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TOPIC 2:concrete

Subtopic 2.8:
concrete MIX DESIGN





Course Outcomes & program
This chapter address CO2:PO3

CO2 : Formulate selection of construction materials

based upon serviceability and durability

PO3: Ability to identify, formulate and solve

engineering problems using thinking skills
and engineering reasoning.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lecture, students should be able to

calculate the amount or quantities of concrete mix such
us cement, water, total aggregate (fine aggregate &
coarse aggregate).
WHAT IS concrete
mix design?


 Modern concrete mixes designs can be complex. The choice of a
concrete mix depends on the need of the project both in terms of
strength and appearance and in relation to local legislation and
building codes.
 The design begins by determining the requirements of the concrete.
These requirements take into consideration the weather conditions
that the concrete will be exposed to in service, and the required
design strength. The compressive strength of a concrete is
determined by taking standard molded, standard-cured cylinder
 Many factors need to be taken into account, from the cost of the
various additives and aggregates, to the trade offs between, the
"slump" for easy mixing and placement and ultimate performance.
 A mix is then designed using cement (Portland or other cementitious
material), coarse and fine aggregates, water and chemical admixtures. The
method of mixing will also be specified, as well as conditions that it may
be used in.

 This allows a user of the concrete to be confident that the structure will
perform properly.

 Various types of concrete have been developed for specialist application

and have become known by these names.

 Concrete mixes can also be designed using software programs. Such

software provides the user an opportunity to select their preferred method
of mix design and enter the material data to arrive at proper mix designs.

Concrete mix design form



Concrete mix design process

• The concrete mix design process consists of five stages and it
is explained according to the British Standard (BS1881).
• The British method has applied to design the concrete.
General process for designing concrete mix is summarizes as

1 Deals with strength leading to the free-water/cement ratio.

2 Deals with workability leading to the free-water content.

3 Combines the results of Stages 1 and 2 to give the cement content.

4 Deals with the determination of the total aggregate content.

5 Deals with the selection of the fine and coarse aggregate contents.


Concrete mix design process

STAGE 1 : Selection of water/cement ratio

• Figure 1 shows a relationship between standard deviation and

characteristic strength.
• If previous information concerning the variability of the
strength tests comprises less than 20 results, the standard
deviation to be adopted should be that obtained from line A.
• If previous information is available consisting of 20 or more
results, the standard deviation of such results may be used
provided that this value is not less than the appropriate value
obtained from line B.

Concrete mix design process

STAGE 1 : Selection of water/cement ratio (cont.)

Figure 1: Relationship between standard

deviation and characteristic strength


Concrete mix design process

STAGE 1 : Selection of water/cement ratio (cont.)
• The margin can then be derived from calculation (B1).
– M = k X s ------------(B1)
– Where M = margin (Item 1.3).
– k = a value appropriate to the 'percentage defectives' permitted below
the characteristic strength.
– s = standard deviation.

• The constant k is derived from the mathematics of the normal

distribution and increase as the proportion of the defective is
decreased, thus:
– k for 10 % defectives = 1.28
– k for 5 % defectives = 1.64
– k for 2.5 % defectives = 1.96
– k for 1 % defectives = 2.33

Concrete mix design process

STAGE 1 : Selection of water/cement ratio (cont.)
• Instead of working from the standard deviation and obtaining
the margin through calculation (B1), the margin itself may be
specified direct.
• Hence item of Table 2 may be a derived value or an optional
specified value.
• Calculation (B2) determines the Target Mean Strength (Item
1.4) (expressed to two significant figures):
– fm =fc +M -------------(B2)
– where fm = Target Mean Strength.
– fc = Specified characteristic strength.
– M = Margin


Concrete mix design process

STAGE 1 : Selection of water/cement ratio (cont.)
• Next, a value is obtained from Table 2 for the strength of a mix
made with a free-water/cement ratio of 0.5 according to the
specified age, the type of cement and the aggregate to be
Table 2.0: Approximate compressive strengths of concrete mixes mode with a free-
water/ cement ratio of 0.5

Type of Compressive strength* (MPa (psi) at the age of (days):

Type of
cement 3 7 28 91
(Type II) Uncrushed 22 (3200) 30 (3200) 42 (6100) 49 (7100)

resisting Crushed 27 (3900) 36 (5200) 49 (7100) 56 (8100)
(Type V)
Uncrushed 29 (4200) 37 (5400) 48 (7000) 54 (7800)
Crushed 34 (4900) 43 (6200) 55 (8000) 61 (8900)
(Type III)
Concrete mix design process
STAGE 1 : Selection of water/
cement ratio (cont.)
• This strength value is then plotted
on Figure 2 and a curve is drawn
from this point and parallel to the
printed curves until it intercepts a
horizontal line passing through
the ordinate representing the
target mean strength.
• The corresponding value for the
free-water/cement ratio can then
be read from the coordinate of a
• This should be compared with any
maximum free-water/cement
ratio that may be specified and
the lower of these two values Figure 2: Relationship between compressive strength and
free-water/cement ratio


Concrete mix design process

STAGE 2 : Determination of the free-water content
• Note: When coarse and fine aggregates of different types are used, the
free-water content is estimated by the expression,
– 2/3 Wf + 1/3 Wc ----------(B3)
Wf = free water content appropriate to type of fine aggregate.
Wc = free water content appropriate to type of coarse aggregate.
• The value of Wf & Wc is obtained from Table 3.
Table 3.0: Approximate free water content required for various level of workability
according to the 1988 DOE method
(Source: Neville, A.M., 1995, p: 765)

Aggregate Water content, kg/m3 (lb/yd3) for:

Slump, mm 0 – 10 10 – 30 30 – 60 60 – 180
Max. size
Type (in) (0 -1/2) (1/2 – 1) (1 – 2 ½) (2 ½ - 7)
mm (in)
Vebe test, s >12 6 – 12 3–6 0–3
Uncrushed 150 (255) 180 (305) 205 (345) 225 (380)
10 (3/8)
Crushed 180 (305) 205 (345) 230 (390) 250 (420)
Uncrushed 135 (230) 160 (270) 180 (305) 195 (330)
20 (3/4)
Crushed 170 (285) 190 (320) 210 (355) 225 (380)
Uncrushed 115 (195) 140 (235) 160 (270) 175 (295)
40 (11/2)
Crushed 155 (260) 175 (295) 190 (320) 205 (345)

Concrete mix design process

STAGE 3 : Determination of cement content
• The determination of cement content where the resulting value
should be checked against any maximum or minimum value that may
be specified.
• If the calculated cement content from in Table 3 is below a specified
minimum, this minimum value must be adopted and a modified free
water/cement ratio calculated which would be less than that
determined in Stage 1.
• This will result in a concrete that has a mean strength somewhat
higher than the target mean strength.
• Alternatively, the free water/ cement ratio from Stage 1 is used
resulting in higher free water content and increased workability.


Concrete mix design process

STAGE 3 : Determination of cement content (cont.)
• On the other hand, if the design method indicates a cement content
that is higher than a specified maximum, then it is probable that the
specification cannot be met simultaneously on strength and
workability requirements with the selected materials.
• Consideration should then be given to changing the type of cement,
the type and maximum size of aggregate or the level of workability of
the concrete, or to use water- reducing admixture.
• Then, the cement content can be calculated by using this formula;

Cement Content = Free-water content

Free-water/cement ratio

Concrete mix design process

STAGE 4 : Determination of total aggregate
• The determination of total aggregate (TA) which requires an estimate
of the density of the fully compacted concrete which is in Figure 3
depending upon the free water content and the relative density of the
combined aggregate in the saturated surface dry condition (SSD).

Figure 3: Estimated wet density of fully compacted concrete


Concrete mix design process

STAGE 4 : Determination of total aggregate (cont.)
• If no information is available regarding the relative density of the
aggregate, an approximation value of wet density may be deduced by
assuming a value of 2.6 for uncrushed aggregate and 2.7 for crushed
• From this estimating of the wet density of concrete, the total
aggregate content (TA) is determined from calculation (B4),

– Total aggregate content, TA = D - C – W ----------- (B4)

D = Wet density of concrete (kg/m3)
C = Cement content (kg/m3)
W = Free water content (kg/m3)
Concrete mix design process
STAGE 5 : Determination of Fine Aggregate (FA) content and
Coarse Aggregate (CA) content
• The selection of fine and coarse aggregate which involves deciding how much
of the total aggregate should include materials smaller than 5 mm, i.e. the
sand or fine aggregate content.
• Figure 4 shows recommended values for the proportion of fine aggregate
depending on the maximum size of the aggregate, the workability level, the
grading of the fine aggregate (define by its percentage passing a 600µm sieve)
and the free water/cement ratio.

Figure 4: Recommended proportions of fine aggregate according to percentage passing a 600µm sieve


Concrete mix design process

STAGE 5 : Determination of FA content and CA content (Cont.)
• The best proportion of fines to be used in a given mix will depend on
the actual grading of shape of the particular aggregate and the use to
which the concrete is to be put.
• However, adoption of a proportion obtained from Figure 4 will
generally give a satisfactory concrete in the first trial mix that can then
be adjusted as required for the exact conditions prevailing.
• The final calculation (B5) to determine the Fine Aggregate (FA) and
Coarse Aggregate (CA) contents is made using the proportion of fine
aggregate obtained from Figure 4 and the Total Aggregate (TA) content
derived in Stage 4.

Concrete mix design process

STAGE 5 : Determination of FA content and CA content (Cont.)
• The FA content and CA content are determined from calculation (B5),
– Fine Aggregate (FA) content;
= Total Aggregate (TA) content X proportion of fines aggregate --- (B5.1)
– Coarse Aggregate (CA) content;
= Total Aggregate (TA) content - Fine Aggregate (FA) content -- (B5.2)

• The Coarse Aggregate (CA) contents itself can be subdivided if single sized 10,
20 and 40 mm materials are to be combined.
• Again, the best proportions will depend on aggregate shape and concrete
usage but the following ratios are suggested as a general guide:
– 1: 2 for combination of 10 and 20 mm materials.
– 1:1.5:3 for combination of 10, 20 and 40 materials.

Example 1
The unrestricted design has been selected. The information of the
requirement item on concrete mix design is shown in Table 1 and all
available data for designing concrete mix cubes are attached as Appendix
1 (1-4). You shall produce concrete mix cubes for concrete Grade 30. You
need to prepare 3 concrete test cubes (150x150x150 mm) for
compression test at 7 and 28 days lifetime. Wastage of concrete is 10%.
Table 1: The requirements and relevant item on the mix design form

No. Descriptions Specified

1 Characteristic compressive strength at 28 days 30N/mm2
2 Proportion defective 5% (k=1.64)
3 Cement type OPC
4 Maximum aggregate size 20mm

Aggregate type:
5 i. Coarse Aggregate (CA) Crushed
ii. Fine Aggregate (FA) Uncrushed

6 Slump required 30 – 60 mm
7 Grading of fine aggregate - % passing 600µm 54%
8 Relative density 2.70
Calculation for Quantity of
Calculation of quantity required to cast concrete structure must be based on
the volume of the structure. In addition, extra quantity is required for cubes
to enable compression strength tests to be carried out. However, during
mixing, an additional of 10% volume is recommended to accommodate for

Volume/quantity of concrete needed

Calculation for Quantity of W6

STAGE 1 : Selection of water/cement ratio

Stage Item Reference or calculation Values

1 1.1 Characteristic strength, fc Specified 30 N/mm2 at 28 days

Proportion defective 5 Percent
1.2 Standard deviation, s Figure 1
8 __ N/mm2 or no data __ N/mm2

1.3 Margin, M M=kXs

(k = 1.64) 1.64 x 8 = 13 N/mm2

1.4 Target mean strength, fm fm = fc + M 30 + 13 = 43 N/mm2

1.5 Cement type Specified OPC
1.6 Aggregate type: coarse (CA) Specified Crushed
Aggregate type: fine (FA) Specified Uncrushed
1.7 Free-water/cement ratio Table 2 & Figure 2
1.8 Maximum free water/ cement ratio Specified Use the lower
Calculation for Quantity W6

STAGE 1 : Selection of water/cement ratio (cont.)
Determination of standard deviation, s (N/mm2)??

Therefore, the
standard deviation,
s = 8 N/mm2

compressive strength,
fc = 30 N/mm2

Figure 1: Relationship between standard deviation and characteristic strength

Calculation for Quantity W6

STAGE 1 : Selection of water/cement ratio (cont.)
Determination of compressive strength, fc(T2) (N/mm2) with water/ cement ratio is
0.5?? Therefore, the
Table 2.0: Approximate compressive strengths of
concrete mixes mode with a free-water/ cement compressive strength,
ratio of 0.5 fc(T2) is 49 N/mm2
Type of Compressive strength* (MPa (psi) at the age of (days):
Type of
cement 3 7 28 91
(Type II) Uncrushed 22 (3200) 30 (3200) 42 (6100) 49 (7100)

resisting Crushed 27 (3900) 36 (5200) 49 (7100) 56 (8100)
(Type V)
Uncrushed 29 (4200) 37 (5400) 48 (7000) 54 (7800)
Crushed 34 (4900) 43 (6200) 55 (8000) 61 (8900)
(Type III)
Calculation for Quantity W6

STAGE 1 : Selection of water/cement ratio (cont.)
Determination of water/ cement ratio??

From Table 2,
compressive strength
fc(T2) is 49 N/mm2

fm is 43

Therefore, the
ratio is 0.54

Calculation for Quantity of W6

STAGE 2 : Determination of the free-water content
Determination of free-water content??
Reference or
Stage Item calculation Values

2 2.1 Slump or Vebe time Specified Slump 30 – 60 mm or Vebe time s

2.2 Maximum aggregate size Specified 20 mm

2.3 Free-water content Table 3 190 kg/m3

Table 3.0: Approximate free water content required for various level of workability
according to the 1988 DOE method
(Source: Neville, A.M., 1995, p: 765) Use formula;
Aggregate Water content, kg/m3 (lb/yd3) for:
2/3 Wf + 1/3 Wc
Slump, mm 0 – 10 10 – 30 30 – 60 60 – 180
Max. size
Type (in) (0 -1/2) (1/2 – 1) (1 – 2 ½) (2 ½ - 7)
mm (in)
Vebe test, s >12 6 – 12 3–6 0–3
Uncrushed 150 (255) 180 (305) 205 (345) 225 (380)
10 (3/8)
Crushed 180 (305) 205 (345) 230 (390) 250 (420)
Uncrushed >> FA 135 (230) 160 (270) 180 (305) 195 (330) >> Wf
20 (3/4)
Crushed >> CA 170 (285) 190 (320) 210 (355) 225 (380) >> Wc
Uncrushed 115 (195) 140 (235) 160 (270) 175 (295)
40 (11/2)
Crushed 155 (260) 175 (295) 190 (320) 205 (345)

From Table 3.0, Wf = 180 kg/m3 and Wc = 210 kg/m3

Calculation for Quantity of W6

STAGE 3 : Determination of cement content
Determination of cement content?

Reference or
Stage Item calculation Values

3 3.1 Cement content Formula 190 / 0.54 = 352 kg/m3

3.2 Maximum cement content ________ kg/m3

_______ kg/m3
Use 3.1, if < 3.2
3.3 Minimum cement content Specified
Use 3.3, if > 3.1
3.4 Modified free water/cement ratio 352 kg/m3

From the previous calculation,

water/cement ratio = 0.54 and
free-water content = 190 kg/m3

Use formula;
Cement Content = Free-water content
Free-water/cement ratio

Calculation for Quantity of W6

STAGE 4 : Determination of total aggregate content
Determination of concrete density and total aggregate content??
Reference or
Stage Item calculation Values

4.1 Relative density of aggregate

4 Specified 2.7 known/assumed
4.2 Concrete density Figure 3 2445 kg/m3
4.3 Total aggregate content Formula 2445 - 190 - 352 = 1903 kg/m3

concrete density
is 2445 kg/m3 From the previous
free-water content =
190 kg/m3

Free-water content is 190

Calculation for Quantity of W6

STAGE 4 : Determination of total aggregate content (cont.)
Determination of concrete density and total aggregate content?
Reference or
Stage Item calculation Values

4.1 Relative density of aggregate

4 Specified 2.7 known/assumed
4.2 Concrete density Figure 3 2445 kg/m3
4.3 Total aggregate content, TA Formula 2445 - 352 - 190 = 1903 kg/m3

From the previous calculation,

concrete density, D is 2445 kg/m3,
cement content, C = 352 kg/m3 and
free-water content, W = 190 kg/m3

Use formula;
Total aggregate content, TA = D - C – W ----------- (B4)
D = Wet density of concrete (kg/m3)
C = Cement content (kg/m3)
W = Free water content (kg/m3)

Calculation for Quantity of W6

STAGE 5 : Determination of FA and CA content
Determination of FA and CA content??
Reference or
Stage Item calculation Values

5.1 Grading of fine aggregate % pass 600µm sieve

5 54 %
5.2 Proportion of fine aggregate Figure 4 38 %

5.3 Fine aggregate content, FA Formula 1903 x 0.38 = 723 kg/m3

5.4 Coarse aggregate content, CA Formula 1903 - 723 = 1180 kg/m3

of FA is 38%

% of FA passing 600pass
600µm sieve is 54%

Free- Water/cement ratio is 0.54

Calculation for Quantity of W6

STAGE 5 : Determination of FA and CA content
Determination of FA and CA content?
Reference or
Stage Item calculation Values

5.1 Grading of fine aggregate % pass 600µm sieve

5 54 %
5.2 Proportion of fine aggregate Figure 4 38 %

5.3 Fine aggregate content, FA Formula 1903 x 0.38 = 723 kg/m3

5.4 Coarse aggregate content, CA Formula 1903 - 723 = 1180 kg/m3

Use formula;
Fine Aggregate (FA) content;
= Total Aggregate (TA) content X proportion of fines aggregate ------------ (B5.1)

Coarse Aggregate (CA) content;

= Total Aggregate (TA) content - Fine Aggregate (FA) content ------------ (B5.2)

Calculation for Quantity of W6

The batch quantities for the concrete
Determination the batch quantities for the concrete (water content, cement content, FA and
CA) based on specified concrete cubes with 10% wastage?

Fine Coarse aggregate (kg)

Cement Water aggregate
Quantities (kg) (kg) (kg) 10 mm 20 mm 40 mm

Per m3 (to nearest 5 kg) 355 190 725 395 790

Per trial mix of 0.022275
m3 7.91 4.23 16.15 8.80 17.49

The maximum size

From the previous calculation; of CA is 20mm.
Cement content = 352 kg/m3 >> nearest to 5kg >> 355 kg/m3 Therefore, use
Free-water content = 190 kg/m3 >> nearest to 5kg >> 190 kg/m3 proportion of CA is
FA content = 723 kg/m3 >> nearest to 5kg >> 725 kg/m3 1:2
CA content = 1180 kg/m3 >> nearest to 5kg >> ???

Example of calculation;
 10mm; 1/3 x CA content = 1/3 x 1180 = 393 >> nearest to 5kg >> 395 kg/m3
 20mm; 2/3 x CA content = 2/3 x 1180 = 787 >> nearest to 5kg >> 790 kg/m3
Calculation for Quantity of W6

The batch quantities for the concrete
Determination the batch quantities for the concrete (water content, cement content, FA and
CA) based on specified concrete cubes with 10% concrete wastage?

Fine Coarse aggregate (kg)

Cement Water aggregate
Quantities (kg) (kg) (kg) 10 mm 20 mm 40 mm

Per m3 (to nearest 5 kg) 355 190 725 395 790

Per trial mix of 0.022275
m3 7.91 4.23 16.15 8.80 17.60

Volume/quantity of concrete needed is 0.022275m3

Example of calculation;
Cement content = 355 kg/m3 x 0.022275 = 7.91m3
Free-water content = 190 kg/m3 x 0.022275 = 4.23m3
FA content = 725 kg/m3 x 0.022275 = 16.15m3
CA content;
 10mm; = 395 kg/m3 x 0.022275 = 8.80m3
 20mm; =790 kg/m3 x 0.022275 = 17.60m3

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