Jawaban BHS Inggris

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1. Care of equipments and the specimen collected.

 Handle and label the specimen correctly
 Send the specimen to the laboratory immediately, unless there is an order for
its handling. Because fresh specimen provides the most accurate results.
 Dispose the bedpan's content and give proper care of all equipments used.
2. Specimen Collection
 Specimen Collection refers to collecting various specimens (samples), such
as, stool, urine, blood and other body fluids or tissues, from the patient for
diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
 When collecting specimen, wear gloves to protect self from contact with body
 Get request for specimen collection and identify the types of specimen being
collected and the patient from which the specimen collected.
 Give adequate explanation to the patient about the purpose, type of specimen
being collected and the method used.
 Assemble and organize all the necessary materials for the specimen collection.
 Get the appropriate specimen container and it should be clearly labeled have
tight cover to seal the content and placed in the plastic bag or racks, so that it
protects the laboratory technician from contamination while handling it.
- The patient's identification such as, name, age, card number, the ward and
bed number (if in-patient).
- The types of specimen and method used (if needed).
- The time and date of the specimen collected.
3. Discuss why refrigerator and oven are important in the laboratory ?
Becauses refrigerator and oven to use the process of destruction or elimination of all
forms of microorganisms
 Oven
Hot - air ovens are instruments that are used for drying of
chemicals and glasswares. They are also used for the
sterilization of various glasswares and metal instruments.
They consist of double walls that are made of copper or steel.
They are heated by circulation of hot air from gas burners
between the metal walls or by electrical mains. There is a
thermometer on the top of the ovens and generally an
automatic device (thermostat) is fitted to regulate the
 Refrigerator
Refrigerators are physical means of preserving various
laboratory specimens. They suppress the growth of bacteria
and maintain the specimens with little alteration.
In addition to this, they are also used in the medical laboratory
to preserve some reagents such as
•Pregnancy tests kits,
• Rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test kits,
• Blood grouping anti sera and others which are kept in the
refrigerators to prevent their deterioration which may happen
if they stay at a room temperature.
Culture media are also preserved in refrigerators to avoid
bacterial contamination from the environment. For routine
uses, refrigerators are commonly set at a temperature of 2 to
8 0 C. There are also other deep freeze refrigerators with
different ranges of temperature for example 00C to -700C,
which are mostly utilized for research purposes.
N.B: When whole blood is preserved in refrigerators, it is
essential that the temperature is maintained at 2 to 8 0 c to
avoid damage of red blood cells.

4. Write name of instruments that are used for purifying of water in medical lab ?

5. Describe the most recommended method of sterilization techniques?

1. Physical methods
 Heat
 Dry Heat :
Simplest method is exposing the item to be sterilized to the naked
flame e.g. Bunsen burner- for sterilizing bacteriological loops, knives,
blades.Hot air oven expose items to 160°C for 1 hour. It has electric
element in the chamber as source of heat plus a fan to circulate air for
even distribution of heat in chamber. Oven without fan is dangerous.
Used for Metals, Glassware, Ointment, Oils, Waxes, Powders i.e. items
that are lacking water

 Moist Uses hot water. Moist heat kills microorganisms by denaturing

1. Boiling – quite common especially in domestic circumstances.
2. Tyndallization named after John Tyndall
Lengthy process designed to reduce the level of activity of
sporulating bacteria that are left by a simple boiling water method.
3. Pasteurization
It aims to reduce the number of viable pathogens in liquids so they
are unlikely to cause disease
It uses heat at temperatures sufficient to inactivate harmful
organism in milk. Does not achieve sterilization.
Temperature may be 138°C for a fraction of a second (flash
method), 71.7°C for 15-20 seconds or 62°C for 30 minutes.
4. Autoclaving (Steam under pressure) – Standard sterilization
method in hospitals.
Autoclave is an instrument that operates by creating high
temperature under steam pressure. Autoclaving is the most
common, effective, reliable and practical method of sterilizing
laboratory materials.
The Autoclave works under the same principle as the pressure
cooker where water boils at increased atmospheric pressure i.e.
because of increased pressure the boiling point of water is >100°C.
The autoclave is a tough double walled chamber in which air is
replaced by pure saturated steam under pressure.
For most purposes, the following cycles will
ensuresterilization of correctly loaded autoclaves correctly loaded: 
• Three minute holding time at 134C0;
• Ten minute holding time at 126 C0;
• Fifteen minute holding at 121 C0;
• Twenty holding time at 115 C0.

2. Chemical Methods
 Useful for heat sensitive materials e.g. plastics and lensed
instruments endoscopes).
 Generally, many chemicals are lethal to microorganisms.
Some of the commonly used chemicals are hypochlorite solution
(‘berekina’), phenolic derivatives and ethylene oxide.
 Ethylene Oxide Chamber:
 Ethylene oxide alkylates DNA molecules and thereby inactivates
 Ethylene oxide may cause explosion if used pure so it is mixed
with an inert gas e.g. Neon, Freon at a ratio of 10:90
It requires high humidity and is used at relative humidity 50-60%
Temperature : 55-60°C and exposure period 4-6 hours.

6. Define sterilization and explain its purpouse ?

Sterilization is the process of destruction or elimination of all
forms of microorganisms by physical means (including heat
radiation, and filtration) and chemical agents (acids, alkalis,
heavy metals, salts, halogens, etc). The equipment or
material treated then becomes “Sterile”.
 In medical laboratories, materials and equipments are
sterilized for the following main purposes.
1. In preparation for taking specimens, such as needles,
syringes, test tubes, etc.
2. To sterilize contaminated materials and equipments.
3. To prepare apparatus used for bacteriological
cultures, such as petridishes, Pasteur pipettes, and
7. Define disinfection and explain its advantages
Disinfection is the process of destruction of pathogenic or
potentially pathogenic microorganisms by chemical means. All
specimens, cultures and other material that have been
examined in a laboratory must be made non-infectious before
being discarded or leaving the laboratory. This is necessary to
protect all those health professionals working in the laboratory
and the members of the general public who may handle the
waste materials before its final disposal. Ideally all material
should be sterilized. Unfortunately it is not always possible to
achieve this. But the most recommended method is the
destruction of the vegetative forms of all pathogenic
organisms. Laboratory waste, which includes articles that will
be reused, may be disinfected by chemical or physical means.
Decontamination using chemical
Decontamination is the process of decreasing the virulence
(ability to cause disease) of microorganisms by using different
chemical agents.
Some of the chemicals that are most suited for this purpose

8. What is the the function of oven and desiccators before weighing the chemical which
has benn hydrated?

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