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Established 1880

Issue No. 42,443 Monday, February 7, 2011 Price: LE2.50

Editor-in-Chief: Ramadan A. Kader Board Chairman: Ali Hashem

NDP is
dead – say
Ashraf Madbouli

S senior members of the ruling National
Democratic Party (NDP) resigned on
Saturday and some other 'popular' leaders
were appointed by the embattled President Hosni
Mubarak, who rejected to quit the party, analysts
and political parties see the shuffle as nothing but
"a cosmetic measure".
"The National Democratic Party is clinically
dead and no-one in the Egyptian street is con-
cerned with the recent changes in its leadership,"
said Emad Gad, a political analyst with the Al-
Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies.
Gad's remarks came as the top executive com-
Photo by Emad Kamal
mittee of President Mubarak's NDP, which
Back to normal: Ordinary Egyptians buying thier basic needs, mostly food, from a supermarket in Cairo as banks, shops and service institutions were quite back to normal yesterday after 13-day protests in Al Tahrir Square. includes his son Gamal, resigned en masse, a move
swiftly welcomed by the United States as a "posi-

Normal life begins to return tive step".

"This is not a real change. Simply, these changes
have taken place on the ground after the 25
January uprising," Gad told The Gazette in an
"The main demand is that Mubarak himself
Abdel Monem Sayed and papers picked up the theme, devoting extensive cov- should quit the ruling party," Gad said. He added
Tamer Mohamed erage to the Egyptian protests, saying the turmoil was that this could also bridge the “trust gap” between
a replay of Iran's 1979 revolution. the protesters and the President, who is under
Meanwhile, a judicial source said yesterday that heavy pressure to resign from Egypt's top job

IFE began to return to the streets of Cairo and
the Egyptian Public Funds Prosecution would start in immediately.
other troubled Egyptian areas yesterday as
two days' time interrogating former ministers, includ- Hossam Badrawi, reputed to have good relations
banks, bakeries, shops and butane gas distrib-
ing former interior minister Habib el-Adly and with opposition figures, took over as the ruling
ution centres opened after nine days and the Army
Ahmed Ezz, the former secretary of organisational party’s secretary-general and political bureau
stepped up its presence around Tahrir Square, where
affairs at the ruling National Democratic Party chief, replacing the incumbent Shura Council
anti-regime protesters said they would not leave until
(NDP). chairman Safwat el-Sherif and Mubarak's 48-year-
President Hosni Mubarak steps down. old son Gamal, once viewed as his heir apparent.
Participants in a dialogue between the Egyptian Egypt's Chief Prosecutor Abdel Meguid Mahmoud
had issued a decision banning the former senior offi- US President Barack Obama's administration
regime and several opposition groups, including the welcomed the reshuffle.
Muslim Brotherhood banned since 1954, agreed yes- cials from leaving the country and freezing their bank
assets in the aftermath of recent turmoil. "We view this as a positive step towards the
terday to create a constitutional reform committee, political change that will be necessary, and look
according to a governmental official. Former MP Moustafa Bakri had filed two reports
against Ezz accusing him of pocketing public money. forward to additional steps," a Washington official
Government spokesman Magdi Radi said they had said late on Saturday.
Other complaints were also lodged against former
agreed on "the formation of a committee, which will AFP Moustafa Kamel el-Sayyed, a professor of polit-
premiers, Ahmed Nazif and Atef Ebeid, former
include the judiciary and a number of political figures, Together in Al Tahrir: Egyptian Coptic Christians and Muslims raising a cross and the ical science at Cairo University, said the shuffle
finance minister Youssef Boutros Ghali and former
to study and propose constitutional amendments and came under internal and external pressure and
Muslim Holy Qur’an, on the 13th day of protests in Tahrir Square in central Cairo calling for an end to housing minister Mohamed Ibrahim Suleiman.
required legislative amendments... by the first week shattered any plans for younger Mubarak to suc-
President Hosni Mubarak's regime yesterday. Interior Minister Mahmoud Wagdi, meanwhile,
of March". ceed his father.
stressed yesterday the urgent need to continue persis-
The talks between the Government and the opposi-
tion involve some but not all of the groups, which
have taken part in nearly two weeks of unprecedent-
Panel to amend Constitution created tent security efforts to control all forms of lawlessness
and "aborting all attempts to terrify people and ham
"They replaced the hated leaders of the NDP by
a man who is more open. This distances Gamal
from his plans to succeed his father," el-Sayyed
their interests" to restore peace and stability over the
ed demonstrations calling for President Hosni tees, that have been standing guard in residential wedge between us," said one protester as he held a told this newspaper.
coming short period.
Mubarak's ouster. neighbourhoods to protect against looters, had been cross and a copy of the Muslims' Holy Qur'an. He added that although Mubarak remained pres-
During a meeting with senior aides at the Ministry,
An opposition participant in the dialogue told AFP noticeably reduced in most Cairo and Giza areas. Protesters also chanted anti-Iran slogans rejecting ident of both the party and of Egypt, the shuffle
Wagdi called for promoting the security services
that Suleiman had turned down a demand to assume Long queues were seen outside banks, in super- any interference in Egypt's internal affairs. could also weaken the president "who counted on
offered to the people, putting into effect the new his son to make a link with the party".
the President's powers, during the crisis talks held in markets, bakeries, Cairo Metro stations and outside One leading protester addressed other fellow pro-
police motto, "Police in the Service of the People". Egyptian Minister of Information Anas el-Fiqi
Egypt's Cabinet headquarters. butane gas distribution centres. testers in the square, saying: "There are people seek-
Inputs from news agencies yesterday denied the president plans to quit the rul-
It was the first time that the Government has Banks operate from l0:00am to 1:30pm until a fur- ing to exploit the events in Egypt to achieve their own
Related stories on Pages 2,3,4,5&6 ing party, quashing as baseless a report by the
engaged in official dialogue with the Muslim ther notice, say officials. gains. Egyptians will not allow it to happen. Those
Leading article on Page 5 Dubai-based official TV.
Brotherhood. (Details on Page 3) "Enough with staying at home for two weeks. The have to turn to the injustice and dictatorships in the
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton cautiously main demands were met and work should resume," country." Safwat el-Sherif, the former NDP secretary-gen-
welcomed yesterday Muslim Brotherhood's involve- said Munira Abdel Gawwad, a textile worker, who "No religious dictatorship will rule us," he added, Have your say eral and the current chairman of the Shura Council,
ment in political talks in Egypt, saying Washington was buying her basic needs from a shop in downtown making fun of what Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's broke his 12-day silence after submitting his resig-
would "wait and see" how talks develop. Cairo. Supreme Leader, that the events in Egypt "were
in The Gazette nation. "We have to respect the will of Egyptians
"Today (Sunday) we learned the Muslim Behind the makeshift barricades surrounding Al inspired by the Islamic Revolution in Iran". and their demand for change," said el-Sherif in a
Our dear readers are kindly phone call with official TV.
Brotherhood decided to participate, which suggests Tahrir Square, protesters voiced determination to stay Protesters from the April 6 Movement said that
invited to express their views on Rubbing salt into wounds of the ruling party,
they at least are now involved in the dialogue that we put, while the mammoth Mugammaa Building, they wanted "a democratic, and not a religious Middle
the changing scene in Egypt. Moustafa el-Fiqi, the incumbent head of the Shura
have encouraged," Clinton told National Public Radio which houses the sprawling main official administra- East as Khamenei said.
tion offices, remained shut. During the Friday noon prayer Khamenei told wor- Opinion poll Council's Foreign Affairs Committee, quit the
(NPR) from Germany.
The gate leading to Al Tahrir Square was manned shippers the revolt against Mubarak's rule "is fully Mubarak’s latest pledges: party, but urged protesters to give Mubarak a
As demonstrators staged the 13th day of protests
• Should make protesters satisfied. chance to manage the changes.
against Mubarak, banks began to reopen, and streets by a handful of soldiers, while protesters continued justified" accusing the Egyptian regime of making the
• Fall short of expectations. "Mubarak should stay until his term ends to lead
that have been nearly devoid of traffic filled up with streaming into the plaza. country "do the US's bidding". He added that
To vote, please click: some significant amendments and reforms," said
vehicles, causing traffic jams, with policemen who Muslim protesters held midday prayers, followed Mubarak "turned Egypt into the biggest enemy of el-Fiqi.
disappeared for three days from police stations and by prayers for the victims of the protests as Copts held Palestine and turned it into the greatest refuge for
or send your responses to fax Refaat el-Saeed, the head of the leftist Tagammu
streets partly doing their job. their Sunday prayers. Zionists."
2578 46 46 Party, agreed with el-Fiqi, stressing that Mubarak's
With their return, the so-called popular commit- "We are brothers in Egyptianism. None can put a Iran's official television and state-supported news-
preserving his job in the party and the country for
the time being would help reform the whole polit-
ical life in Egypt.

Tahrir protesters publish own paper "Mubarak should lead 'surgeries' in the ruling
party. However, he can quit later," said el-Saeed,
whose party is involved in national dialogue with
Vice-President Omar Suleiman.
Staff report The protesters who have rattled the regime and
sent shockwaves across the international stage

NTI-regime protesters, who have been camping out for more have repeatedly demanded an end to the “collu-
than a week now in Al Tahrir Square in central Cairo, have sion” between the State and the NDP.
started publishing a one-page newspaper to express their They are also calling for the dissolution of
views. Parliament and new elections after ballots last
Named Midan Al Tahrir (Al Tahrir Square), the newspaper is pub- November, which saw the NDP gain even more
lished to reflect the stands of the new generation of young protesters, control of a parliament it already dominated. At an
according to its chairman Mohamed Moustafa Sherdi, an ex-member emergency meeting, the legislature said it would
of Parliament and a journalist in the opposition Al-Wafd newspaper. suspend its sessions until courts rule on lawsuits
“The idea of the newspaper was conceived by me and its editor against many members of the Parliament.
Sherif Arafa,” he said. He added that the newspaper was self-financed
and depended on computers available at Al-Wafd newspaper.
“We are interested in turning Midan Al Tahrir into a licensed publi- Weather
cation to mark the birth of a new type of community journalism in
Cairo ........ 21 ... . 12
Egypt,” he added. The newspaper is photocopied and circulates thou-
‘What do they say about us?’: Egyptians in Al Tahrir Square hav- Alexandria ....... 19 ... . 11
sands among the picketing protesters.
ing a look at newspapers covering their protests. Suez ........ 22 ... . 11
Meanwhile, organisers of anti-regime protesters in Al Tahrir Square
“We believe that the press is a major power because we no longer Matruh ........ 18 ... . 09
have set up a makeshift centre next to the Egyptian Museum in the
same square to allow demonstrators to leave through local newspa- recognises the power of the President,” said one protester. “We are Aswan ........ 31 ... . 15
pers. Delivery of publications across Egypt has been disrupted by glad that many publications have changed their editorial policy to Sharm El-Sheikh ........ 25 ... . 17
recent turmoil. reflect the new realities in Egypt.” Hurghada ........ 23 ... . 15

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