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Experimental Analysis of Embankment on Ordinary and

Encased Stone Columns

Mohammed Y. Fattah, A.M.ASCE1; Bushra S. Zabar2; and Hanan A. Hassan3

Abstract: This work investigated the behavior of embankment models resting on soft soil reinforced with ordinary and encased stone col-
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umns (ESCs). Model tests were performed with different spacing distances between stone columns and two length-to-diameter ratios ðL=dÞ of
the stone columns, in addition to different embankment heights. A total of 39 model tests were performed on soil with an undrained shear
strength of 10 kPa. The system consisted of a stone column–supported embankment at different spacing-to-diameter ratios (s/d) of stone
columns. Earth pressure cells were used to measure directly the vertical stress on the column for all models, and another cell was placed at the
base of the embankment between two columns to measure directly the vertical stress in reinforced soft soil. For embankment models con-
structed on soft clay reinforced with ESCs, it was found that whether a column was floating or end bearing (resting on a rigid stratum), encase-
ment of the column by a geogrid was most effective in improving the bearing ratio of reinforced soil by approximately 1.29, 1.39, and 1.63
times and 1.4, 1.57, and 1.83 times that of untreated soil, reducing the settlement by approximately 0.71, 0.67, and 0.62 times and 0.63, 0.6,
and 0.45 times that of untreated soil for 200-, 250-, and 300-mm embankment heights with L=d = 5 and 8, respectively, and spacing s ¼ 2:5d.
The bearing improvement ratio (bearing capacity of treated-to-untreated soil) increased with decreasing spacing of stone columns for a given
embankment. A higher improvement ratio was achieved for the models reinforced with stone columns at s ¼ 2:5d at any embankment height.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0000579. © 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Stone columns; Soft clay; Embankment; Laboratory models; Geogrid.

Introduction Bauer and Al-Joulani (1996) conducted triaxial compression tests

on two types of granular material, with and without geogrid sleeves,
The increasing cost of conventional foundations and numerous and reported that when granular material was packed within a cylin-
environmental constraints encourages the in situ improvement of drical sleeve, the stiffness of the system increased considerably.
weak soil deposits. Among the various techniques for improving in They reported that encapsulation induced apparent cohesion to stone
situ ground conditions, reinforcing the ground with stone columns column material and increased the strength of clay.
or granular piles is one of the most versatile and cost-effective Sharma et al. (2004) performed a series of laboratory tests to
techniques. investigate the effect of the geogrid on the load-bearing capacity
An alternative system, which can both provide the required lat- and bulging reduction in granular columns. A total of 14 plate-load
eral support to stone columns to inhibit bulging and increase bear- tests were conducted for untreated clay bed, unreinforced granular
ing capacity, is the geosynthetic encased column. This system columns and the geogrid-reinforced column with different numbers
includes a high-modulus, creep-resistant geosynthetic, which expe- of geogrid layers and spacing. It was found that the geogrid effec-
riences ring tension forces that confine the compacted sand or tively improved the load-carrying capacity of the granular column
gravel column, providing constructability and bearing capacity and also reduced its bulging diameter and bulging length. The
even in extremely soft soil. This technique has been used in numer- improvement factors increased with an increased number of geo-
ous projects throughout Europe (Raithel et al. 2005) and, more grids and a decrease in geogrid spacing.
recently, South America (De Mello et al. 2008). The clay particles Malarvizhi and Ilamparuthi (2004) investigated load versus set-
get clogged around the stone columns and reduce radial drainage. tlement response of stone and reinforced stone columns [geogrid-
To overcome this limitation and to increase the efficiency of the encased stone column (ESC)]. Load tests were performed on soft
stone columns with respect to strength and compressibility, stone clay beds stabilized with a single stone column and reinforced stone
columns are encased using a geogrid to improve the lateral support columns with various slenderness ratios and using different types of
(Kempfert and Gebreselassie 2006). encasing material. Different length/diameter column ratios (L/d) and
area ratios (area of stone column to surrounding area) of 0.174 were
Professor, Building and Construction Engineering Dept., Univ. of adopted for end-bearing and floating columns. Encasing stone col-
Technology, 10066 Baghdad, Iraq (corresponding author). E-mail: myf umns with geogrids resulted in an increase in load-carrying capacity irrespective of whether the columns were end bearing or floating.
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Dept., Univ. of Baghdad, Malarvizhi and Ilamparuthi (2006, 2007) performed a series
10071 Baghdad, Iraq. E-mail: of experimental studies and reported that the bearing capacity of
Lecturer, Highway and Transportation Engineering Dept., Univ. of Al- a footing on an ESC was 1.5–2 times that of an ordinary stone
Mustansiriya, 10052 Baghdad, Iraq. E-mail:
column (OSC) for an ESC L/d of 9 and an area ratio of 17%.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on December 8, 2014; approved
on July 2, 2015; published online on January 11, 2016. Discussion period Comparison of the end-bearing and floating columns revealed
open until June 11, 2016; separate discussions must be submitted for indi- that the footing on an end-bearing column had a load-carrying
vidual papers. This paper is part of the International Journal of capacity twice that of a floating column. Moreover, analysis
Geomechanics, © ASCE, ISSN 1532-3641. showed that the stress concentration in an ESC was higher than

© ASCE 04015102-1 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2016, 16(4): 04015102

that of a conventional stone column, which was attributed to the verified by comparison with the measurement data and other
mobilization of hoop stresses in the geogrid. existing analytical solutions. The influences of stress concentra-
Murugesan and Rajagopal (2010) performed a series of labora- tion ratio, internal friction angle and cohesion of the surrounding
tory tests on geosynthetic ESCs to investigate their behavior. The soil, and the elastic modulus of the column on the deformations
tests were performed on a single stone column and a group of stone of the stone column were discussed. The load acting on the top
columns with and without geosynthetic encasement in a large-scale, of the column greatly influenced its deformations; the accurate
model test tank. It was found that the geosynthetic encasement determination of the load distribution between columns and the
increased the stiffness of the stone column. The confining pressure surrounding soil was vital for analyses of the settlement of com-
of the stone column increased with the modulus of geosynthetic posite foundations reinforced with stone columns during the
encasement. design. The increase in the internal friction angle of the soil, the
Al-Waily (2008) and Fattah et al. (2011) conducted testing pro- cohesion of the soil, and the modulus of the column reduced col-
grams to study the influence of the number of stone columns (single, umn settlements and bulging.
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two, three, and four), L=d ratio and undrained shear strength of bed Two column-wall approaches based on matching either column
soil on the stress concentration ratio n (which is generally defined as geometry or column properties were compared by Zhang et al.
the ratio of stress in the column to stress in the surrounding soil), (2014) and verified by three-dimensional numerical results in the
and the bearing improvement ratio ðqtreated =quntreated Þ of stone col- stability evaluation of the stone column–supported embankment
umns. The experimental tests showed that the stone columns with over soft soils. The study also investigated the 2D numerical models
L=d ¼ 8 provided stress concentration ratios n of 1.4, 2.4, 2.7, and using the column-wall method and the equivalent area method con-
3.1 for soil with shear strength cu ¼ 6 kPa and reinforced with sin- sidering the factors of stress concentration, area replacement ratio,
gle, two, three, and four columns, respectively. The stress concen- and soil conditions under short- and long-term conditions. The nu-
tration ratios n decreased to 1.2, 2.2, 2.5, and 2.8 with L=d ¼ 6. The merical results showed that the equivalent area method resulted in a
values of n increased when the shear strength of the treated soil was continuous critical slip surface in the stone column–supported
increased to 9 and 12 kPa. The bearing improvement ratios embankment over soft soil; however, no continuous slip surface
decreased when the shear strength of the treated soil increased. developed using the column-wall method. Under the short-term
A two-dimensional (2D) finite-difference method was adopted condition, the computed FS by the equivalent area model with or
by Abusharar and Han (2011) to estimate the factor of safety (FS) without considering the stress concentration effect was greater than
against deep-seated failure of embankments over stone column– that computed by the column-wall model. However, their difference
improved soft clay based on individual column and equivalent area became smaller under the long-term condition.
models. In the equivalent area model, the equivalent parameters Based on the unit-cell concept, analytical solutions were pre-
(unit weight, cohesion, and friction angle) for the improved area sented by Zhang and Zhao (2014) to predict deformation behaviors
were estimated based on the area average of the parameters from of geotextile-ESCs at any depth below the top plane of the columns.
stone columns and soft clay. The factors influencing the FS against Under vertical loads at the tops of the stone columns, an axial com-
deep-seated failure of embankments over stone column–improved pression deformation occurred that was often accompanied by a lat-
soft clay were investigated, including the spacing, size, and friction eral expansion near the top. This deformation characteristic of stone
angle of stone columns; cohesion of soft clay; friction angle and columns was incorporated directly into the proposed analytical
height of embankment fill; and existence of ground water. Based on method. The shear stress between the ESC and the surrounding soil
the numerical results, a reduction factor was proposed to account in the vertical direction also was taken into account. In this method,
for the difference in the FS when the individual column model was the confining pressure provided by the soil was analyzed based on
converted to the equivalent area model. The effects of the influence an analogy with passive earth pressure. The method was verified by
factors on the reduction factor were also investigated. The compara- comparison with two other analytical solutions. Parametric studies
tive study showed that the FS values obtained by the equivalent area were conducted to investigate the effects of geotextile encasement,
model were higher than those obtained by the individual column vertical applied stress, and column spacing and diameter on the de-
model. The results of these analyses were summarized in a series of formation behaviors of columns. The results indicated that geotex-
design charts that can be used in engineering practice. A reduction tile encasement with a higher stiffness has a beneficial effect on
factor for a FS of 0.90 is appropriate to convert the calculated FS by reducing column bulging and settlement. Moreover, selection of
the equivalent area model to that by the individual column model geotextile stiffness for ESCs should be done in relation to column
based on the study. Furthermore, the existence of the water table diameter and spacing because increased column diameter and
results in lower FS values than the cases without considering a decreased spacing have a great effect on settlement reduction.
water table, because the groundwater reduces the shear strength of Etezad et al. (2015) stated that columns are made of compacted
the improved foundation. aggregate and are installed in weak soil as reinforcements to
The reduction factor for a FS of 0.9 was suggested based on sta- increase the shear resistance of the soil mass and, accordingly, its
tistical analysis. bearing capacity. Whereas a single stone column mostly fails from
An axial compression was generated in a stone column under bulging, a group of stone columns together with the surrounding
vertical loads on its top and was often accompanied by a radial soil may fail from a general, local, or punching shear mechanism,
expansion against the surrounding soil near the top portion of the depending on the soil/columns/geometry of the system. The mode
column. Considering this deformation characteristic of the stone of failure of the reinforced ground could be identified based on the
column, an analytical solution for the settlement of the composite ground geometry and strength parameters of both the stone column
foundations reinforced with stone columns was presented by Zhang and soft soil. Etezad et al. (2015) presented an analytical model to
et al. (2013). The load sharing between the column and the soil and predict the bearing capacity of soft soil reinforced with stone col-
the distribution of column–soil interfacial shear stresses were also umns under rigid raft foundation subject to a general shear-failure
incorporated into the solution. From the present solution, the verti- mechanism. The model uses the limit-equilibrium method and
cal settlement and lateral bulging of the column under any applied the concept of composite properties of reinforced soil. The pro-
loads can be evaluated at any depth. The validity of the solution was posed theory was validated for bearing capacity of footings on

© ASCE 04015102-2 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2016, 16(4): 04015102

Table 1. Physical and Chemical Properties of Natural Soil Used Table 4. Physical and Mechanical Properties of the Geogrid Used

Property Value Mechanical property Value

Liquid limit (%) 47 Peak tensile resistance (kN/m) 0.62
Plastic limit (%) 23 Elastic modulus (MPa) 40
Plasticity index (%) 24 Tensile strength (MPa) 0.44
Specific gravity ðGs Þ 2.7 Elongation at maximum load (%) 1.4
Passing sieve No. 200 (%) 94 Yield strength at 10% strain (kN/m) 0.47
Sand content (0.075–4.75 mm) (%) 6
Silt content (0.005–0.075 mm) (%) 48
Clay content (<0.005 mm) (%) 46
Maximum dry unit weight ðkN=m3 Þ 18.24
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Optimum moisture content (%) 13

Soil symbol according to USCS CL
Note: USCB = Unified Soil Classification System.

Table 2. Physical Properties of the Crushed Stone

Property Value
Maximum dry unit weight ðkN=m Þ 3
Minimum dry unit weight ðkN=m3 Þ 13
Dry unit weight ðkN=m3 Þ at
Dr ¼ 55% 14.4
D10 ðmmÞ 3.8
D30 ðmmÞ 6
Fig. 1. Experimental test container and loading system
D60 ðmmÞ 7.5
Coefficient of uniformity ðCu Þ 1.97
Coefficient of curvature ðCc Þ 1.26
factors, such as spacing between columns, diameter of columns, L/d
Angle of internal friction ð f ; degreesÞ 41.5
of columns, stiffness of columns, and embankment friction angle
Specific gravity ðGs Þ 2.65
and height (Fattah et al. 2014).
Note: Dr = relative density; D10, D30, and D60 = diameters corresponding In this study, the behavior of the stone column–supported
to 10%, 30%, and 60% finer particle-size distribution curves, respectively. embankment system with and without reinforcement was investi-
gated. The degree of foundation system improvement depended on
Table 3. Physical and Chemical Properties of the Subbase Material Used several variables: the depth of encasement, the diameter of the stone
column, the volume of soft soil around the stone column, the load-
Property Value ing level, and the loading conditions. Earth pressure cells were used
California Bearing Ratio (%) 51 to measure directly the vertical stress on the column for all models,
Maximum dry unit weight ðkN=m3 Þ 21.84 whereas another cell was placed at the base of the embankment
Optimum moisture content (%) 6.3 between two columns to measure directly the vertical stress in rein-
D10 ðmmÞ 0.15 forced soft soil. This process was done for the first time.
D30 ðmmÞ 1.5
D60 ðmmÞ 12
Coefficient of uniformity ðCu Þ 80 Experimental Work
Coefficient of curvature ðCc Þ 1.25
Angle of internal friction ( f , degrees) 40 The experimental work consisted of two parts. Part 1 aimed to deter-
mine the physical and mechanical properties of the clay and stone
Note: D10D30D60.
column materials. Part 2 included experiments performed on model
embankments resting on soft clay strengthened by geogrid-ESCs.
homogeneous soil and via the laboratory and numerical results A brown clayey silt soil was brought from a depth of 5 m from a
available in the literature. Design procedure and charts are pre- site within the city of Al-Basrah located in southern Iraq. The soil
sented for practicing purposes. was subjected to routine laboratory tests to determine its properties,
This work investigated the behavior of embankments constructed including grain size distribution (sieve analysis and hydrometer
on soft clay improved by OSCs and geogrid-ESCs. Direct measure- tests) according to ASTM D422 (ASTM 2003c) specifications,
ments of stresses carried by columns were done by pressure cells. Atterberg limits (liquid and plastic limits) according to ASTM
Past researchers indicated that stone columns are most often D4318 (ASTM 2003b), and specific gravity according to ASTM
used in soft clay soil improvement because stone columns (1) D854 (ASTM 2003d) specifications. The results showed that the soil
reduce ground settlement and accelerate consolidation by function- consisted of 6% sand, 46% clay, and 48% silt. The soil was classified
ing as sand drains and (2) increase the bearing capacity of the site. according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) as CL.
The bearing capacity of the improved site is governed by the degree Table 1 shows the physical and chemical properties of the soil used.
of lateral bulging of the stone column that occurs during loading. In The crushed stone was chosen in accordance with the guidelines
addition, past researchers discussed that the stress concentration suggested by Al-Shaikhly (2000), in which the particle size is
and load transferring within stone columns depend on several approximately 1/7 to 1/9 of the diameter of stone columns. The

© ASCE 04015102-3 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2016, 16(4): 04015102

Earth pressure cells
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Fig. 4. Strain gage fixed on geogrid

Fig. 2. Earth pressure cell Model 4800

Fig. 5. Process of constructing ESCs

tests were performed on the geogrid as per ASTM D6637 (ASTM

2003e) to determine its strength and tensile modulus. From the
stress-strain data, the tensile modulus M (the secant slope of stress-
the strain curve) was 79 kN/m, and its yield strength was 0.47 kN/m
at a 10% strain level. Table 4 summarizes the mechanical properties
Fig. 3. Variation of the undrained shear strength with liquidity index of the geogrid used.
Because the embankment model adopted in this study represents
a scale-down of 1:20 of the actual size, the geogrid material used
particle sizes ranged between 2 and 14 mm, and the stone was found has a scaled strength and stiffness compared with the geogrid used
to have an angle of internal friction f value of 41:5 from a direct in full-scale models.
shear test at a dry unit weight of 14:4 kN=m3 corresponding to a rel-
ative density of 55% according to ASTM D3080 (ASTM 2003a)
specifications. A relative density of 55% represents medium den- Model Design and Manufacturing
sity, which requires little effort to reach. This density is actually
maintained in the field during construction of stone columns, in To study the behavior of soft clay reinforced by stone columns under-
which the stone material is poured in the boring with gentle tamp- neath an embankment, an experimental setup with an approximate
ing. The stone was uniform because its uniformity coefficient was scale of 1/20 to 1/30 of the prototype was designed and manufactured
less than 4, which is considered as poorly graded. The physical to achieve this goal. The setup consisted of a steel container, loading
properties of the crushed stone are presented in Table 2. frame, hydraulic system, load cell with load indicator, earth pressure
A granular subbase is commonly used as a fill material for cells, piezometers, footing model, dial gages, and data acquisition.
embankment construction. The physical and chemical properties of A movable steel container was constructed to host the bed of soil
the subbase used are shown in Table 3. The subbase is classified as and all of its accessories. The internal dimensions were 1,500-mm
Class according to the Iraqi State Organization for Roads and length, 800-mm width, and 1,000-mm depth. The front side was
Bridges (SORB 2003) and as GW according to USCS. made from unbreakable glass. The container was sufficiently rigid
and exhibited no lateral deformation during the preparation of soil
and during the test. Fig. 1 shows the details of the container.
Geogrid Reinforcement The axial (vertical) pressure was applied through a hydraulic sys-
tem, which consisted of three hydraulic jacks, one in the middle and
The geogrid material used for this study was Pars Mesh Polymer the others on the sides, used to apply the load on the embankment
(PMP) type SQ12 (Pars Mesh Polymer, Tehhran, Iraq). Tension model. The location of the hydraulic jack is shown in Fig. 1. The

© ASCE 04015102-4 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2016, 16(4): 04015102

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Fig. 6. Stone columns after failure: (a) stone columns (s ¼ 3d, L=d ¼ 8); (b) geogrid ESCs (s ¼ 4d, L=d ¼ 5)

Dial gauge
Footing 250 x 600 mm


Stone columns



Soft soil bed

All dimensions in mm, s = spacing between stone columns (2.5d, 3d, 4d)
d = diameter of stone columns (70 mm).
h = embankment height (200, 250, 300 mm)

Fig. 7. Embankment model with instrumentation

maximum stress that could be applied on a model footing (250  readout (Geokon, Inc.) provided six excitation positions (A–F) with
500 mm) reached approximately 400 kPa. The pressure was calcu- a display resolution of 0.1 digit.
lated from the load measured by a load cell 50 kN in capacity con-
nected to the digital load indicator.
Fig. 2 shows the earth pressure cell Model 4800 (Geokon, Inc., Preparation of Model Tests
Lebanon, NH) which was used in this study. Earth pressure cells
were constructed from two thin stainless-steel plates welded to- Preparation of Soil
gether around their periphery and separated by a narrow gap filled
with hydraulic fluid. A length of stainless steel tubing connected the Prior to the preparation of the soil bed in the container, the variation
fluid-filled cavity to a pressure transducer that converted the fluid of shear strength of the clayey soil versus time after mixing at differ-
pressure into an electrical signal transmitted by cable to the readout, ent liquidity indices should be obtained. Therefore, six samples
which was also connected to a computer. Earth pressure cells could with different liquidity indices were prepared individually; each
be positioned in the fill at different orientations so that soil pressure sample was placed in five layers inside a California Bearing Ratio
could be measured in two or three directions. The Model GK404 (CBR) mold. Each day, the undrained shear strength was measured

© ASCE 04015102-5 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2016, 16(4): 04015102

Table 5. Parameters Used during Experiments

Parameter Value(s)
Embankment height (H) 200, 250, and 300 mm
Type of stone columns Ordinary, geogrid encased
L=d 5 (floating stone columns)
8 (end-bearing stone columns)
Spacing between columns (s) 2.5d (175 mm)
3d (210 mm)
4d (280 mm)
No. of stone columns 9 ðs ¼ 2:5dÞ
9 ðs ¼ 3dÞ
6 ðs ¼ 4dÞ
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Note: Column diameter ðdÞ ¼ 70 mm.

by a portable vane shear device. These tests provided the time

Fig. 8. Bearing ratio versus settlement ratio for the untreated embank-
required for the remolded soil to regain strength after a rest period
ment model
following the mixing process. The shear strength of soil and the
influence of time both decreased with the value of the liquidity
index. Fig. 3 shows the variation of shear strength of soil with a li-
quidity index after a 96-h curing (Fattah et al. 2014).
The soil was prepared in the container at an undrained shear
strength cu of 10 kPa and liquidity index of 0.48, corresponding to a
water content of 34.5%. After thorough mixing, the wet soil was
kept inside tightened polythene bags for 1 day for a uniform mois-
ture content. After that, the soil was placed in the steel container in
11 layers, and each layer was leveled gently using a 50  100-mm
wooden tamper. This process continued throughout the 11 layers
until a soil thickness of 560 mm was reached in the steel container.
After completing the final layer, the top surface was scraped and
leveled to get as flat a surface as possible, and then the soil was cov-
ered with a polythene sheet to prevent any loss of moisture. A
wooden board with a similar area to the soil surface area ð1; 500 
800 mmÞ was placed on the soil bed. The prepared soil was left for
4 days to increase in strength, reaching 10 kPa, as was suggested by
Shlash et al. (2009), who found that the soil gains strength during
this period. Fig. 9. Bearing ratio versus settlement ratio for a 200-mm-high
embankment model resting on soft soil reinforced with OSCs

Installation of Stone Columns

The correct position of the stone columns was marked using a spe- pipe, a geogrid tube was inserted into the stone column hole using
the steel pipe, as shown in Fig. 5.
cial frame manufactured according to the proposed configuration
patterns of stone columns. A hollow steel pipe with an external di-
ameter of 70 mm and coated with petroleum jelly was pushed down Installation of Embankment Fill
the bed to the specific depth (560 mm in a fully penetrated stone col- The construction of the embankment fill was started after the installa-
umn with L=d ¼ 8 and 350 mm for a partially penetrated stone col- tion of stone columns. A predetermined weight of the subbase was
umn with L=d ¼ 5) with the aid of the loading system. To remove mixed with water using a mixer at the optimum moisture content of
the soil inside the casing, a hand auger, manufactured for this pur- 6.3%; this weight of subbase is sufficient to create a uniform 50-mm-
pose, was used. After that, the casing was removed. The stones thick layer. Each layer was compacted gently by a 75  75-mm
were carefully charged into the hole in 10 layers and compacted at a wooden tamper to attain a placement maximum dry unit weight of
relative density of 55% using a 50-mm diameter rod to achieve a 21:84 kN=m3 until the desired embankment height was obtained.
dry unit weight of 14:4 kN=m3 by a tamping rod. After the top layer was leveled using a piece of plywood, the crest
width of the embankment was 300 mm.
Installation of ESCs
Model Testing Procedure
To install the ESCs, the same procedure used for the construction of
OSCs was followed. First, formed samples of geogrid tubes were The model tests were performed on natural soil and soil improved
made by wrapping up a roll of geogrid, which was sewed with nylon with OSCs or ESCs. A 250  600-mm footing was placed on the
and strings that had a diameter of 68 mm and were the length of the surface of the embankment model so that the center of the footing
ESC for L=d ¼ 8 and 5. Then, strain gages were fixed on the tube of coincided with the center of the load cell and hydraulic jack. Two
geogrid in predetermined positions using glue and covered by flexi- dial gages were fixed to measure the settlements of the footing.
ble putty, as shown in Fig. 4. After removal of the soil inside the Loads were then applied through three hydraulic jacks arranged

© ASCE 04015102-6 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2016, 16(4): 04015102

Table 6. Bearing Ratio at Failure for Embankment Model Constructed on Soft Clay Reinforced with OSCs

Bearing ratio, q=cu

Spacing H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 300 mm H ¼ 300 mm
L=d 5 8 5 8 5 8
s ¼ 2:5d 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.7 4.6 5.0
s ¼ 3d 3.9 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.5
s ¼ 4d 3.65 3.8 3.8 4.05 4.0 4.1
Untreated soil 3.5 3.5 3.3 3.3 3.0 3.0

The improvement in settlement achieved by the model tests was

presented in the form of St =Sunt , settlement of treated soil to settle-
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ment of untreated soil at the same applied stress, denoted as settle-

ment reduction ratio, and plotted against the bearing ratio ðq=cu Þ.
The failure point was defined as when the settlement reached
10% of the width of the model footing (or 36% of the diameter of
the stone column), as suggested by Fattah et al. (2011). This crite-
rion was compatible with Terzahgi’s (1943) criterion for the defini-
tion of footing or pile failure as the load corresponding to a settle-
ment equal to 10% of the footing diameter or width.

Model Tests on Untreated Embankment

Three model tests were conducted on beds of untreated soil with
undrained shear strengths of 10 kPa at different embankment
heights (200, 250, and 300 mm). These tests were considered as
Fig. 10. Bearing improvement ratio versus settlement ratio for a 200- references for the degree of improvement gained after introducing
mm-high embankment resting on soft soil reinforced with OSCs any other type of improvement.
Fig. 8 shows the bearing ratio plotted against the settlement ratio.
It illustrates that the mode of failure of the model test was close to
gradually in a series, measured by the load cell, and recorded by the local shear pattern because of the rapid rate of deformation. In
load readout. During each load increment, the readings of the this test, the footing model was resting on a compacted layer (sub-
two dial gages were recorded. Each load increment was left for base) with a width almost equal to the footing width. The ultimate
5 min, during which the rate of settlement became constant. bearing capacity obtained was 35, 33, and 30 kPa for the model tests
Fig. 6 presents the tested models after completion of the tests. of embankment with heights of 200, 250, and 300 mm, respectively,
The vertical stress on the column was measured at the top of the based on a failure criterion of 10% of the footing width. Fig. 8 dem-
middle stone column under the center line of the embankment and onstrates that the soil bed underneath the 200-mm-high embank-
on the edge of the stone column using earth pressure cells for all ment exhibited a higher bearing ratio. The bearing ratios at failure
models. ðq=cu Þ for the embankment for the soft soil model were 3.5, 3.3,
Fig. 7 presents a schematic illustration of the model embank- and 3.0, corresponding to a settlement ratio of 10% of the footing
ment resting on soft clay reinforced by stone columns. The instru- width, for embankment heights of 200, 250, and 300 mm, respec-
ments used for the measurements are shown. Table 5 summarizes tively. The results demonstrated a substantial decrease in bearing ra-
the parameters studied throughout the experiments. tio with increasing thickness of the embankment; this was due to
increased settlement induced by the load from the embankment and
applied stress.
Presentation of Test Results
Model Tests of Embankment Reinforced with OSCs
The investigation focused on the influence of parameters, such as This series consisted of 18 model tests performed with 200-, 250-,
spacing and length of stone columns and height of the embankment and 300-mm embankments overlying soft clay and immediately
on the overall behavior of soft soil reinforced with OSCs and geo- underneath the model footing. The model tests were performed at
grid-ESCs. The analysis of results from all of the model tests L=d ¼ 5 and 8 and spacing ratios 2.5d, 3d, and 4d. The variation of
regarding the applied stress and the corresponding settlement was the bearing ratio ðq=cu Þ versus the settlement ratio (S/B) is shown in
illustrated in terms of q=cu versus S/B. The term q=cu represents the Fig. 9 for the 200-mm-high embankment model. Similar results
ratio of applied stress to the undrained shear strength of the soft were obtained for 250- and 300-mm-high embankments. The bear-
clay, denoted as bearing ratio, and S/B represents the corresponding ing ratios at failure are summarized in Table 6.
vertical settlement as a percentage of the model footing width,
denoted as settlement ratio. To obtain the degree of improvement Bearing Improvement Ratio versus Settlement Ratio
achieved by each improvement technique, the results were plotted To evaluate the level of improvement achieved by the OSCs for dif-
in the form of ðq=cu Þt =ðq=cu Þunt denoted as bearing improvement ferent spacings over untreated soil, the bearing improvement
ratio, where ðq=cu Þt is the improved (treated) bearing ratio; and ratio ðqt =qunt Þ versus the settlement ratio (S/B, %) is presented in
ðq=cu Þunt is the unimproved (untreated) bearing ratio. The spacing Fig. 10 for the 200-mm-high embankment model. Similar results
ratio was defined as s=d. were obtained for embankments that were 250 and 300 mm high.

© ASCE 04015102-7 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2016, 16(4): 04015102

Table 7. Bearing Improvement Ratio at Failure for Embankment Models Constructed on Soft Clay Reinforced with OSCs

Bearing improvement ratio (qt =qunt )

Spacing H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 300 mm H ¼ 300 mm
L=d 5 8 5 8 5 8
s ¼ 2:5d 1.2 1.21 1.38 1.43 1.63 1.7
s ¼ 3d 1.11 1.15 1.30 1.36 1.42 1.55
s ¼ 4d 1.06 1.09 1.20 1.23 1.35 1.43

Table 8. Settlement Improvement Ratio at Failure for Embankment Models Constructed on Soft Clay Reinforced with OSCs
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Settlement improvement ratio, St =Sunt

Spacing H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 300 mm H ¼ 300 mm
L=d 5 8 5 8 5 8
s ¼ 0:5d 0.88 0.78 0.72 0.67 0.61 0.56
s ¼ 3d 0.89 0.81 0.78 0.70 0.70 0.62
s ¼ 4d 0.96 0.91 0.88 0.72 0.74 0.70

These results agree with those of Hewlett and Randolph (1988),

Low et al. (1994), Chen et al. (2008b), Britton and Naughton
(2008), and Ellis and Aslam (2009).

Model Tests of Embankments Reinforced with ESCs

This series consisted of 18 model tests performed with 200-, 250-,
and 300-mm embankments overlying soft clay and immediately
underneath the model footing. The nine model tests were performed
at L=d ¼ 5 and 8 and spacing ratios 2.5d, 3d, and 4d. The variation
of the bearing ratio (q=cu ) versus the settlement ratio (S=B; %) for
each ESC spacing under the embankment model is shown in Fig. 12
for the 200-mm-high embankment model. Similar results were
obtained for embankments 250 and 300 mm high. The results show
an increase in the bearing capacity with increasing applied pressure,
decreasing column spacing, and decreased L=d.
Fig. 11. Vertical stress on column at failure versus surface settlement The results of untreated soil and soil reinforced with OSCs are
for a 200-mm-high embankment model constructed on soft soil rein- presented in Table 10 for comparison with ESCs. Based on the
forced with OSCs results, the increase in the bearing capacity of soil reinforced with
ESCs was from the increase in the stone column’s confinement,
which inhibited column bulging. This was similar to the increase in
Peak improvement ratios were observed at nearly S/B at approxi- soil sample strength in the triaxial test when the confining pressure
mately 2%–4% and then decreased when the settlement increased. was increased.
This behavior was attributed to the load-transfer mechanism; the
stress was transferred to the stone columns expressing these peak Bearing Improvement Ratio versus Settlement Ratio
values, and then it was gradually transferred to the surrounding The variation of the bearing improvement ratio (qt =qunt ) versus the
soil, which is implied by the decrease in improvement. The col- settlement ratio (S/B) for embankment models on soft clay treated
umns’ bulging led to increased stress in the surrounding soil that, in with ESCs at different spacing is shown in Fig. 13 for the 200-mm-
reaction, led to an increase in column confining by this soil. Also, high embankment model. Similar results were obtained for em-
the stone columns with s=d ¼ 2:5 has a higher improvement ratio bankments 250 and 300 mm high. The figure shows the peak
for different embankment heights, which was attributed to the improvement ratios observed at S/B = 2%–6% for spacing ratios
increase in area replacement. Table 7 summarizes the bearing 2.5d, 3d, and 4d, respectively, followed by a sudden drop, and then
improvement ratios at failure. The settlement reduction ratio at fail- the improvement ratio remained nearly constant with an increase in
ure is summarized in Table 8. the deformation ratio. Using ESCs at large spacing ratios ðs ¼
3d and 4dÞ improved very soft soil to a degree closer to small spac-
Stress on Column versus Settlement ing ratios ðs ¼ 2:5d and 3dÞ with OSCs, especially for high
The stress-settlement behavior of the stone columns for all spacing embankments, which will provide economic improvement techni-
ratios was the same, as shown in Fig. 11 for the 200-mm-high ques. Fig. 13 illustrates that the improvement ratios increased with
embankment model. Similar results were obtained for embank- increasing L=d.
ments 250 and 300 mm high. The mode of failure tended to be a
general type. The bearing capacity of the stone columns at failure Settlement Reduction Ratio versus Bearing Ratio
corresponding to a settlement ratio of 10% increased with decreas- The settlement reduction ratio (St =Sunt ) versus the bearing ratio
ing spacing distance between the columns, as shown in Table 9. (q=cu ) is presented in Fig. 14 for the 200-mm-high embankment

© ASCE 04015102-8 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2016, 16(4): 04015102

Table 9. Vertical Stress on Stone Columns at Failure for Embankment Models Constructed on Soft Clay Reinforced with OSCs

Stress on column (kPa)

Spacing H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 300 mm H ¼ 300 mm
L=d 5 8 5 8 5 8
s ¼ 2:5d 16 18.8 23.6 31 25 36
s ¼ 3d 15 17 19.8 23.6 22.8 31
s ¼ 4d 11.6 13.3 14.5 19.8 17.5 21

embankment height resting on OSCs would result in a higher bear-

ing pressure (bearing capacity).
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The results of Fig. 9 show the effect of OSCs on the bearing ratio
of soil. The spacing ratio s=d ¼ 2:5 demonstrated a higher bearing
ratio at failure compared with the spacing ratio s=d ¼ 4. The mode
of failure tended to be a general type. Such behavior may be
explained by the confinement effect provided by the surrounding
soil and the adjacent stone columns. As the spacing ratio decreased,
the confinement stress provided by the surrounding soil increased.
Because the stone columns were stiffer than the surrounding soil,
the stress concentration on the stone columns increased by decreas-
ing the spacing of the stone columns and embankment height due to
soil arching and increased confinement of the surrounding soil. The
results of Fig. 9 and Tables 6 and 10 are in agreement with the
results obtained by Juran and Guermazi (1988), Craig and Al-
Khafaji (1997), Al-Waily (2008), and Fattah et al. (2011).
Fig. 12. Bearing ratio versus settlement ratio for a 200-mm-high The results of Fig. 14 imply a decrease in the settlement reduction
embankment model resting on soft soil reinforced with ESCs ratio as the bearing ratio increased to q=cu = 1.48–2.8. Then a gradual
increase in the settlement reduction ratio took place, and the decrease
in the settlement reduction ratio showed the level of improvement.
model. Similar results were obtained for embankments 250 and 300 This behavior may be attributed to the fact that the decrease in the set-
mm high. For ESCs, there was a decrease in the settlement reduc- tlement reduction ratio to q=cu = 1.48–2.8 was associated with an
tion ratio from 1 to 0.15 at q=cu of approximately 1.0-1.5 and a sig- increase in the bearing ratio and that, beyond these values, the excess
nificant increase was observed in the settlement reduction ratio with bulging led to a decrease in load-carrying capacity and a decrease in
an increasing bearing ratio after 1.5 until the end of the test. This settlement. Also, the lower improvement values in bearing capacity
means that geogrid encasement was more effective in reducing the (high degree of improvement in settlement) were observed when the
settlement of treated soil. Also, as L=d increased, the settlement embankment model was reinforced with OSCs at s=d ¼ 2:5 com-
reduction ratio decreased. The St =Sunt values of ESCs for two L=d pared with the model reinforced with columns at s=d ¼ 4, which
ratios were lower than the values of OSCs. revealed a high settlement reduction ratio for different heights of
embankment. This can be attributed to the differences in strength
Stress on Column versus Settlement between the stone column material and the surrounding soft soil;
The stress-settlement behavior of the stone columns for all spacing when s=d ¼ 4, the spacing was large, and there was load transfer to
ratios was found to be the same. Fig. 15 shows the stress-settlement the surrounding soil. This revealed low levels of bearing improve-
relation for the 200-mm-high embankment model. Similar results ment compared with settlement improvement.
were obtained for embankments 250 and 300 mm high. The Initially, the stones were dense and well packed, and this gran-
improvement of stress carried by stone columns was attributed to ular packing was able to withstand loading. The confining effect
the geogrid encasement, which increased the stiffness of the overall by the clay and the geogrid was limited or nil. The peak observed
stone columns. This led to an increase in the stress concentration at a 2%–4% settlement typically corresponded to a maximum re-
and the stress transfer to the ESCs due to the mobilization of hoop sistance of the column under low confinement. At this stage, the
stresses in the geogrid. amplitude of this confinement mainly depended on the spacing
distance, whereas the contribution from the geogrid was negligi-
ble (the geogrid was insufficiently loaded to mobilize hoop ten-
Discussion of Results sion). With a small spacing distance, the stress developing
between two columns was higher for the same settlement (or lat-
The results show an increase in the surface settlement with increas- eral expansion). To some extent, the strain in the clay could not
ing spacing of columns for applied pressure. The maximum bearing develop around the column because of the proximity of other col-
capacity of soil was observed for soft soil improved with stone col- umns. This constrained strain resulted in a higher stress state in
umns at s=d ¼ 2:5, and the minimum bearing capacity for soft soil the clay and thus in a higher confinement on the column.
improved with stone columns at s=d ¼ 4. This may be explained by As settlement increased, the stone packing was rearranged and
the reduction in the area ratio (which is defined as the area of the progressively destabilized (so-called yielding), resulting in a
clay foundation replaced by a stone column) from 12.53% to decrease in bearing capacity.
4.89%. Similar conclusions were obtained by Han and Gabr (2002) Fig. 11 and Tables 9 and 13 show that the highest vertical
and Murugesan and Rajagopal (2006). In addition, a higher stress was obtained when the least spacing ðs=d ¼ 2:5Þ was used

© ASCE 04015102-9 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2016, 16(4): 04015102

Table 10. Bearing Ratio at Failure for Embankment Model Constructed on Soft Clay Reinforced with ESCs

Bearing ratio (q=cu )

Spacing H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 300 mm H ¼ 300 mm
L=d 5 8 5 8 5 8
s ¼ 2:5d 4.5 4.9 4.6 5.2 4.9 5.5
s ¼ 3d 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.8 4.68 5.0
s ¼ 4d 4.0 4.15 4.1 4.4 4.2 4.7
Untreated soil 3.5 3.5 3.3 3.3 3.0 3.0
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Fig. 15. Vertical stress on a column at failure versus surface settle-

Fig. 13. Bearing improvement ratio versus settlement ratio for a 200- ment for a 200-mm-high embankment model constructed on soft soil
mm-high embankment resting on soft soil reinforced with ESCs reinforced with ESCs

Otherwise, the yielding of the column reduced the transfer of

vertical load from the soil.
Comparison of Figs. 9 and 12 shows that the encasement of the
stone column caused a noticeable reduction in the settlement of soft
soil, which was accompanied by a great increase in the bearing
capacity of the reinforced soil. Consequently, lateral strain in the
stone column induced hoop tension in the encasement, which
resulted in radial compression in the stone column.
A higher embankment height with an ESC with small spacing
ðs=d ¼ 2:5dÞ would result in a higher bearing pressure compared
with an OSC. Even for larger spacing there was an improvement in
bearing capacity when using an ESC compared with the small spac-
ing of an OSC. The results show good agreement with the labora-
tory test results of Sharma et al. (2004), Malarvizhi and Ilamparuthi
(2004, 2006, 2007), and Murugesan and Rajagopal (2010). They
found that using geogrid material increased the bearing capacity of
stone columns.
Fig. 12 shows a slight increase in the bearing ratio at the early
stages of applying the load with an OSC, and then the bearing ratio
Fig. 14. Settlement improvement ratio versus bearing ratio for a 200- was increased with an increase in the settlement ratio. This behavior
mm-high embankment resting on soft soil reinforced with ESCs may be attributed to the beginning of a loss of interlocking between
the stone particles and the geogrid or to the increase in lateral defor-
mation of the column with an increase in the load. This observation
is in close agreement with the results presented by Murugesan and
under the 300-mm-high embankment. This phenomenon was Rajagopal (2010) and Keyhosropur et al. (2011), who found that
due to the stress concentration occurring between the adjacent encasing stone columns with geogrids resulted in an increase in
columns and the confinement effect provided by the surrounding load-carrying capacity.
soil and the adjacent stone columns. Therefore, the stress con- Table 11 presents bearing improvement ratios at failure for each
centration on the stone columns increased when the spacing of stone column spacing under the combined effect of geogrid and
columns decreased. The decrease in vertical stress on the stone stone columns. This table illustrates a sufficient increase in the bear-
column as the spacing increased was due to the yielding of the ing capacity of stone columns, which is considered a successful
stone column. Once yielded, the stiffness of the column technique for improving very soft clays. The bearing improvement
decreased, and its radial deformation increased due to dilatancy. ratios for ESCs presented in Table 11 were greater by approximately

© ASCE 04015102-10 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2016, 16(4): 04015102

Table 11. Bearing Improvement Ratio at Failure for Embankment Models Constructed on Soft Clay Reinforced with ESCs

Bearing improvement ratio (qt =qunt )

Spacing H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 300 mm H ¼ 300 mm
L=d 5 8 5 8 5 8
s ¼ 2:5d 1.31 1.35 1.45 1.60 1.75 1.96
s ¼ 3d 1.20 1.23 1.38 1.50 1.60 1.72
s ¼ 4d 1.12 1.17 1.30 1.33 1.45 1.62

Table 12. Settlement Improvement Ratio at Failure for Embankment Models Constructed on Soft Clay Reinforced with ESCs

Settlement improvement ratio (St =Sunt )

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Spacing H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 300 mm H ¼ 300 mm

L=d 5 8 5 8 5 8
s ¼ 2:5d 0.71 0.63 0.67 0.55 0.62 0.45
s ¼ 3d 0.76 0.73 0.70 0.60 0.68 0.54
s ¼ 4d 0.9 0.79 0.79 0.64 0.70 0.60

Table 13. Vertical Stress on Stone Column at Failure for Embankment Models Constructed on Soft Clay Reinforced with ESCs

Stress on column (kPa)

H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 300 mm H ¼ 300 mm
5 8 5 8 5 8
18.6 21 25 33.4 31 46.2
16.8 19.6 23 29 27 34.3
13 15 16 22 20.6 25.9

7.3%–11.6%, 8%–12%, and 13%–16% than those for OSCs for one at 6%. The first trend was observed when s was small: it can be
embankment heights of 200, 250, and 300 mm, respectively. When assumed that there was no real interaction between stone columns.
the length ratio increased, the effect of the ESC became more visible, In contrast, a peak around 2% occurred when stone columns were at
and a clear increase in q=cu was noticed for different embankment smaller distances from each other. This was also observed in the ab-
heights. The end-bearing ESC with L=d ¼ 8 exhibited a load- sence of geogrid, which suggests that the 2% settlement peak was
carrying capacity 1.2 times that of the floating column with L=d ¼ 5. due to the interaction between the columns. When the distance was
Table 12 summarizes the settlement reduction ratio at failure. higher between the columns, this confining increase was less.
The efficiency of ESCs compared with OSCs was more pro- Comparison of Figs. 10 and 13 shows that the geogrid mainly
nounced in embankment models constructed over stone columns modified the response for large settlements.
at spacing ratios of 2.5 and 3. These results are in close agreement
with the results of Wu and Hong (2008) and Gniel and Bouazza Stress Concentration Ratio versus Bearing Ratio
(2009), who indicated a significant reduction in column vertical
settlement when ESCs were used. The settlement reduction ratio The ratio of the vertical stress in the stone column to the vertical
for ESCs was decreased by approximately 24%–14% more than stress in the surrounding soft soil is defined as the stress concen-
for OSCs at a given embankment height. tration ratio. In this study, these stresses were measured directly,
The vertical stress on the ESCs increased and the settlement and the change in pore-water pressure was considered; therefore,
decreased with a decreasing spacing ratio of the stone columns, as the stress concentration ratio was measured in terms of effective
tabulated in Table 13. These results are in good agreement with stresses (s 0 ¼ s  u, where s 0 is the effective stress; s is the
those presented by Keyhosropur et al. (2011), who found that the total stress; and u is the pore-water pressure) (Table 14). The
geosynthetic encasement increased the stiffness of a stone column. stress concentration ratio increased with an increasing load incre-
The vertical stress on ESCs was greater than that on OSCs by ment until it reached a maximum value, beyond which it
approximately 9.7%–11.8%, 11.1%–12.4%, and 23.3%–28.3% for decreased with an increasing load until it reached minimum val-
embankment heights of 200, 250, and 300 mm, respectively. The ues, which tended to increase at the test end. This was observed
increase in the length of the column caused an increase in the stress for 200-mm-high embankment models, which may be attributed
transferred to the column, but the increase was not linear. to the increasing stress on the column, whereas the stress in the
Furthermore, the increase was higher for end-bearing ESCs (L=d = surrounding soil became constant as the load increased. This find-
8) compared with floating ESCs (L/d = 5). ing is in agreement with the results obtained by Stewart and
Figs. 10 and 13 can be also discussed as follows. Two different Fahey (1994). In addition, as shown in Figs. 11 and 15, the spac-
trends can be observed in terms of peak S/B values shown in Fig. ing between columns can reduce the maximum settlement and
13. Three curves exhibited peaks greater than 6% in settlement. increase the stress concentration ratio from an increase in bearing
Two curves exhibited a peak less than 3%. The last curve (corre- capacity by preventing bulging of the stone columns. In this way,
sponding to s ¼ 2:5d and L=d ¼ 8) can be considered as a combi- the geosynthetic ESC behaves like a semirigid pile. Also, the
nation of the two previous trends: there was a local peak at 2% and improvement by using ESCs at large spacings ðs ¼ 3dÞ was

© ASCE 04015102-11 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2016, 16(4): 04015102

Table 14. Stress Concentration Ratio at Failure for Embankment Models Constructed on Soft Clay Reinforced with ESCs for Two L/d Ratios

Stress concentration ratio at failure

Spacing H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 200 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 250 mm H ¼ 300 mm H ¼ 300 mm
L=d 5 8 5 8 5 8
s ¼ 2:5d 0.94 1.15 1.47 2.20 2.10 3.60
s ¼ 3d 0.73 0.90 1.15 1.40 1.50 2.00
s ¼ 4d 0.48 0.60 0.65 1.00 0.90 1.30

similar to the improvement at s ¼ 2:5d for OSCs, which was 2. The bearing ratio increased with decreasing spacing distance
attributed to mobilization of the hoop stresses in the geogrid. This between the stone columns at any embankment height. The rate
Downloaded from by Colorado University at Boulder on 06/08/18. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

can provide an economical improvement. The stress concentra- of increase in the bearing ratio of treated models was found to
tion ratios are shown in Table 14; there was a decrease in the be within the ranges of 1.08–1.2, 1.23–1.42, and 1.37–1.65 of
stress concentration ratio below 1.0 as spacing between columns untreated models for embankment model heights of 200, 250,
increased because of the geogrid column yielding and the and 300 mm, respectively.
increase in the stiffness and strength of the surrounding soft soil 3. The bearing improvement ratio increased with decreasing spac-
during consolidation. This also can be caused by measuring con- ing ratio of stone columns for a given embankment. A higher
ditions. The results illustrate that the stress concentration ratio improvement ratio was achieved for the models reinforced with
increased gradually by increasing L=d. stone columns at s ¼ 2:5d at any embankment height. The
The results obtained compare well with the results obtained by higher values of qt =qunt were found to be 1.21, 1.44, and 1.7 for
Malarvizhi and Ilamparuthi (2006, 2007), who performed a series embankment model heights of 200, 250, and 300 mm, respec-
of experimental studies. Their analysis showed that the stress con- tively, whereas the lowest improvement was observed at spac-
centration in an ESC was higher than that in a conventional stone ing s ¼ 4d, especially for an embankment height of 200 mm.
column. Chen et al. (2008a) performed plane strain 1-g laboratory 4. The improvement in the settlement ratio increased as the spac-
tests to investigate soil arching in piled embankments with or with- ing ratio of stone columns increased. The lowest settlement
out reinforcement. They stated that the use of reinforcement to reduction ratio at failure was observed at s ¼ 2:5d for a given
improve the stress concentration ratio was more effective as the embankment height, which represents a higher degree of
spacing decreased. This conclusion was verified in this study by improvement.
direct measurement of stress in stone columns and the surrounding 5. There was a decrease in the stress concentration ratio below 1.0
soil. as spacing between columns increased because of the geogrid
The concept of arching of granular soil over an area in which column yielding and the increase in the stiffness and strength
there is partial loss of support from an underlying stratum has long of the surrounding soft soil during consolidation. The results
been recognized in the study of soil mechanics (Terzahgi 1943). Its illustrate that the stress concentration ratio (n) increased gradu-
effect is widely observed, for instance, in piled embankments. ally with increasing L=d.
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© ASCE 04015102-13 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2016, 16(4): 04015102

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