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Evidence: Job interview

I will proceed to answer the questions

1. If you could start your career over again, what would you do differently?

Although of I have been doing a good career, I would have focused in a specific
area and I would not have studied so many areas, because this delayed me in
advancing up at work.

2. During your performance reviews, what criticism do you hear the most?

The most frequent criticisms I have been hearing, are that I am a very perfectionist
and that I am a bit serious.

3. Tell me about your last position?

in my last position i have been achieving many goals that i was hope reach, in my
las work i was performing functions of inspection of products and quality control,
i could involve so more in the design and developing process, and finally i was in
charge of three or four assistants.

4. What is your work philosophy?

My philosophy of work is be focus in the goals and put aside the social life and
develop the most efficient process and fastest possible, such as we should work
¿why not doing the best way possible?.

5. How have you changed professionally speaking in the last two years?
In the last two years, due to recently I finishing my university career, I have been
working in diversification the work fields and in looking for more rentable work
fields, regard to my technical growing, I reached it from about four years.

6. Tell me about the best manager you have ever had.

I was working for so long in an enterprise that the names of it is models a shapes,
in all time i was working there, y was working as freelance, the my boss don’t
ever call to me attention, I never missed my obligations and he was never an
unpleasant person to me, he was more of a friend than a boss.

7. What were the most memorable accomplishments in your last position?

I was on charge of some people and expand my professional profile perform other
functions with greater difficulty.

8. Why do you want to leave your current job?

Because the particular industry in which I work is in crisis and work is a little
scarce, so now I only work part time

9. In your previous position, how much time did you spend learning how to do
Maybe about 15 days, I have a lot of experience in my field and I just had to adapt
to some logistical issues of the company.

10. If you’re very happy with your current job, why do you want to leave?
Currently I am not working because in the last month there has been no work in the
factory, and I am currently focused on finding a new job.

thanks for your time and I hope we can work together

Bueno pero sería mucho mayor al implementar las otras

actividades interactivas que están al final del material de formación
y que el instructor publicara las notas y correcciones a las que haya
lugar, por lo demás no tengo queja alguna.

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