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NAME OF STUDENT: Frelyn Marie Sheejah S.

Silorio SECTION: Lit114- C

TEACHER: Ms. Ruvilyn V. Deo

Lesson 1:

Ink, Link to Sink (1)

Now let us go back to the questions given before we read the story. Let us answer
them, given the details from the story we have just read.

1. Who is Dr. Lazaro? What kind of a doctor, husband, and father is he? An event in
his past seems to be disturbing him. What is that event that is troubling him?
How has this affected his relationship with other people?
Dr. Lazaro is a country doctor and dedicated to his profession. He
does not possess love, he treated and talked to his wife like a
stranger and a demanding father because he wanted his son to
become a doctor like him or be an engineer. An incident in which his
son committ ed suicide in a boarding house, his wrist slashed. He did
nothing to save his son's life. That's why Dr. Lazaro began to doubt
and lost his faith and have a distant relati onship with his family and
the people around him.
2. Who is Ben? What kind of a man is he? What does he want in life? How does he
relate to his mother and father?
Ben is the son of Dr. Lazaro. He's a religious man and wants to be in
the service of God by becoming a priest. Ben's mother, Mrs. Lazaro,
is a religious and who worship God while his father, Dr. Lazaro, lost
his faith because of certain events such as his son's death and the
everyday happenings in his occupati on as a Doctor.

3. Between Dr. Lazaro and Ben, who do you more relate with? Why do you relate
more to either of them?
Ben because I worship God, my faith to our almighty is strong and I
always believe God even though I encountered some rough ti mes in
life. In those ti mes, I'm look forward and think of the positi ve things
to resolved my problems.

Ink, Link to Sink In (2)

Let us now study the short story Faith, Love, Time, and Dr. Lazaro
more closely by identifying its elements.

Instructions: Given the elements, identify the specific details using the short story.

Elements of Faith Love Time and Dr. Lazaro

Elements Specifi cs from the Story

Setting  Dr. Lazaro's house

 Outside the town- the station after the Agricultural High

School and before the San Miguel bridge.

 Small hut or Esteban's house.

Point of View Omniscient third-person

The narrator enters the mind and feeling of Dr. Lazaro. The
angel of narration allows the reader to know how Dr. Lazaro
thinks and feels.
Characters  Dr. Lazaro

 Dr. Lazaro's Wife

 Ben Lazaro

 Pedro Esteban

Conflict Man vs. Man

Man vs. Circumstances

Plot Exposition

From the upstairs veranda, Dr. Lazaro had a view of stars, the
country darkness, the lights on the distant highway at the
edge of town. The phonograph in the sala played Chopin – like
a vast sorrow controlled, made familiar, he had wont to think.
In the scattered light from the sala his angular face had a
dusty, wasted quality, only his eyes contained life. He could
have remained there all evening, unmoving, and buried, it is
were, in a strange half-sleep, had his wife not come to tell him
he was wanted on the phone.
Dr. Lazaro reached for the phone. The man is calling from a
service station outside the town. He was Pedro Esteban, the
brother of the doctor’s tenant in Nambalan.

Rising Acti on

The man's week-old child had a fever, a bluish skin; its mouth
would not open to suckle. They could not take the baby to the
poblacion, they would not dare to move it, its body turned
rigid at the slightest touch.

Ben, Dr. Lazaro's son, drove for him on the way, they had
conversation about Ben's plan on what career to pursue. Dr.
Lazaro wanted his son to be a doctor like him.


Dr. Lazaro and Ben reached the gas station, where the Dr.
Agreed to meet Esteban. They went to Esteban's house and
saw the sick child bundled with blankets. Dr. Lazaro made
cursory check-skin dry, turning cold, breathing shallow,
heartbeat fast and irregular. He removed, the blanket and
injected the whole ampule to check the tonic spasms, tried to
draw air into the faltering lungs, pressing and releasing the
chest but even as he worked to rescue the child bluish color of
the face began to turn gray.

Falling Acti on

Dr. Lazaro shook his head as a sign of there's nothing more he

can do to save the child. Ben knelt beside the child and
baptized it and Esteban's wife began to cry.

Resoluti on

When Dr. Lazaro and Ben are on their way home, Dr. Lazaro
realized everything around him - the town, the people, his
family, his faith, love and time that it was long gone.

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