enables the freedom we desire. We have been blindly
relinquishing our freedom slowly over time in pursuit of money. We must
nurture our potential, and realise our freedom is instead enabled by
relinquishing the desire for wealth.
Human psychology aside, basic logic suggests that, the power needs
to be removed, away from these corrupt and misguided elite few, and
redistributed to the many whose intentions align with our greater
potential, steering us in a more harmonious direction.

To invoke a “great reset” on all aspects of our lives, without resetting

the hold on power, would be incomplete, regrettable and very possibly
a “waste of a good crisis.”

In short, if the world’s population continues to allow those; who have

deliberately and purposefully manufactured the current situation,
hidden the truth, stolen from us all, and threatened our existence;
decide how we are to navigate, and choose the road for our future; we
are indeed a flawed species.

With this in mind, all citizens of earth, witnesses to humanity, advocates

of common sense, seekers of truth, and freedom, we must together,
query the intelligence and rational psychology of our unelected and
existing leaders, at this critical crossroads that will define our future
generations, and us all. We can no longer afford to ignore the truth.

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